
1.0.0 • Public • Published

The Supreme JSON Compressor™


The Supreme JSON Compressor™ is the world's best JSON Compressor / Decompressor.

Why? I will tell you.

  • It is the most theoretically possible optimal compression in JavaScript
  • It has better compression and performance than Google ProtoBuffs
  • It has support for nested Records and Collections
  • It has support for optional fields
  • It writes at the bit level

Data Types

Data Type Description Range or Notes
Null Represents a null value -
Boolean Represents a boolean value (true/false) -
UInt2 Unsigned integer 0 to 3
UInt3 Unsigned integer 0 to 7
UInt4 Unsigned integer 0 to 15
UInt5 Unsigned integer 0 to 31
UInt6 Unsigned integer 0 to 63
UInt7 Unsigned integer 0 to 127
UInt8 Unsigned integer 0 to 255
UInt9 Unsigned integer 0 to 511
UInt10 Unsigned integer 0 to 1023
UInt11 Unsigned integer 0 to 2047
UInt12 Unsigned integer 0 to 4095
UInt16 Unsigned integer 0 to 65,535
UInt32 Unsigned integer (32-bit) 0 to 4,294,967,295
Int4 Signed integer -8 to 7
Int6 Signed integer -32 to 31
Int8 Signed integer -128 to 127
Int10 Signed integer -512 to 511
Int16 Signed integer -32,768 to 32,767
Int32 Signed integer (32-bit) -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Float32 32-bit floating-point number Approximately ±1.5 × 10^-45 to ±3.4 × 10^38
Float64 64-bit floating-point number Approximately ±5.0 × 10^-324 to ±1.8 × 10^308
EntityId Represents an entity identifier -
Rotation8 Represents a rotation value with 8-bit precision -
ASCIIString Represents an ASCII string -
UTF8String Represents a UTF-8 encoded string -
RGB888 Represents an RGB color with 24-bit color depth -
RotationFloat32 Represents a rotation value with 32-bit floating-point precision -
const entityTypes = {
  'PLAYER': 0,
  'BULLET': 1,
  'BLOCK': 2,
  'BORDER': 3,
  'BODY': 4

const playerSchema = {
  id: { type: 'UInt16' },
  name: { type: 'UTF8String' },
  type: { type: 'Enum', enum: entityTypes },
  position: {
    type: 'Record',
    schema: {
      x: { type: 'Int32' },
      y: { type: 'Int32' }
  velocity: {
    type: 'Record',
    schema: {
      x: { type: 'Int32' },
      y: { type: 'Int32' }
  width: { type: 'Int32' },
  height: { type: 'Int32' },
  rotation: { type: 'Int32' },
  mass: { type: 'Int32' },
  health: { type: 'Int32' },
  depth: { type: 'Float64' },
  lifetime: { type: 'Int32' },
  radius: { type: 'Float64' },
  isSensor: { type: 'Boolean' },
  isStatic: { type: 'Boolean' },
  destroyed: { type: 'Boolean' },
  owner: { type: 'UInt16' },
  maxSpeed: { type: 'Int32' }

const snapshotSchema = {
  id: { type: 'UInt16' },
  state: {
    type: 'Collection',
    schema: playerSchema

let players = [
    id: 1,
    name: 'Bunny',
    type: 'PLAYER',
    position: { x: 10, y: 20 },
    velocity: { x: 1, y: 1 },
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    rotation: 0,
    mass: 100,
    health: 100,
    depth: 10,
    lifetime: 1000,
    radius: 100,
    isSensor: true,
    isStatic: true,
    destroyed: true,
    owner: 0,
    maxSpeed: 100,
    id: 2,
    name: 'Turtle',
    type: 'BLOCK',
    rotation: 157
    id: 3,
    name: 'Turtle',
    type: 'PLAYER',
    rotation: 314

let snapshot = {
  id: 123,
  state: players

let encoded = api.encode(snapshotSchema, snapshot);
console.log('encoded', encoded)

let decoded = api.decode(snapshotSchema, encoded);
console.log('decoded', decoded)

Alterate Options

I am not thrilled to have to create this library. In pursuit of having to not make the The Supreme JSON Compressor™ , I evaluated several other less supreme other options.

Please feel free to use these alternative options in your pursuit of compressed JSON:

msgpack / gzip / etc / untype compressions

These are different from the solutions we are looking for. We can achieve much higher compression by explicitly providing schema to the client and server for all of our data with binary types.

possible analogs

phretaddin/schemapack is closer solution; however it does not support optional fields or collections of records. Even without record support, not having optional fields means we have to send entire message on each request ( which is too much data )

colyseus/schema is a possible option; however, code is tightly coupled to colyseus framework and without Visitor pattern extension is difficult. It may have support for nested collections? colyseus has a lot of open issues that look important. colyseus/schema is a TypeScript library; while this is neat, there are no literal compression benefits from using TypeScript, so it only adds more complexity to the problem.

ProtoBuff / AVRO / etc

These univerisal encoding solutions provide second-class support to Javascript. I have reviewed all available implementations in vanilla JS, none of them are great or can support the smaller custom binary types.




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