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0.0.1 • Public • Published


A TypeScript implementation of the Repository Pattern that can be used to build structured client-side libraries for consuming page data from CMS systems.

Table of Contents

Quick Start


npm install --save @wiser/cms-pattern


First define your page model. Be sure to make sure it is defined at a class. This is your contract that should be implemented in the view template. We will ensure that our home page repository always maintains this contract.

export class HomePage {
  public title!: string;
  public subtitle!: string;
  public body!: string;

Then implement a SinglePageRepository to resolve the HomePage class.

import { SinglePageRepository } from '@wiser/cms-patterm';
import { HomePage } from './';

class DemoHomePageRepository implements SinglePageRepository<HomePage, undefined>  {
  public async read(): Promise<HomePage> {
    // Fetch the data
    // This is probably more involved then demonstrated
    const page_data: JsonHomePage = ...;
    // Instantiate and assign props
    // Ideally, a Factory pattern is implemented
    // to take the raw source data and return an
    // the instantiated target object
    const page = new HomePage();
    page.title = page_data.title;
    page.subtitle = page_data.subtitle;
    page.body = page_data.body;
    return page;


We can also have implemented MultiPageRepository to resolve a set of pages that are instantiations of the same class.

In order to register the DemoHomePageRepository to resolve HomePage, we must define an extension of PageDownloader and add all SinglePageRepositoryRegistrations and MultiPageRepositoryRegistrations to the registrations array.

import {
} from '@wiser/cms-pattern';
import {
} from './';

export class DemoPageDownloader extends PageDownloader<Object, unknown> {
  protected readonly registrations = [
    new SinglePageRepositoryRegistration(

We are not ready to download the HomePage. We can do this wherever, whenever.

import {
} from './';

const downloader = new DemoPageDownloader();
downloader.downloadPage(HomePage, undefined);

After, or before, calling downloadPage on the DemoPageDownloader, we can use the CMS class to access the page data.

import { CMS } from '@wiser/cms-pattern';
import { HomePage } from './';

const cms = new CMS();

  page => console.log(page),
// output:
// HomePage { title: ..., subtitle: ..., body: ... }

Public Exports


<<interface>> SinglePageRepository<T, S>

A subset of ReadonlyRepository<T, S> omiting list. Data of type T can be accessed by id of type S.

Implement this interface with the logic for accessing data and resolving an instantiation of the target model when there exists a single upstream instance of the model.


<<interface>> MultiPageRepository<T, S>

A mirror of ReadonlyRepository<T, S>. Data of type T can be accessed by id of type S.

Implement this interface with the logic for accessing data and resolving an instantiation of the target model when there exists multiple upstream instances of the model.


SinglePageRepositoryRegistration<T, S>

An implementation of RepositoryRegistration<T, S> that requires that the Data property map to a the SinglePageRepository<T, S> implementation on the Repository property.

This is simply instantiated and provided to an extension PageDownloader in the registrations property.


MultiPageRepositoryRegistration<T, S>

An implementation of RepositoryRegistration<T, S> that requires that the Data property map to a the MultiPageRepository<T, S> implementation on the Repository property.

This is simply instantiated and provided to an extension PageDownloader in the registrations property.


<<abstract>> PageDownloader<T, S>

Allows extending class to register page repositories, and then exposes methods for downloading page data of type T from the assigned Repository instances matching on id of type S as defined in the Repository implementation.


<<type>> PageDownloader<T, S>

A filter to be applied on an instance of type T, where a key of T is provided and value of unknown type must be matched.



Provides access to CMS state through Observables to specific instantiations resolved by PageDownloader<T, S> repositorty registrations. The page and streamPage methods can take optional CmsPageFilters.

