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3.0.0 • Public • Published


standard-readme compliant

Meetings plugin for the Cisco Webex JS SDK.

WARNING: This plugin is currently under active development


npm install --save @webex/plugin-meetings


This is a plugin for the Cisco Webex JS SDK . Please see our developer portal and the API docs for full details.

Important Changes

  • Version 0.109.0 - Participant email has been removed to reduce PII. Please use participant identity (members.membersCollection.members[id].participant.identity) to lookup participant details via the /people endpoint.

API Docs and Sample App

API Docs: https://webex.github.io/webex-js-sdk/api/ Hosted Sample App: https://webex.github.io/webex-js-sdk/samples/browser-plugin-meetings/ See https://github.com/webex/webex-js-sdk/tree/master/docs/samples/browser-plugin-meetings for the sample app code vs the readme

Device Registration

The meetings plugin relies on websocket data to function. The user's device needs to register and connect to the web socket server.

These setup actions are handled with the register function.

This function registers the device, connects web sockets, and listens for meeting events.


Device Unregistration

The inverse of the register() function is available as well. This function stops listening for meeting events, disconnects from web sockets and unregisters the device.


Creating a basic meeting

let roomId = `Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vNWZhMWUzODAtZTkzZS0xMWU5LTgyZTEtOGRmYTg5ZTgzMjJm `;
return webex.meetings.create(roomId).then((meeting) ==> {...});
let peopleId = `Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS8wMDAwMDAwMC0wMDAwLTAwMDAtMDAwMC0wMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAw `;
return webex.meetings.create(peopleId).then((meeting) ==> {...});
Via conversation url
let conversationUrl = `https://conv-a.wbx2.com/conversation/api/v1/ObiwanAnnouncementsConversationUUID`;
return webex.meetings.create(conversationUrl).then((meeting) ==> {...});
let sipUri = `obiwan@example.com`;
return webex.meetings.create(sipUri).then((meeting) ==> {...});
Via Locus Object
// unlikely to be used
return webex.meetings.create(locusObj, 'LOCUS_ID').then((meeting) ==> {...});


List Active Meetings

We want to sync our meetings collection with the server.

To keep only Locus meetings with an locus url that is still active:

let existingMeetings;
// Sync Meetings From Server
webex.meetings.syncMeetings().then(() => {
  // Existing meetings live in the meeting collection
  existingMeetings = webex.meetings.getAllMeetings();

Or, to keep meetings with an locus url that is still active and any meeting without a locus url:

let existingMeetings;
// Sync Meetings From Server
webex.meetings.syncMeetings({keepOnlyLocusMeetings: false}).then(() => {
  // Existing meetings live in the meeting collection
  existingMeetings = webex.meetings.getAllMeetings();
Get a Meeting
webex.meetings.getMeetingByType('SIP_URI', sipUri);
webex.meetings.personalMeetingRoom; // the personal meeting room instance
webex.meetings.reachability; // the reachability instance
webex.meetings.meetingCollection; // the collection of meetings instance
webex.meetings.meetingInfo; // the meeting info instance

After a meeting is created and joined, the media from the meeting needs to be connected.

Local Media

To get the local device media we use the function on the meeting object getMediaStreams. This takes an options object of which media streams to enable:

const mediaSettings = {
  receiveVideo: true,
  receiveAudio: true,
  receiveShare: true,
  sendVideo: true,
  sendAudio: true,
  sendShare: false,

const myStreams = {};
  .then(([localStream, localShare]) => {
    return {localStream, localShare};
  .then((streams) => {
    myStreams.localStream = streams.localStream;
    myStreams.localShare = streams.localShare;

This local stream is now ready to be added to the DOM for a self preview via:

<video id="localvideo" muted="true" autoplay playsinline></video>
document.getElementById('localvideo').srcObject = myStreams.localStream;
Add Media

Once you have your local streams and shares, you need to add the media to the meeting with the addMedia function.

