TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.3.3 • Public • Published

Create a new React + Redux project with Plink


Knownledge of create-react-app, Redux toolkit, Redux-observable.

Create a React working space

  1. copy .npmrc to root directory of repository, if you have an NPM registry preference to customize.

  2. Suppose you are about to create a space directory named "react-space"

export npm_config_legacy_peer_deps=true # if your npm version is above 7.x (included)
export npm_config_registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org/ # if you are in China
create-react-app react-space --template cra-template-pwa-typescript --use-npm --verbose
  1. Add extra dependencies to react-space/package.json file.

Add dependencies, packages with @wfh are required by Plink, others should be your source code package and 3rd party libraries,

"devDependencies": {
  "@wfh/cra-scripts": "1.0.21",
  "@wfh/webpack-common": "1.0.2",
  "@wfh/redux-toolkit-observable": "1.0.5",
  "react-app-polyfill": "^2.0.0",
  "@reduxjs/toolkit": "~1.5.0",
  "redux-observable": "~1.2.0",
  "@types/react-redux": "^7.1.16",
  "react-redux": "^7.2.2"
  "@foobar/your-feature-package": "1.0.0"

You may also use Plink "add" command to add dependencies

plink sync react-space
plink add --to react-space --dev sass @wfh/cra-scripts @wfh/webpack-common @wfh/redux-toolkit-observable react-app-polyfill react-redux@^7.2.2 @types/react-redux@^7.1.16

Build and watch

plink init reac-space
cd react-space

# To see command line help
# plink cra-build -h
plink cra-build app <package name>

checkout helper

plink cra-build -h

Usage: plink cra-build [options] <app|lib> <package-name>

Compile react application or library, <package-name> is the target package name

  -w, --watch                                     Watch file changes and compile (default: false)
  --dev                                           set NODE_ENV to "development", enable react-scripts in dev mode (default: false)
  --purl, --publicUrl <string>                    set environment variable PUBLIC_URL for react-scripts (default: "/")
  -c, --config <config-file>                      Read config files, if there are multiple files, the latter one overrides previous one (default: [])
  --prop <property-path=value as JSON | literal>  <property-path>=<value as JSON | literal> ... directly set configuration properties, property name is lodash.set() path-like
                                                  --prop port=8080 --prop devMode=false --prop @wfh/foobar.api=http://localhost:8080
                                                  --prop port=8080 --prop devMode=false --prop @wfh/foobar.api=http://localhost:8080
                                                  --prop arraylike.prop[0]=foobar
                                                  --prop ["@wfh/foo.bar","prop",0]=true (default: [])
  -h, --help                                      display help for command

Customize Webpack configuration

Create a TS file in your package directory

import {ReactScriptsHandler} from '@wfh/cra-scripts/dist/types';

const configHandler:ReactScriptsHandler = {
  webpack(cfg, env, cmdOpt) {
export default configHandler;

Prepare environment

  • Remember to run plink run or npm run plink -- init to instal some of the updated dependencies when everytime source code is updated by pulling new updates from remote Git server.

  • Node v12.x

Creating a package skelaton

Install dependencies which you only need to do it once for the first time

cd <react-space-dir>

Run command

plink cra-gen-pkg ../packages/foobar-app
# or 
# plink run node_modules/@bk/cra-scripts/dist/cmd.js#genPackage portal-home


[cra-scripts cmd] projects/cra-lib/foobar-app/.npmignore is created
[cra-scripts cmd] projects/cra-lib/foobar-app/config-overrides.ts is created
[cra-scripts cmd] projects/cra-lib/foobar-app/package.json is created
[cra-scripts cmd] projects/cra-lib/foobar-app/public_api.ts is created
[cra-scripts cmd] projects/cra-lib/foobar-app/start.tsx is created
[cra-scripts cmd] projects/cra-lib/foobar-app/my-component/MyComponent.module.scss is created
[cra-scripts cmd] projects/cra-lib/foobar-app/my-component/MyComponent.tsx is created
[cra-scripts cmd] projects/cra-lib/foobar-app/my-component/demo.assets.jpg is created
[cra-scripts cmd] You need to run `plink init`

@bk/foobar-app 是新创建的组件包名。

再次运行 plink init,
可以查看项目中所有的包 plink ls

Demo 开发

cd cra-studio
npm run start -- app foobar-app

build 输出 library

cd cra-studio
npm run start -- lib foobar-app [--dev]

--dev 临时输出开发版的Library


修改 projects/cra-lib/foobar-app/package.json dependencies

然后 运行 plink init 安装依赖

在Angular App中使用组件


  1. Build and watch React library
cd cra-studio
npm run build -- lib bigc-home --watch
  1. 启动 Angular 开发命令
scripts/serve-bigc.sh jit:interceptor
  1. 访问 http://localhost:4200/bigc 修改React library代码会刷新页面变化

开发 Trouble shooting

  1. cra-studio 目录下 npm run build -- build <package> 失败
Could not resolve package.json from path like:

原因一般是目标库的node 包在node_modules下软连接失效了, 所以node无法resolve 这个包名。

  • 重试plink init 创建软连接
  • 如果plink init后也不行(但是plink init没有报错)
  • 尝试 plink project add ., 再次plink init,然后可以快速的看一眼plink ls的结果有没有列出那个目标库的node包

Examples: Subscribe Angular data state in React component

Render function renderDom(dom, injector) get Injector and render React Component HomePage.

  1. Angular pass in injector to renderDom() function,
  2. React component use Injector::get() to get Data source state and subscribe to it's store.
  3. React component setState() whenever store changes.
  4. Unsubscribe when "unmount".
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {Injector} from '@angular/core';
import {Router} from '@angular/router';
import {map} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {HomeStateAndUserService, HomeState} from '@bk/bigc/app/home/home-stat.service';

import styles from './HomePage.module.scss';

const HomePage: React.FC<{}> = function(prop) {

  const injector = React.useContext(InjectorCtx)!;
  const homeStateServcie = React.useMemo(() => injector.get(HomeStateAndUserService), []);
  // 获取初始状态
  const [state, setState] = React.useState<HomeState['bigc/home']>(homeStateServcie.getState());

  // 订阅状态变化,绑定react element
  React.useEffect(() => {
    const sub = homeStateServcie.getStore().pipe(
      map(data => {
    return () => {sub.unsubscribe();};
  }, []);

  const navToOrder = React.useCallback((event: any) => {
    // tslint:disable-next-line: no-console
    // console.log(event, injector!.get(Router));
  }, []);

  function navToProdCat() {

  return <React.Fragment>
      <div className={styles.assets}></div>
      <div className={styles.red}>You component goes here</div>
      <a onClick={navToOrder}>navigate to /order</a><br/>
      <a onClick={navToProdCat}>navigate to /prod-catalog</a><br/>
        {JSON.stringify(state, null, '  ')}

export default HomePage;

export const InjectorCtx = React.createContext<Injector|null>(null);

export function renderDom(dom: HTMLElement, injector: Injector) {

    <InjectorCtx.Provider value={injector}><HomePage/></InjectorCtx.Provider>, dom);

  return {
    unmount() {


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