
1.0.17 • Public • Published

WebXR Input Profiles - Assets

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This package provides 3D assets and JSON descriptions of how to relate those assets to the XRInputSource objects with matching profile ids. This package can be used on its own, but may be easier to use with the javascript library in the @webxr-input-source/motion-controllers package also published by this repository. Assets are available under MIT license in .glTF, or .glb formats.

We also have some simple statistics about library usage;


All profiles are located under the './profiles' folder in subfolders for vendor prefixes. At build time, these profiles are combined with the matching profiles from the registry package and a merged JSON profile is output for each match.

Adding an asset

New assets must match a profile id in the registry package. To add an asset, save a JSON file that conforms with the schema in ./profiles/[profile id]/. In the same ./profiles/[profile id]/ folder, place the .glb files for each supported handedness. The package must build successfully before submitting a pull request.

For more details read our tutorial on Preparing a WebXR input profile asset with Blender

Filing a bug

To file bugs on existing assets, use this issue template


In general, this package should be built and tested from the root of the repository using the following command:

npm run test

To build just this package without running tests, invoke the following command from the root of the repository:

npm run build -- --scope @webxr-input-profiles/assets

To visually validate the asset looks and behaves as expected, follow the viewer instructions.


See the LICENSE.md.


Please note: Some assets portray registered trademarks of the device manufacturers in the interest of accurately depicting the corresponding physical device. The license does not grant permission to use these trademarks in derivative works (such as alternate controller skins), and they may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


Getting started

To install this package:

npm install @webxr-input-profiles/assets


Profile id

Profiles are required to have a profileId that uniquely identifies the profile and must match an existing profile id in the registry.

    "profileId" : "motion-controller-id"


By default the asset profile is dynamically generated based on the registry profile during the asset package build step. These values can be overriden through the overrides property in the asset configuraiton file.

When supplied, the overrides property is required to have a layouts child property which contains overrides for a specific handedness values. The layouts property must each have one, and only one, of the following arrangements of keys to be considered valid.

  • At least one of: none, left, or right
  • left-right
  • left-right and none
  • left-right-none

For example:

    "overrides": {
        "layouts": {
            "left": {}


    "overrides": {
        "layouts": {
            "none" : {},
            "left-right": {}

All specified handedness values must be present in the associated registry profile. For example, if the registry has a defined left-right layout, the asset json can override left but not none.


Within each layout, there must be a rootNodeName, assetPath, and/or a components property. The rootNodeName describes the top node in the 3D asset hierarchy representing the motion controller. As Maya files cannot name nodes with "-" characters, the default value for this node name is <profile id>_<handedness> with all "-" in the profile id changed to "_". The assetPath is the relative path to the asset for the layout, and is set to <handedness>.glb by default. The components property is explained further in the components section.

    "left" : {
        "rootNodeName": "generic_trigger_left",
        "assetPath": "left.glb",
        "components": {}


The components property may only contain keys for components defined in the associated registry profile. When present, a component id key must point to an object which contains rootNodeName, touchPointNodeName, and/or visualResponses. The rootNodeName of a component describes the top node of a component within the 3D asset hierarchy. As Maya files cannot name nodes with "-" characters, the default value for this node name is <component id> with all "-" in the id changed to "_". The touchPointNodeName is the name of the node in the asset which will be updated to match the user's finger location on a touchpad. This node is named <rootNodeName>_axes_touched_value by default and is where developers may attach geometry to indicate a touch point. The visualResponses property contains the collection of visual changes the component can apply in response to state changes in the backing XRInputSource.

For example

    "components": {
        "xr-standard-touchpad": {
            "rootNodeName" : "xr_standard_trigger",
            "touchPointNodeName": "xr_standard_touchpad_axes_touched_value",
            "visualResponses": {}

Visual responses

The visual representation of a motion controller in VR must respond to reflect its physical state in the real-world. For example, when a physical thumbstick is moved to the left, the virtual thumbstick should also move to the left. The visualResponses object contains descriptions of all visual changes that will be applied when the associated controller component is interacted with.

The visualResponses object contains children that each uniquely describe a single visual response to be applied to the asset and the key name should reflect that purpose. The children of visualResponses may be null, in which case the key name must match a default visual reponse to be removed from the generate profile. When non-null, the object contain componentProperty, states, and valueNodeProperty children.

The componentProperty property must be set to one of four values: button, xAxis, yAxis, or state. This indicates which component property will be used to drive the visualization. The states array indicates the component states for which the visualization will apply and must contain at least one of the following values: default, touched, pressed. The valueNodeProperty indicates which property of the asset's node will be modified in response the XRInputSource changes. It must either be set to transform or visibility. When set to visibility, componentProperty must be set to state.

    "visualResponses" : {
        "pressed": {
            "componentProperty": "button",
            "states": ["touched", "pressed"],
            "valueNodeProperty": "transform"

In order for visualResponses to function, the associated 3D asset must contain a node named <rootNodeName>_<visual response name>_value whose valueNodeProperty will be modified in response to changes in the XRInputSource. When the valueNodeProperty is a transform, the transform value will be interpolated between the transforms of the two nodes named <rootNodeName>_<visual response name>_min and <rootNodeName>_<visual response name>_max.

Components have the following visual responses by default:

Type Responses Component Property Min Max
Trigger pressed button value Unpressed Pressed
Squeeze pressed button value Unpressed Pressed
Thumbstick pressed button value Unpressed Pressed
xaxis_pressed x axis value Tipped left Tipped right
yaxis_pressed y axis value Tipped up Tipped down
Touchpad pressed button value Unpressed Pressed
xaxis_pressed x axis value Tipped left Tipped right
yaxis_pressed y axis value Tipped up Tipped down
xaxis_touched x axis value Touch point left Touch point right
yaxis_touched y axis value Touch point up Touch point down
axes_touched button touched Touch point invisible Touch point visible
Button pressed button value Unpressed Pressed




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