  .then((mediaResponse) => {
    // do something once you know media has been completed

Join a meeting

Basic Join

One can join a meeting without adding a media to just be present in the meeting without send/receive Once a meeting object has been created, to start it, simply join it.

let destination = `obiwan@example.com`; // email example
return webex.meetings.create(destination).then((meeting) => {
  activeMeeting = meeting;
  // attach listeners or other actions
  activeMeeting.join().then(() => {
    // now the meeting is joined!
    // now you can addMedia
Full Example
let activeMeeting;

const mediaSettings = {
  receiveVideo: true,
  receiveAudio: true,
  receiveShare: true,
  sendVideo: true,
  sendAudio: true,
  sendShare: false

const myStreams = {}

function setMedia(media){
  if (media.type === 'local') {
    document.getElementById('<videoId>').srcObject = media.stream;
  } else if (media.type === 'remote') {
    document.getElementById('<videoId>').srcObject = media.stream;

function handleAudioChange(audio){
  // perform some actions after audio has been muted/unmuted

function handleVideoChange(video) {
  // perform some action after video has been muted/unmuted

return webex.meetings
  .then((meeting) => {
    activeMeeting = meeting;
    activeMeeting.getMediaStreams(mediaSettings).then(([localStream, localShare]) => {
      return {localStream, localShare};
    }).then((streams) => {
      myStreams.localStream = streams.localStream
      myStreams.localShare = streams.localShare
    activeMeeting.on('media:ready', () => setMedia));
    activeMeeting.on('media:audioChanged', handleAudioChange);
    activeMeeting.on('media:videoChanged', handleVideoChange);
    // join a meeting using resourceId as the destination, i.e., paired to a device and using the device for the call
    activeMeeting.join({resourceId: <DeviceId>}).then((joinResponse) => {
    }).then((mediaResponse) => {
    // do something once you know media has been completed
Join a PMR

From above, we build off of the join...

Join your own claimed PMR
meeting.join().then((res) => {
  // backend services determine you are the owner, so no pin, or moderator flag is required
  // now you are in the meeting
Join someone elses claimed PMR
// join as host (in place of them)
meeting.join({pin: <WebexHostPin>, moderator: true}).then((res) => {
  // now you are in the meeting
// join as attendee
meeting.join({pin: <WebexMeetingPin>}).then((res) => {
  // if host hasn't started the meeting, now you are in the lobby, else if host has started the meeting, you are in the meeting
Join an unclaimed PMR
// join as host automatically
meeting.join({pin: <WebexHostPin>, moderator: true}).then((res) => {
  // now you are in the meeting
// join as host with ask user option
// join as attendee
meeting.join().then((res) => {
}).catch((err) => {
  if (err.joinIntentRequired) {
    // at this point you can ask the user to join as host or join as guest
    // if join as host, requires a pin
    // join as host simply makes the join call again with the proper pin/moderator parameters
    meeting.join({pin: <WebexHostPin>, moderator: true}).then(() => {
      // you are now in the meeting
    // join as guest simply makes the call again with moderator parameter
    meeting.join(({moderator: false})).then(() => {
      // if host hasn't started the meeting, now you are in the lobby, else if host has started the meeting, you are in the meeting
Join an incoming meeting

When listening to an added meeting, to determine if it is an "incoming" meeting, check the type property of the meeting:

webex.meetings.on('meeting:added', (addedMeeting) => {
  if (addedMeeting.type === 'INCOMING') {
    // Handle incoming meeting
    addedMeeting.join().then(() => {});
Reject an incoming meeting

When listening to an added meeting, to determine if it is an "incoming" meeting, check the type property of the meeting:

webex.meetings.on('meeting:added', (addedMeeting) => {
  if (addedMeeting.type === 'INCOMING') {
    // Handle incoming meeting

Enable receiving meeting real-time transcripts

In order to receive meeting transcripts, Webex assistant must be enabled for the meeting.

// Subscribe to transcription events
meeting.on('meeting:receiveTranscription:started', (payload) => {

meeting.on('meeting:receiveTranscription:stopped', () => {});

await meeting.join({receiveTranscription: true});
Microphone, Speaker and Camera

Select a different device than the default:

const audioInputSelect = document.querySelector('select#audioSource');
const audioOutputSelect = document.querySelector('select#audioOutput');
const videoSelect = document.querySelector('select#videoSource');
const audio = {};
const video = {};
const media = {
  receiveVideo: boolean,
  receiveAudio: boolean,
  receiveShare: boolean,
  sendShare: boolean,
  sendVideo: boolean,
  sendAudio: boolean

