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3.0.0-alpha.8 • Public • Published

Canvas Kit Header

A set of components to create headers for various Workday applications and sites.

For a full suite of examples, have a look at the Header Stories.

Coming Soon

  • Search Support
  • Mobile Expanded Nav


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yarn add @workday/canvas-kit-react-header


This component renders a responsive, Canvas-style header.


import * as React from 'react';
import {Header} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-header';
import {AvatarButton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-avatar';
import {IconButton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-button';
import {notificationsIcon} from '@workday/canvas-system-icons-web';
import {Button} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-button';

<Header title="Header" brandUrl="#">
      <li className="current">
        <a href="#">Discover</a>
        <a href="#">Library</a>
        <a href="#">Create</a>
        <a href="#">Manage</a>
    onClick={() => {
      alert('clicked avatar');
  <Button variant={Button.Variant.Primary}>Sign Up</Button>

Special Children

nav, ul, li

For a semantic navigation menu, this component will style a child <nav> element with an un-ordered list inside (<ul>). This list can contain any number of <li> elements with <a> elements. You can visually distinguish the link that your page is currently on by adding the class name: "current" to the <li> element containing the current page link.


Deprecated (but supported) - please use IconButton instead.

The Header supports Canvas SystemIcon components, but will convert them into an IconButton with the correct styling for the theme you've provided.

A Note About Buttons

Please use a Primary Canvas Button for this component's call-to-action buttons (see the usage example below).

Static Properties

Theme: HeaderTheme

<Header title="Blue Header" themeColor={Header.Theme.Blue} />

Variant: HeaderVariant

<Header title="Marketing Header" variant={Header.Variant.Full} />

Component Props




title: string

The title displayed on the header next to the logo.

Default: ''

themeColor: HeaderTheme

The theme of the header (White, Blue, or Transparent).

Theme Description
White White background with dark-colored text, blue system icons.
Blue Dark blue gradient background with white text, white system icons.
Transparent Transparent background (intended for dark-colored overlays) with white text, white system icons.

Default: HeaderTheme.White

variant: HeaderVariant

Specifies the variation of the header.

Variant Description
Dub "Dub" headers have a singular "Dub" logo and a title, separated by a equivalent-height divider. It is shorter in height (64px) than the "Full" variant.
Full "Full" headers have the full Workday logo and an optional title at minimum, separated by an equivalent-height divider (when a title is defined). It is taller in height (80px) than the "Dub" variant.

Default: HeaderVariant.Dub

brandUrl: string

The href attribute when clicking on the title logo. Default: '#'

brand: React.ReactNode

If specified, this replaces the contents of the Dub logo and title. Used for replacing Dub + title with a contained lockup and/or for adding custon design elements next to the Dub + title lockup.

Default: DubLogoTitle (for "Dub" variants) or WorkdayLogoTitle (for "Full" variants)

breakpoints: { sm: number, md: number, lg: number }

The min-width breakpoints at which to collapse the children of the header.

Special children collapse in this order:

  • The nav element collapses into a hamburger icon menu after the screen width falls below the lg breakpoint
  • Any IconButton or SystemIcon collapses after the screen width falls below the md breakpoint
  • sm may be reserved for future functionality


  sm: 320,
  md: 768,
  lg: 1120,

onMenuClick: (React.SyntheticEvent) => void

A click handler for when the user clicks the mobile collapsed nav icon.

centeredNav: boolean

When true, the header centers the nav in the middle of the header.

onSearchSubmit: (React.SyntheticEvent) => void

A function that accepts a React.SyntheticEvent for when the user submits from the search input. A search input will not be rendered if this is not provided.

highlightSearch: boolean

A flag to highlight the search on the left beside the logo. Will only work if onSearchSubmit is provided.

onBreakpointChange: (BreakpointType | string) => void

If specified, this callback is executed after the screen size changes with the new breakpoint key. It also gets called on initialization so the consumer has the original breakpoint

