
2.0.3 • Public • Published


A lib to make the complex and daily used functions easy to use.


  • npm i @youmaole/easy-js
  • yarn add @youmaole/easy-js


import { store, json, string, array, object } from '@youmaole/easy-js'; // for version 1.x.x
import { store, json, object } '@youmaole/easy-js'; // for version 2.x.x

Deprecated methods

The deprecated methods will not be removed, available to use. But not be maintained.

Usage for local storage

Methods for storing data in local(by localStorage): store.saveL(key, value)

  • Example: store.saveL('test', {text: 'this is a test string for saving local'});

Methods for getting data from local: store.readL(key)

  • Example: store.readL('test');

Methods for deleting data(single) from local: store.deleteL(key)

  • Example: store.deleteL('test');

Methods for deleting all data from local: store.deleteA()

  • Example: store.deleteA();

Usage for json

Methods for covert object to string: json.toStr(obj)

  • Example: json.toStr({key: 'this is a test object'});

Methods for covert string to object: json.toObj(str)

  • Example:
var objectString = json.toStr({key: 'this is a test object'});
var object = json.toObj(objectString);

Usage for string V2

Methods to upper case:

const test = '123xyzabc';
test.ymlUpper(); // 123XYZABC

Methods to lower case:

const test = '123XYZABC';
test.ymlLower(); // 123xyzabc

Methods to trim all space:

const test = '123 X Y Z A B C';
test.ymlTrim(); // 123XYZABC

Methods to replace all:

//string.ymlReplace(source, target)
const test = 'abcabdabeabfab';
test.ymlReplace('ab', '-'); // -c-d-e-f-

Methods to compare string ignore case:

const test = 'ABC';
test.ymlCompareIgnoreCase('abC'); // true

Methods to compare string ignore space:

const test = 'ABC';
test.compareIgnoreSpace('A BC'); // true

Usage for array V2

Methods to compare array with sort:

const test = [1, 2, 'a'];
test.ymlCompareWithSort(['a', 2, 1]); // true
test.ymlCompareWithSort([1, 2, 'a', 3]); // false

Methods to compare array with sort:

cosnt test = [1, 2, 'a'];
test.ymlCompareWithoutSort(['a', 2, 1]); // false
test.ymlCompareWithoutSort([1, 2, 'a']); // true

Methods to delete element from array by indexes quickly:

const test = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0];
test.ymlDelete([9, 2, 7, 1]); // [1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9]

Methods to unique not object element:

const test = [1,2,3,4,2,2,1,3];
test.ymlUnique(); // [1,2,3,4]

Methods to unique object element by specified field:

const test = [{a:1, b: 2}, {a: 1, b: 3}];
test.ymlUniqueObject('a'); // [{a: 1, b: 3}]

Methods to sum:

const test = [1,2,3,4,5];
test.ymlSum(); // 15

Usage for object

Methods to compare the values of object without nested object:

//object.ymlObjEqual(o1, o2)
const o1 = {a: 1, b: 2};
const o2 = {a: 1, b: 2};
const o3 = {a: 1};
object.ymlObjEqual(o1, o2); // true
object.ymlObjEqual(o1, o3); // false

Methods to check contained object without nested object:

//object.ymlObjContains(o1, o2)
const o1 = {a: 1, b: 2};
const o2 = {a: 1, b: 2};
const o3 = {a: 1};
const o4 = {a: 1, c: 2};
object.ymlObjContains(o1, o2); // true
object.ymlObjContains(o1, o3); // true
object.ymlObjContains(o1, o4); // false

Usage for string @deprecated

Methods to upper case: string.upper(str)

  • Example: string.upper('abc'); //ABC

Methods to lower case: string.lower(str)

  • Example: string.lower('ABC'); //abc

Methods to trim all space: string.trim(str)

  • Example: string.trim('ab c d e f g '); //abcdefg

Methods to replace all: string.replace(str, ori, tar)

  • Example: string.replace('abcabdabeabfab', 'ab', '-'); //-c-d-e-f-

Methods to compare string ignore case: string.compareIgnoreCase(str1, str2)

  • Example: string.compareIgnoreCase('ABC', 'abC'); //true

Methods to compare string ignore space: string.compareIgnoreSpace(str1, str2)

  • Example: string.compareIgnoreSpace('ABC', 'A BC'); //true

Usage for array @deprecated

Methods to compare array with sort: array.compareWithSort(array1, array2)

  • Example: array.compareWithSort([1, 2, 'a'], ['a', 2, 1]); //true
  • Example: array.compareWithSort([1, 2, 'a', 3], ['a', 2, 1]); //false

Methods to compare array with sort: array.compareWithoutSort(array1, array2)

  • Example: array.compareWithoutSort([1, 2, 'a'], ['a', 2, 1]); //false
  • Example: array.compareWithoutSort([1, 2, 'a'], [1, 2, 'a']); //true

Methods to delete element from array by indexes quickly: array.delete(sourceArray, indexesArray)

  • Example: array.delete([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0], [9, 2, 7, 1]); //[1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9]


  • Convert the date object to string before storing to local
  • No possible to handle object element in array compare functions

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