// setting up the devices
const selectors = [audioInputSelect, audioOutputSelect, videoSelect];

meeting.getDevices().then((deviceInfos) => {
const values = selectors.map((select) => select.value);

selectors.forEach((select) => {
  while (select.firstChild) {
for (let i = 0; i !== deviceInfos.length; i += 1) {
  const deviceInfo = deviceInfos[i];
  const option = document.createElement('option');

  option.value = deviceInfo.deviceId;
  if (deviceInfo.kind === 'audioinput') {
    option.text = deviceInfo.label || `microphone ${audioInputSelect.length + 1}`;
  else if (deviceInfo.kind === 'audiooutput') {
    option.text = deviceInfo.label || `speaker ${audioOutputSelect.length + 1}`;
  else if (deviceInfo.kind === 'videoinput') {
    option.text = deviceInfo.label || `camera ${videoSelect.length + 1}`;
  else {
    console.log('Some other kind of source/device: ', deviceInfo);
selectors.forEach((select, selectorIndex) => {
  if (Array.prototype.slice.call(select.childNodes).some((n) => n.value === values[selectorIndex])) {
    select.value = values[selectorIndex];

// attaching before the request

audio.deviceId = {exact: audioInputSelect.value}
video.deviceId = {exact: videoSelect.value}
meeting.getMediaStreams(media, {audio, video}).then(...)
Changing remote audio output
// Attach audio output device to video element using device/sink ID.
function attachSinkId(element, sinkId) {
  if (typeof element.sinkId !== 'undefined') {
      .then(() => {
        console.log(`Success, audio output device attached: ${sinkId}`);
      .catch((error) => {
        let errorMessage = error;

        if (error.name === 'SecurityError') {
          errorMessage = `You need to use HTTPS for selecting audio output device: ${error}`;
        // Jump back to first output device in the list as it's the default.
        audioOutputSelect.selectedIndex = 0;
  } else {
    console.warn('Browser does not support output device selection.');

audioOutputSelect.onchange = function () {
  attachSinkId(document.getElementById('remoteaudio'), audioOutputSelect.value);
Availabel joining options
   * Make a network request to join a meeting
   * @param {Object} options
   * @param {String} options.sipUri
   * @param {String} options.deviceUrl
   * @param {String} options.locusUrl
   * @param {String} options.resourceId,
   * @param {String} options.correlationId
   * @param {boolean} options.ensureConversation
   * @param {boolean} options.moderator
   * @param {boolean} options.pin
   * @param {boolean} options.moveToResource
   * @param {Object} options.roapMessage
   * @param {boolean} options.breakoutsSupported
   * @param {String} options.locale,
   * @param {Array} options.deviceCapabilities
   * @param {boolean} options.liveAnnotationSupported
   * @returns {Promise}

This option provides toggles that Locus service needs, and those toggles will control the performance or features of the meetings to be joined, see examples:

Breakout Sessions
  if (breakoutsSupported) {
Live Annotation
  if (liveAnnotationSupported) {
Audio Disclaimer
const joinOptions = {
    locale: 'en_UK', // audio disclaimer language
    deviceCapabilities: ['SERVER_AUDIO_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUPPORTED'], // audio disclaimer toggle

  const joinMeeting = () => { meeting.join(joinOptions)}
// you can only pause if recording
// you can only start recording if not recording
// you can only resume recording if paused
// you can only pause recording if started
// note, all recording is done in the cloud
// local recording is not yet available for this package
// but is technically possible
// please submit a feature request if desired :)
// https://github.com/webex/webex-js-sdk/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
Mute Audio or Video
Unmute Audio or Video
Start Sending a Share
Stop Sending a Share
Update Audio/Video Streams

Use this if you want to change the actual streams send and receive for audio or video component separately; updateAudio and updateVideo is for the developer to add and remove the streams completely.

