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Please install "ink-mde" instead

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0.8.5 • Public • Published

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The flexible TypeScript Markdown editor that powers


  • [x] Automatic, dark, or light themes (automatic by default)
  • [x] Hybrid plain-text Markdown rendering
  • [x] Supports GitHub Flavored Markdown (an extension of CommonMark)
  • [x] Syntax highlighting for many common languages (in code blocks)
  • [x] Drag-and-drop or paste to upload files
  • [x] Inline Markdown image previews
  • [x] Configurable and stylable
  • [x] An optional formatting toolbar (great for mobile)
  • [x] Vim Mode

How to install

Ink is written in TypeScript and provides both ES and UMD packages.


yarn add @writewithocto/ink


npm install --save @writewithocto/ink

How to get started

There are many ways to customize Ink to fit your needs. Here are a few examples to get you started.

Minimal setup

Mount the component and start writing.

// ./examples/minimal.ts

import ink from '@writewithocto/ink'

// The only requirement is an HTML element.

Track state changes with hooks

To sync the editor with your app's state, you can use the afterUpdate hook.

// ./examples/hooks.ts

import { defineOptions, ink } from '@writewithocto/ink'

// With hooks, you can keep your state in sync with the editor.
const state = { doc: '# Start with some text' }

// Use defineOptions for automatic type hinting.
const options = defineOptions({
  doc: state.doc,
  hooks: {
    afterUpdate: (doc: string) => {
      state.doc = doc

const editor = ink(document.getElementById('editor')!, options)

// You can also update the editor directly.

Futher customization

Option Description Type Default
options.doc Initialize the editor with an existing doc string ''
options.files.clipboard Enable file uploads on paste boolean false
options.files.dragAndDrop Enable drag-and-drop file uploads boolean false
options.files.handler Handle file uploads (not handled by Ink) (files: FileList) => Promise<any> | void () => {}
options.hooks.afterUpdate Run some code after the doc is updated (doc: string) => void () => {}
options.hooks.beforeUpdate Run some code before the doc is updated (doc: string) => void () => {}
options.interface.appearance Change the editor theme 'auto' | 'dark' | 'light' 'auto'
options.interface.attribution Show the "Powered by Ink" attribution boolean true
options.interface.images Render images in the editor boolean false
options.interface.spellcheck Enable spellcheck boolean true
options.interface.toolbar Enable the formatting toolbar boolean false
options.selections Initialize the editor with selections Ink.Editor.Selection[] []
options.toolbar.bold Include this button in the toolbar boolean true
options.toolbar.code Include this button in the toolbar boolean true
options.toolbar.codeBlock Include this button in the toolbar boolean true
options.toolbar.heading Include this button in the toolbar boolean true
options.toolbar.image Include this button in the toolbar boolean true
options.toolbar.italic Include this button in the toolbar boolean true Include this button in the toolbar boolean true
options.toolbar.list Include this button in the toolbar boolean true
options.toolbar.orderedList Include this button in the toolbar boolean true
options.toolbar.quote Include this button in the toolbar boolean true
options.toolbar.taskList Include this button in the toolbar boolean true
options.toolbar.upload Include this button in the toolbar boolean false
options.vim Use Vim keybindings to edit the doc boolean false


Many aspects of the editor's appearance can be customized with CSS custom properties (aka CSS variables).

General-purpose styles

CSS Custom Property CSS Property Default (Dark) Override (Light)
--ink-border-radius border-radius 0.25rem
--ink-color color #fafafa #171717
--ink-font-family font-family sans-serif
--ink-flex-direction flex-direction column

Block styles

Blocks are used to provide a dynamic user experience. Examples of blocks are images, multiline code blocks, and the toolbar.

CSS Custom Property CSS Property Default (Dark) Override (Light)
--ink-block-background-color background-color #121212 #f5f5f5
--ink-block-background-color-on-hover background-color #0f0f0f #e0e0e0
--ink-block-max-height max-height 20rem
--ink-block-padding padding 0.5rem

Code styles

These styles are for code blocks and inline code.

CSS Custom Property CSS Property Default (Dark) Override (Light)
--ink-code-background-color background-color var(--ink-block-background-color)
--ink-code-color color inherit
--ink-code-font-family font-family 'Monaco', Courier, monospace

Syntax highlighting

You can customize the entire syntax theme too.

CSS Custom Property CSS Property Default (Dark) Override (Light)
--ink-syntax-atom-color color #d19a66
--ink-syntax-comment-color color #abb2bf
--ink-syntax-emphasis-color color inherit
--ink-syntax-emphasis-font-style font-style italic
--ink-syntax-heading-color color #e06c75
--ink-syntax-heading-font-size font-size 1em
--ink-syntax-heading-font-weight font-weight 600
--ink-syntax-heading1-color color #e06c75
--ink-syntax-heading1-font-size font-size 1.6em
--ink-syntax-heading1-font-weight font-weight 600
--ink-syntax-heading2-color color #e06c75
--ink-syntax-heading2-font-size font-size 1.5em
--ink-syntax-heading2-font-weight font-weight 600
--ink-syntax-heading3-color color #e06c75
--ink-syntax-heading3-font-size font-size 1.4em
--ink-syntax-heading3-font-weight font-weight 600
--ink-syntax-heading4-color color #e06c75
--ink-syntax-heading4-font-size font-size 1.3em
--ink-syntax-heading4-font-weight font-weight 600
--ink-syntax-heading5-color color #e06c75
--ink-syntax-heading5-font-size font-size 1.2em
--ink-syntax-heading5-font-weight font-weight 600
--ink-syntax-heading6-color color #e06c75
--ink-syntax-heading6-font-size font-size 1.1em
--ink-syntax-heading6-font-weight font-weight 600
--ink-syntax-keyword-color color #c678dd
--ink-syntax-link-color color #96c0d8
--ink-syntax-meta-color color #abb2bf
--ink-syntax-name-color color #d19a66
--ink-syntax-name-label-color color #abb2bf
--ink-syntax-name-property-color color #96c0d8
--ink-syntax-name-property-definition-color color #e06c75
--ink-syntax-name-variable-color color #e06c75
--ink-syntax-name-variable-definition-color color #e5c07b
--ink-syntax-name-variable-local-color color #d19a66
--ink-syntax-name-variable-special-color color inherit
--ink-syntax-number-color color #d19a66
--ink-syntax-operator-color color #96c0d8
--ink-syntax-processing-instruction-color color #444444 #bbbbbb
--ink-syntax-punctuation-color color #abb2bf
--ink-syntax-strikethrough-color color inherit
--ink-syntax-strikethrough-text-decoration text-decoration line-through
--ink-syntax-string-color color #98c379
--ink-syntax-string-special-color color inherit
--ink-syntax-strong-color color inherit
--ink-syntax-strong-font-weight font-weight 600
--ink-syntax-url-color color #96c0d8


Your support is appreciated. Here are some ways you can help. ♥️

Leave the Attribution enabled

There is a small Powered by Ink attribution in the bottom-right corner of all Ink instances by default. Ink is a free MIT-licensed library under independent development, and that attribution helps to increase awareness of this project.

Tell us what you think

Your feedback is immensely important for building Ink into a library that we all love. Consider starting a discussion under Octo if you have a question or just want to chat about ideas!

Open a Pull Request

If you feel comfortable with an existing issue, please consider opening a Pull Request. I would love to work with you to get it merged!

Become a financial backer

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  • voraciousdev