
0.0.32 • Public • Published


font chooser including

  • ui and library for chooser dynamics
  • tool for building meta files from fonts of your choice.

Frontend Usage

@xlfont/choose depends on @xlfont/load so you have to install both. Install by

npm install --save @xlfont/choose @xlfont/load

and include index.js and index.css under @xlfont/choose's dist folder, along with index.js in @xlfont/load.

HTML counterpart is also needed, which is available as a mixin in dist/index.pug, in pug format. @xlfont/choose is based on ldview which means UI / Logic is separated thus you can make your own chooser widget to fit your design ( while the JS Selectors are not documented so you have to check index.pug for reference. )

After installed, create a xfc instance:

chooser = new xfc( ... )

Here is a minimal working example in pug, with @plotdb/srcbuild pug extension syntax:

include @/@xlfont/choose/dist/index.pug
.ldcv: +xfc
  chooser = new xfc { root: '.ldcv', initRender: true }
  chooser.init!then -> ...

Check web/src/pug/index.pug for example with ldcover and @xlfont/choose.

Constructor Options

  • root: container element or selector for inserting font chooser
  • meta: metadata URL root. fallback to url set by xfc.url if omitted.
  • links: font file URL root. fallback to url set by xfc.url if omitted.
  • i18n: i18n object in i18next spec.
  • initRender: default false. when false, list should be rendered by calling render function manually.
    • font list rendering involves bounding box calculation, which may not be available when container isnt' visible.
    • in this case, user should manually call render() after container is visible.
  • order(a,b): sort font list based on given font objects where:
    • n: font name
  • upload({font, type}): optional. if provided, return state of upload font for certain type.
    • check state below for possible types.
  • state({font, type}): optional. return state of font for certain type.
    • type can be either:
      • limited: return true if this font is limited. default limited when type is omitted.
    • if implemented, should return undefined for unsupported type.


  • config(opt): update config, including state, order and upload option in constructor parameters.
  • render(): render font list.
  • load(opt): load a font based on the given parameter opt.
    • returns a Promise which resolves with the desired font(a xlfont object), or rejects if font is not found.
    • opt can be either:
      • a number: return the font by the given index from the font family list.
      • a string: return the font with the exact same name to opt, case insensitive.
      • a simplified font object such as {name, style, weight, mod: {file}}.
        • mod.file is an object used to load uploaded fonts.
          • it contains following fields(which will be used to call fontFromFile):
            • mandatory field:
              • blob: font file blob. mandatory. for uploaded fonts.
            • fields from File object:
              • name: font file name.
              • lastModified: timestamp of file modified time
              • size: file size
              • type: file mimetype.
          • can contains other fields depending on user spec, for example:
            • digest: file digest (e.g., md5)
            • key: file key for accessing it from a data storage.
      • the font family object itself
  • fontFromFile(opt): load a font from file. opt:
    • file: either a file object (Blob) or the mod.file object (see load(opt) above for more info)
    • name: font name. use file.name if omitted.

Class API

  • url(opt): set url hint for meta and links urls
    • opt is an object with following fields:
      • meta: suggested metadata URL root
      • links: suggested font file URL root
    • when opt is omitted, return url hint or {} if not available.


  • choose: fired when a font is chosen, with an xlfont object from @xlfont/load for the chosen font.
  • load.start: fired when a font is loading. ( after user clicking a font )
  • load.end: fired when a font load ended. ( either succeeded or failed )
  • load.fail: fired when a font is failed to load.

Xlfont Extension

@xlfont/choose extends xlfont in font.ext with following fields:

  • limited: indicate that this font is limited in usage when true.
  • blob: blob for the uploaded font, if this font is uploaded by user.

Metadata Generation

To generate metadata, also install @xlfont/choose if not installed yet:

npm install --save-dev @xlfont/choose

A command (via npx) will be available after install:

npx xfc

This command generates necessary files for @xlfont/choose to list your fonts. It generates:

  • a minimized PNG for previewing fonts.
  • metadata for font information, including name, style and position in previewer PNG.
  • a directory structure recgonized by @xlfont/choose, with symbolic links to the fonts your provided.

Avilable options:

  • --link: or -l, output directory for symbolic links to font. default ./output/links.
  • --output: or -m, output directory for metadata. default ./output/meta.
  • --font-size: or -f, default font size. default 48, auto shrink if needed.

For a complete list of possible options, please run npx xfc --help directly.

Generate with Configurations

You can also generate metadata with a prepared configuration file with --config or -c option. Supported fields in this configuration file are as follow:

  • width: default 400, width of font preview box
  • height: default 50, height of font preview box
  • col: default 5,
  • padding: default 10,
  • fsize: default 48,
  • links: output directory for symboic links to font.
  • meta: output directory for metadata.
  • src: source directory for source fonts.
  • ignores: a list of regular expressions for font names to exclude.


MIT License.


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