if (media.sendVideo) {
      {sendVideo: true},
      {video: videoSelect.value ? {deviceId: {exact: videoSelect.value}} : media.sendVideo}
    .then(([localStream]) =>
        stream: localStream,
        sendVideo: media.sendVideo,
        receiveVideo: media.receiveVideo,
} else {
    sendVideo: media.sendVideo,
    receiveVideo: media.receiveVideo,
if (media.sendAudio) {
    .getMediaStreams(media, {
      audio: audioInputSelect.value ? {deviceId: {exact: audioInputSelect.value}} : media.sendAudio,
    .then(([localStream]) =>
        stream: localStream,
        sendAudio: media.sendAudio,
        receiveAudio: media.receiveAudio,
} else {
    sendAudio: media.sendAudio,
    receiveAudio: media.receiveAudio,
//all in one
meeting.getMediaStreams(media, {audio, video}).then(([localStream, localShare]) =>
    mediaSettings: media,
Accessing media directly (outside of a meeting)

You can also directly access the following media properties that are not on a meeting instance

this.media.getUserMedia(mediaSetting, audioVideo, sharePreferences, config)

See the Media util file for method signatures.

Leave a Meeting

To leave a meeting, simply call leave

Lock/Unlock a Meeting
Transfer Host
const hostMemberId = ...;
Check User Actions
  canInviteNewParticipants: boolean,
  canAdmitParticipant: boolean,
  canLock: boolean,
  canUnlock: boolean,
  canAssignHost: boolean,
  canStartRecording: boolean,
  canPauseRecording: boolean,
  canResumeRecording: boolean,
  canStopRecording: boolean,
  canRaiseHand: boolean,
  canLowerAllHands: boolean,
  canLowerSomeoneElsesHand: boolean,
  bothLeaveAndEndMeetingAvailable: boolean,

Personal Meeting Room

Edit Personal Meeting Room
const link = ...; // a valid pmr link
const pin = ...; // a valid host pin assoicated to the link
// claiming a pmr, and updating the cached values for the stored PMR
webex.meetings.personalMeetingRoom.claim(link, pin).then((pmr) => {
  console.log(pmr); // do something else with the pmr
Get Personal Meeting Room
webex.meetings.personalMeetingRoom.get().then((pmr) => {
  // do some stuff with the pmr values
  console.log(`PMR INFO:

Usage of Webex Devices

For details on how to use the devices see https://github.com/webex/webex-js-sdk/tree/master/packages/node_modules/%40webex/plugin-device-manager

Leave a Meeting Using a Device
const resourceId = ...;

meeting.leave({resourceId}).then((res) => {
  console.log(`successful leave with device, ${res}`);
Leave a Meeting While Paired to the Device, Keep Device in Meeting
meeting.leave().then((res) => {
  console.log(`successful leave, ${res}`);
Move Meeting To Paired Device
const resourceId = ...

meeting.moveTo(resourceId).then((res) => {
  console.log(`successful move to ${res}`);
Move Meeting from Paired Device
const resourceId = ...

meeting.moveFrom(resourceId).then((res) => {
  console.log(`successful move from ${res}`);
Start Wireless Share
const deviceId = ...
// create the meeting
webex.meetings.create(deviceId).then((m) => {
// attach listeners
// then join the meeting
        sendAudio: false,
        sendVideo: false,
        sendShare: true
      .then(([localStream, localShare]) =>
          mediaSettings: {
            sendAudio: false,
            sendVideo: false,
            sendShare: true,
            receiveShare: false,
            receiveAudio: false,
            receiveVideo: false
      .catch((e) => {
        console.error('Error wireless screen sharing', e);
End Wireless Share
Reconnect a Meeting Media

Warning: not necessary to use manually, internally the sdk listens to mercury reconnect events to determine for a reconnection


Scheduled Meetings

For scheduled meetings see https://github.com/webex/webex-js-sdk/tree/master/packages/node_modules/%40webex/internal-plugin-calendar


member.participant ... // Object server participant object, advanced use only
member.id ... // String key for storing
member.name ... // String plain text name
member.isAudioMuted ... // Boolean
member.isVideoMuted ... // Boolean
member.isHandRaised ... //Boolean
member.isSelf ... // Boolean is this member YOUR user?
member.isHost ... // Boolean
member.isGuest ... // Boolean
member.isInLobby ... // Boolean
member.isInMeeting ... // Boolean
member.isNotAdmitted ... // Boolean -- waiting to be admitted to the meeting, will also have isInLobby true
member.isContentSharing ... // Boolean
member.status ... // String -- advanced use only
member.isDevice ... // Boolean
member.isUser ... // Boolean
member.associatedUser ... // String -- member.id if isDevice is true
member.isRecording ... // Boolean
member.isMutable ... // Boolean
member.isRemovable ... // Boolean
member.type ... // String
member.isModerator ... // Boolean
member.isModeratorAssignmentProhibited ... // Boolean


