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πŸ•πŸ’Ύ @woofjs/data

Data models, collections and validation for dogs. πŸ•

Modern apps may have many sources of data, but you still need a single source of truth. In @woofjs/data, models ensure the truth that your data is what you expect it to be, while collections ensure that only one copy of a given record exists at once in that collection.


Models ensure that your data is structured how you expect by enforcing a schema that you define. Model instances (called 'records') are uniquely identified by the value of their key.

import { makeModel, v } from "@woofjs/data";

const User = makeModel({
  key: "id",

  schema: v
      id: v.number(),
      name: v.shape({
        family: v.string().optional(),
        given: v.string(),
        format: v.oneOf("family-given", "given-family").optional(),
      status: v.oneOf("offline", "online"),
      createdAt: v.string().isoDate(),

Validating objects

Models can validate plain objects to determine if they match the model's schema.

const data = {
  id: 1,
  name: "Bob Jones",
  createdAt: "yesterday",

const result = User.validate(data);

// result:
  key: undefined,
  valid: false,
  errors: [
      path: ["name"],
      message: "expected an object; received a string",
      received: "Bob Jones"
      path: ["status"],
      message: "expected one of: 'offline', 'online'; received undefined",
      received: undefined
      path: ["createdAt"],
      message: "string does not match expected pattern",
      received: "yesterday"

Subscribing to changes

Records are observable, meaning you can .subscribe to them to receive new values when the data they hold has changed.

const user = new User(data);

const subscription = user.subscribe((latest) => {
  console.log(`Hello ${latest.name.given}!`);

user.name.given = "Jimothy"; // Observer receives the data with this new name.

// "Hello Jimothy!"

// Stop receiving changes


Collections group records that conform to a model's schema. Records are identified by their key, so only one copy of a given record can exist in a collection at one time.

import { collectionOf } from "@woofjs/data";

const Users = collectionOf(User);

Adding and removing records

Collections have three methods to modify their collected records; set, delete and clear.

// A User instance.
const user = new User({
  id: 1,
  name: {
    family: "Jones",
    given: "Bob",
    format: "given-family",
  status: "online",
  createdAt: new Date().toISOString(),

await Users.set(user);

await Users.delete(user);

// Remove all records.
await Users.clear();

The set and delete methods can take one or more objects, and delete can also take IDs.

await Users.set(user1, user2, user3);

await Users.delete(user1, 123, user3);

Updating records

Model IDs in a collection are unique, so if you want to update an existing record you just set another object with the same ID.

Querying records

// Returns the first record where the function returns true.
const user = await Users.find((user) => {
  return user.id === 123;

// Get one record by ID (shorthand).
const user = await Users.find(123);

// Get all records where the function returns true.
const onlineUsers = await Users.filter((user) => {
  return user.status === "online";

find and filter return observables, so if you want to subscribe to a live query instead of getting a value only once, you can call .subscribe.

const subscription = Users.filter((user) => user.status === "online").subscribe(
  (results) => {
    // Gets the list of online users whenever the collection changes.

const subscription = Users.find(123).subscribe((user) => {
  // Gets the latest result whenever user 123 is updated.

// Unsubscribe to stop receiving updates.

Subscribing to collection changes

Collections emit events when their data changes. Each callback receives an array of the affected records.

const cancel = Users.on("add", (users) => {
  // Do something with the new records.

const cancel = Posts.on("update", (users) => {
  // Do something with the updated records.

const cancel = Users.on("delete", (users) => {
  // Do something with the removed records.

// Cancel to stop listening for changes.

Sorting collections

Collections can be sorted so their records always appear in a certain order when filtered or iterated through. The sortBy option can be a string, object or function. All three ways to define it are outlined below.

const Users = collectionOf(User, {
  // Sort by 'createdAt' ascending
  sortBy: "createdAt",

  // Sort by 'createdAt' descending
  sortBy: {
    key: "createdAt",
    descending: true,

  // Or pass a sort function directly that takes two records.
  sortBy: (a, b) => {
    return a.createdAt < b.createdAt ? -1 : 1;


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