Example Implementation

import {
} from '@wiser/cms-pattern';

// Datasources

// Fake JSON data
const JSON_PAGES = {
  home: {
    title: 'title',
    subtitle: 'subtitle',
    body: 'body',
  about: {
    title: 'title',
    body: 'body',
    about: 'about',
  blogs: [
      id: '1',
      entry: 'Hello, world!',
      published: '2020-01-03',
      id: '2',
      entry: 'Goodbye, curel world!',
      published: '2020-02-29',

// Fake XML data
const XML_PAGES = `
      <entry>Hello, world!</entry>
      <entry>Goodbye, curel world!</entry>

// Client Code

// datasource models

type JsonHomePage = {
  title: string;
  subtitle: string;
  body: string;

type JsonAboutPage = {
  title: string;
  body: string;
  about: string;

type JsonBlogPage = {
  id: string;
  entry: string;
  published: string;

type XmlHomePage = string;

type XmlAboutPage = string;

type XmlBlogPage = string;

// page models

class HomePage {
  public title!: string;
  public subtitle!: string;
  public body!: string;

class AboutPage {
  public title!: string;
  public body!: string;
  public about!: string;

class BlogPage {
  public id!: number;
  public post!: string;
  public date!: Date;

// repository models

interface HomePageRepository extends SinglePageRepository<HomePage, undefined> { }

interface AboutPageRepository extends SinglePageRepository<AboutPage, undefined> { }

interface BlogPageRepository extends MultiPageRepository<BlogPage, number> { }

// repository implementations

class JsonHomePageRepository implements HomePageRepository {
  private data = JSON_PAGES;
  public async read(): Promise<HomePage> {
    // Fetch the data
    // This is probably more involved then demonstrated
    const page_data: JsonHomePage = this.data.home;
    // Instantiate and assign props
    // Ideally, a Factory pattern is implemented
    // to take the raw source data and return an
    // the instantiated target object
    const page = new HomePage();
    page.title = page_data.title;
    page.subtitle = page_data.subtitle;
    page.body = page_data.body;
    return page;

class JsonAboutPageRepository implements AboutPageRepository {
  private data = JSON_PAGES;
  public async read(): Promise<AboutPage> {
    // Fetch the data
    // This is probably more involved then demonstrated
    const page_data: JsonAboutPage = this.data.about;
    // Instantiate and assign props
    // Ideally, a Factory pattern is implemented
    // to take the raw source data and return an
    // the instantiated target object
    const page = new AboutPage();
    page.title = page_data.title;
    page.body = page_data.body;
    page.about = page_data.about;
    // return the instance
    return page;

class JsonBlogPageRepository implements BlogPageRepository {
  private data = JSON_PAGES;
  public async read(id: number): Promise<BlogPage> {
    // Fetch the data
    // This is probably more involved then demonstrated
    const pages = await this.list();
    const page = pages.find(page => page.id === id);
    if (!page) {
      throw new Error(`Blog page ${id} not found`);
    // return the instance
    return page;
  public async list(): Promise<BlogPage[]> {
    // Fetch the data
    // This is probably more involved then demonstrated
    const pages = this.data.blogs.map(
      (page_data: JsonBlogPage) => {
        // Instantiate and assign props
        // Ideally, a Factory pattern is implemented
        // to take the raw source data and return an
        // the instantiated target object
        const page = new BlogPage();
        page.id = +page_data.id;
        page.post = page_data.entry;
        page.date = new Date(page_data.published);
        return page;
    // return the instance
    return pages;

class XmlHomePageRepository implements HomePageRepository {
  private data = XML_PAGES;
  public async read(): Promise<HomePage> {
    // Fetch the data
    // This is probably more involved then demonstrated
    const page_data: XmlHomePage =
      (this.data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<aboutpage>(.+)<\/aboutpage>/) || ['', ''])[1];
    // Instantiate and assign props
    // Ideally, a Factory pattern is implemented
    // to take the raw source data and return an
    // the instantiated target object
    const page = new HomePage();
    page.title =
      (page_data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<title>(.+)<\/title>/) || ['', ''])[1];
    page.subtitle =
      (page_data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<subtitle>(.+)<\/subtitle>/) || ['', ''])[1];
    page.body =
      (page_data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<body>(.+)<\/body>/) || ['', ''])[1];
    // return the instance
    return page;