You can access the members object on each individual meeting instance. It has some key events to listen to, and maintains what happens for members of a meeting with some key properties.

meeting.members.membersCollection.members ... // the members collection, object {id0: member0, ... idN: memberN}
meeting.members.locusUrl ... // current locusUrl being used
meeting.members.hostId ... // active host id for the meeting
meeting.members.selfId ... // active self id for the meeting
meeting.members.mediaShareContentId ... // active content sharer id for the meeting
// You can add a guest to the meeting by inviting them, this is proxied by meeting.invite
// use an emailAddress and a boolean value alertIfActive to notify server side (usually true)
meeting.members.addMember(emailAddress, alertIfActive);

// You can admit the guest to the meeting once they are waiting in the lobby, you can do this in bulk, proxied by meeting.admit
// use member ids, can be singular, but has to be put into an array

// You can remove a member from the meeting by booting them, this is proxied by meeting.remove
// use a memberId string

// You can audio mute a member from the meeting by calling to mute them, this is proxied by meeting.mute
// use a memberId string and a boolean to mute or not, default to true
// mute them

// You can raise or lower the hand of a member from the meeting
// use a memberId string and a "raise" boolean to raise or lower, default to true ("raise the hand")

// You can lower all hands in a meeting
// use a memberId string to indicate who is requesting lowering all hands

// You can transfer the host role to another member in the meeting, this is proxied by meeting.transfer
// use a memberId string and a moderator boolean to transfer or not, default to true
// members collection updated
meeting.members.on('members:update', (payload) => {
  const delta = payload.delta; // the changes to the members list
  const full = payload.full; // the full members collection
  const updated = delta.updated; // only the updates, includes removals, as they will have updated status and member properties
  const added = delta.added; // added members to the meeting
  Object.keys(full).forEach((key) => {
    const member = full[key];
    console.log(`Member: ... ${member.x}`);
  Object.keys(updated).forEach((key) => {
    const member = updated[key];
    console.log(`Member Updated: ... ${member.x}`);
  Object.keys(added).forEach((key) => {
    const member = added[key];
    console.log(`Member Added: ... ${member.x}`);
// content updates
meeting.members.on('members:content:update', (payload) => {
  console.log(`who started sharing: ${payload.activeContentSharingId};`);
  console.log(`who stopped sharing: ${payload.endedContentSharingId};`);
// host updates
meeting.members.on('members:host:update', (payload) => {
  console.log(`who started hosting: ${payload.activeHostId};`);
  console.log(`who stopped hosting: ${payload.endedHostId};`);
// self updates, not typically used
meeting.members.on('members:self:update', (payload) => {
  console.log(`active self id: ${payload.activeSelfId};`);
  console.log(`ended self Id: ${payload.endedSelfId};`);


Meetings Events

Event Name Description
meetings:ready Fired when the plugin has been instantiated and is ready for action!
meeting:added Fired when a meeting has been added to the collection, either incoming, or outgoing, can be joined
meeting:removed Fired when a meeting has been deleted from the collection, this meeting cannot be rejoined
media:codec:loaded Fired when H.264 media codec has been loaded in the browser. Does not have a payload.
media:codec:missing Fired when H.264 media codec appears to be missing from the browser. Does not have a payload.
--- ---

meetings:ready does not have a payload

meeting:added has the following payload

  meetingId; // the uuid of the meeting removed
  type; // string type can be INCOMING, JOIN, or MEETING

meeting:removed has the following payload

  meetingId; // the uuid of the meeting removed
  response; // a propagated server response

