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0.1.0 • Public • Published


Electron IPC wrapper using invoke and handle.

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electron v8 or later


Simply put, the library executes the command with invoke and receives a response of type Promise<Result<T>>.

type Result

type Result<T> = OK<T> | ERR
type OK<T> = {
  ok: true
  error: undefined
  value: T
type ERR = {
  ok: false
  error: Error
  value: undefined

Define Commands

Define commands with DefineCommands.
The argument of the command is specified by opts, and the return value is specified by ret. opts can be omitted.
Here, we also define the channel to be used in ipcMain and ipcRenderer.

// commands.ts
import type { DefineCommands } from '@yagisumi/e7ipc2-electron';

export const CHANNEL = 'app'

export type Commands = DefineCommands<{
  hello: {
    opts: {
      name?: string
    ret: string
  foo: {
    ret: {
      bar: number
      baz: number

Define Handlers

Define an handler with defineHandlers.
The return value is returned by OK(). If an error occurs, it returns an error by ERR().

// handlers.ts
import { defineHandlers, CmdHandler, OK, ERR } from '@yagisumi/e7ipc2-electron'
import { Commands } from './commands'

const helloHandler: CmdHandler<Commands, 'hello'> = async (_ev, opts) => {
  const name = opts.name ?? 'World'
  return OK(`Hello ${name}!`)

const fooHandler: CmdHandler<Commands, 'foo'> = async (_ev, _opts) => {
  const v = Math.random()
  if (v > 0.5) {
    return OK({
      bar: v,
      baz: 1,
  } else {
    return ERR(new Error('puzzling error'))

export const handlers = defineHandlers<Commands>({
  hello: helloHandler,
  foo: fooHandler,

Create a server in Electron's main process

Create a server with createServer and add an handler.
The server here is a simple wrapper for ipcMain.

import { CHANNEL, Commands } from './lib/commands'
import { handlers } from './lib/handlers'
import { createServer } from '@yagisumi/e7ipc2-electron'
import { ipcMain } from 'electron'

const server = createServer<Commands>(CHANNEL, ipcMain)

Create a client in Electron's renderer process

Create the client with createClient and execute the command with invoke.

  $cmd: `command name`,
  ...other options

Define API

// api.ts
import { CHANNEL, Commands } from './commands'
import { createClient, ERR } from '@yagisumi/e7ipc2-electron'
import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron'

const client = createClient<Commands>(CHANNEL, ipcRenderer)

export const api = {
  hello: async (name?: string) => {
    return client.invoke({ $cmd: 'hello', name }).catch(ERR)
  foo: async () => {
    return client.invoke({ $cmd: 'foo' }).catch(ERR)

export type ApiType = typeof api

Expose API

// preload.ts
import { contextBridge } from 'electron'
import { api } from './api'

contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('api', api)

Define API window

// api-window.ts
import type { ApiType } from './api'
declare const window: Window & typeof globalThis & { api: ApiType }
export default window

How to use

import window from './api-window'

async funtion example() {
  await window.api.hello('Dolly') // => {ok: true, error: undefined, value: "Hello Dolly!"}

  await window.api.foo() // => {ok: true, error: undefined, value: {bar: 0.6038104610635642, baz: 1}}
  await window.api.foo() // => {ok: false, error: Error: Uncaught Error: puzzling error, value: undefined}


MIT License


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