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0.5.13 • Public • Published

Wooks Proxy

!!! This is work-in-progress library, breaking changes are expected !!!

Wooks Proxy is composable proxy for @wooksjs/event-http

🔥 An easy way to proxy request!


npm install @wooksjs/http-proxy


import { useProxy } from '@wooksjs/http-proxy'
app.get('/to-proxy', () => {
  const proxy = useProxy()
  return proxy('https://target-website.com/target-path?query=123')

Restrict cookies/headers to pass

import { useProxy } from '@wooksjs/http-proxy'
app.get('/to-proxy', () => {
  const proxy = useProxy()
  return proxy('https://target-website.com/target-path?query=123', {
    reqHeaders: { block: ['referer'] }, // block referer header
    reqCookies: { block: '*' }, // block all req cookies

Change response

It's easy as proxy returns fetch response

import { useProxy } from '@wooksjs/http-proxy'
app.get('/to-proxy', async () => {
  const proxy = useProxy()
  const response = proxy('https://mayapi.com/json-api')
  const data = { ...(await response.json()), newField: 'new value' }
  return data

Proxy advanced options

import { useProxy } from '@wooksjs/http-proxy'
import { useRequest } from '@wooksjs/composables'
app.get('*', async () => {
  const proxy = useProxy()
  const { url } = useRequest()
  const fetchResponse = await proxy('https://www.google.com' + url, {
    // optional method, be default is set with
    // the original request method
    method: 'GET',

    // the next four options help to filter out
    // request/response headers/cookies
    // each of the option accepts an object with:
    // - allow: '*' | (string | RegExp)[] - a list to allow (default '*')
    // - block: '*' | (string | RegExp)[] - a list to block
    // - overwrite: Record<string| string> | ((data: object) -> object) - object or fn to overwrite data
    reqHeaders: { block: ['referer'] },
    reqCookies: { allow: ['cookie-to-pass-upstream'] },
    resHeaders: { overwrite: { 'x-proxied-by': 'wooks-proxy' } },
    resCookies: { allow: ['cookie-to-pass-downstream'] },

    // debug: true - will print proxy paths and headers/cookies
    debug: true,
  return fetchResponse // fetch response is supported, the body will be downstreamed

  // > you can also return fully buffered body as Uint8Array
  // return new Uint8Array(await fetchResponse.arrayBuffer())

  // > or as string
  // return fetchResponse.text()

  // > or change response before return
  // const data = await fetchResponse.text() + '<new data>'
  // return data


To check out docs, visit wooks.moost.org.

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  • mav-rik