Global Header

The Global Header (or App Header) is used for Workday applications.


import {GlobalHeader, DubLogoTitle} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-header';
import {AvatarButton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-avatar';
import {IconButton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-button';
import {notificationsIcon, inboxIcon} from '@workday/canvas-system-icons-web';

const HeaderBrand = () => <DubLogoTitle themeColor={Header.Theme.White} />
const HeaderAvatar = () => <AvatarButton onClick={handleMenuClick} url="https://my.cdn.amazonaws.com/assets/avatar_pic.png" />
const handleSearchSubmit = query => console.log("Submitted query: ", query)
const openMenu = e => console.log("Menu opened")
const handleBreakpointChange = key => console.log(`Breakpoint change: ${key}`)

 * In this instance, the right-most child will be an AvatarButton component, when the GlobalHeader
 * shrinks below the specified breakpoint (720 in this case), the children get replaced by a menuToggle.
 * For most GlobalHeader implementations, the menuToggle is also the AvatarButton component.
  brand={<HeaderBrand />}
  menuToggle={<HeaderAvatar />}
  <IconButton icon={notificationsIcon} variant={IconButton.Variant.Circle} />
  <IconButton icon={inboxIcon} variant={IconButton.Variant.Circle} />
  <HeaderAvatar />

Static Properties


Component Props




brand: React.ReactNode

If specified, this replaces the contents of the Dub logo and title. Used for replacing Dub + title with a branded element and/or for adding custon design elements next to the Dub + title lockup.

Default: <DubLogoTitle />

menuToggle: React.ReactNode

Note: This menuToggle slot only appears when the screen size shrinks below the breakpoint.

For most GlobalHeader implementations, this is generally the same as the users' Avatar. If not specified, menuToggle defaults to a "hamburger" menu icon or "justify" icon.

Default: justifyIcon from @workday/canvas-system-icons-web

onMenuClick: (React.SyntheticEvent) => void

A click handler for when the user clicks the menuToggle element.

Default: <DubLogoTitle />

onSearchSubmit: React.ReactNode

A function that accepts a React.SyntheticEvent for when the user submits from the search input. A search input will not be rendered if this is not provided.

onBreakpointChange: (BreakpointType | string) => void

If specified, this callback is executed after the screen size changes with the new breakpoint key. It also gets called on initialization so the consumer has the original breakpoint

"Dub" Logo and Title

Intended to be used in conjunction with the Header component

A component that encapsulates the 'Dub' logo and a title (we call this the contained lockup). This is used whenever you want to override the contained lockup that comes default with a header, or if you want to add more elements next to the title with custom components or markup, or change the background color of the contained lockup


import {Header, DubLogoTitle} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-header';
import {colors} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-core';

  brand={<DubLogoTitle title="This title will show up instead" bgColor={colors.blueberry600} />}

Static Properties


Component Props


title: string

The title displayed on the header next to the logo.

Default: ''


themeColor: HeaderTheme

The theme of the header (White, Blue, or Transparent).

Default: HeaderTheme.White

bgColor: string

Sets the background CSS property for the contained lockup.

Default: 'none'

Workday Logo and Title

Intended to be used in conjunction with the Header component

A component that contains the full Workday logo and a title. This is used whenever you want to override the contained lockup that comes default with a header, or if you want to add more elements next to the title with custom components or markup.


import {Header, WorkdayLogoTitle} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-header';

<Header brand={<WorkdayLogoTitle title="Display Title" />} />;

Static Properties


Component Props




themeColor: HeaderTheme

The theme of the header (White, Blue, or Transparent). See the themeColor prop on the Header component.

Default: HeaderTheme.White

title: string

The title displayed on the header next to the logo.

Default ''


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  • jaclynjessup
  • nicholasboll
  • alanbsmith
  • workday-canvas-kit
  • justin.pante
  • anicholls