class XmlAboutPageRepository implements AboutPageRepository {
  private data = XML_PAGES;
  public async read(): Promise<AboutPage> {
    // Fetch the data
    // This is probably more involved then demonstrated
    const page_data: XmlAboutPage =
      (this.data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<aboutpage>(.+)<\/aboutpage>/) || ['', ''])[1];
    // Instantiate and assign props
    // Ideally, a Factory pattern is implemented
    // to take the raw source data and return an
    // the instantiated target object
    const page = new AboutPage();
    page.title =
      (page_data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<title>(.+)<\/title>/) || ['', ''])[1];
    page.body =
      (page_data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<body>(.+)<\/body>/) || ['', ''])[1];
    page.about =
      (page_data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<about>(.+)<\/about>/) || ['', ''])[1];
    // return the instance
    return page;

class XmlBlogPageRepository implements BlogPageRepository {
  private data = XML_PAGES;
  public async read(id: number): Promise<BlogPage> {
    // Fetch the data
    // This is probably more involved then demonstrated
    const pages = await this.list();
    const page = pages.find(page => page.id === id);
    if (!page) {
      throw new Error(`Blog page ${id} not found`);
    // return the instance
    return page;
  public async list(): Promise<BlogPage[]> {
    // Fetch the data
    // This is probably more involved then demonstrated
    const pages_data: XmlAboutPage[] = this.data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<blogpage>(.+?)<\/blogpage>/g) || [];
    const pages = pages_data.map(
      (page_data: XmlBlogPage) => {
        // Instantiate and assign props
        // Ideally, a Factory pattern is implemented
        // to take the raw source data and return an
        // the instantiated target object
        const page = new BlogPage();
        page.id =
          +(page_data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<id>(.+)<\/id>/) || ['', ''])[1];
        page.post =
          (page_data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<entry>(.+)<\/entry>/) || ['', ''])[1];
        page.date =
          new Date(
            (page_data.replace(/\n/g, '').match(/<published>(.+)<\/published>/) || ['', ''])[1],
        return page;
    // return the instance
    return pages;

// downloader implementation

class SiteContentDownloader extends PageDownloader<Object, unknown> {
  // We can register multiple SinglePageRepository<T, ...> to download
  // a page of type T, or MultiPageRepository to download multiple pages.
  // The fastest resolver wins. However, a page only needs to be
  // registered one SinglePageRepository to function.
  // For example, two instances of HomePageRepository are registered to
  // download instances of HomePage.
  protected readonly registrations = [
    new SinglePageRepositoryRegistration(HomePage, JsonHomePageRepository),
    new SinglePageRepositoryRegistration(HomePage, XmlHomePageRepository),
    new SinglePageRepositoryRegistration(AboutPage, JsonAboutPageRepository),
    new SinglePageRepositoryRegistration(AboutPage, XmlAboutPageRepository),
    new SinglePageRepositoryRegistration(BlogPage, JsonBlogPageRepository),
    new SinglePageRepositoryRegistration(BlogPage, XmlBlogPageRepository),
    new MultiPageRepositoryRegistration(BlogPage, JsonBlogPageRepository),
    new MultiPageRepositoryRegistration(BlogPage, XmlBlogPageRepository),

// Runtime Simulation

async function main(): Promise<void> {
  const downloader = new SiteContentDownloader();
  const cms = new CMS();

  // Expected Output //
  // --------------- //
  // HOME -> ...     //
  // POSTS -> ...    //
  // POST 1 -> ...   //
  // ABOUT -> ...    //

  // run on home resolver
  downloader.downloadPage(HomePage, undefined);
  // run on about resolver
  downloader.downloadPage(AboutPage, undefined);
  // run on post resolver
  downloader.downloadPage(BlogPage, 1);
  // run on posts resolver

  // run on home page
    page => console.log('HOME -> ', page),
  // run on posts page
    page => console.log('POSTS -> ', page),
  // run on post 1 page
  cms.page(BlogPage, { key: 'id', value: 1 } as CmsPageFilter<BlogPage>).subscribe(
    page => console.log('POST 1 -> ', page),
  // run on post 2 page (NOT LOADED BY DOWNLOADER)
  cms.page(BlogPage, { key: 'id', value: 2 }).subscribe(
    page => console.log('POST 2 -> ', page),
  // run on about page - data loads before page renders
    () => {
        page => console.log('ABOUT -> ', page),



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