Meeting Events

Event Name Description
meetings:ready Fired when the meetings plugin has been successfully initialized
meetings:registered Fired when the meetings plugin has registered the device and is listening to websocket events
meetings:unregistered Fired when the meetings plugin has been disconnected from websockets and unregistered as a device
media:ready Fired when remote or local media has been acquired
media:stopped Fired when remote or local media has been torn down
meeting:media:local:start Fired when local media has started sending bytes
meeting:media:remote:start Fired when local media has started receiving bytes from the remote audio or video streams
meeting:alerted Fired when locus was notified that user received meeting
meeting:ringing Fired when meeting should have a ringing sound on repeat
meeting:ringingStop Fired when meeting should stop a ringing sound
meeting:startedSharingLocal Fired when local screen sharing was started
meeting:stoppedSharingLocal Fired when local screen sharing ends
meeting:startedSharingRemote Fired when remote screen sharing was started
meeting:stoppedSharingRemote Fired when remote screen sharing ends
meeting:self:lobbyWaiting Fired when user has entered the lobby for a PMR or the like
meeting:self:guestAdmitted Fired when user has entered the meeting after waiting to be admitted from join
meeting:self:mutedByOthers Fired when user has been audio muted by another in the muting
meeting:reconnectionStarting Fired when a reconnect begins
meeting:reconnectionSuccess Fired when the media was reconnected successfully
meeting:reconnectionFailure Fired when the media failed to reconnect, user will have to rejoin and connect
meeting:unlocked Fired when the meeting was unlocked by the host, for webex type meetings only
meeting:locked Fired when the meeting was locked by the host, for webex type meetings only
meeting:actionsUpdate Fired when the user has new actions they can take, such as lock, unlock, transferHost
meeting:logUpload:success Fired when the meeting logs were successfully uploaded
meeting:logUpload:failure Fired when the meeting logs failed to upload
meeting:recording:started Fired when member starts recording
meeting:recording:stopped Fired when member stops recording
meeting:recording:paused Fired when member pauses recording
meeting:recording:resumed Fired when member resumes recording
meeting:receiveTranscription:started Fired when transcription is received
meeting:receiveTranscription:stopped Fired when transcription has stopped from being received
meeting:meetingContainer:update Fired when the meetingContainerUrl is updated
--- ---

meetings:ready does not have a payload

meetings:registered does not have a payload

meetings:unregistered does not have a payload

media:ready has the following payload

  type, // local or remote
    stream; // the MediaStream
// usage
meeting.on('media:ready', (media) => {
  if (!media) {
  if (media.type === 'local') {
    document.getElementById('localvideo').srcObject = media.stream;
  if (media.type === 'remoteVideo') {
    document.getElementById('remotevideo').srcObject = media.stream;
  if (media.type === 'remoteAudio') {
    document.getElementById('remoteaudio').srcObject = media.stream;
  if (media.type === 'remoteShare') {
    document.getElementById('sharevideo').srcObject = media.stream;

media:stopped has the following payload

  type, // local or remote
// usage
meeting.on('media:stopped', (media) => {
  if (media.type === 'local') {
    document.getElementById('localvideo').srcObject = null;
  if (media.type === 'remoteVideo') {
    document.getElementById('remotevideo').srcObject = null;
  if (media.type === 'remoteAudio') {
    document.getElementById('remoteaudio').srcObject = null;
  if (media.type === 'remoteShare') {
    document.getElementById('sharevideo').srcObject = null;

meeting:alerted does not have a payload

meeting:ringing has the following payload

  type // INCOMING or JOIN
  id // the meeting id

meeting:ringingStop has the following payload

  type // Object {remoteAnswered: boolean, remoteDeclined: boolean}
  id // the meeting id

meeting:startedSharingLocal does not have a payload

meeting:stoppedSharingLocal does not have a payload

meeting:self:lobbyWaiting has the following payload

  payload; // self object

meeting:self:guestAdmitted has the following payload

  payload; // self object

meeting:self:mutedByOthers has the following payload

  payload; // self object

meeting:reconnectionStarting does not have a payload

meeting:reconnectionSuccess has the following payload

  reconnect; // the media promise resolution

meeting:reconnectionFailure has the following payload

  error; // the forwarded error from media

meeting:unlocked has the following payload

  info; // info object

meeting:locked has the following payload

  info; // info object

meeting:actionsUpdate has the following payload

  canInviteNewParticipants, // boolean
  canAdmitParticipant, // boolean
  canLock, // boolean
  canUnlock, // boolean
  canAssignHost, // boolean
  canStartRecording, // boolean
  canPauseRecording, // boolean
  canResumeRecording, // boolean
  canStopRecording, // boolean
  canRaiseHand, //boolean
  canLowerAllHands, //boolean
  canLowerSomeoneElsesHand, //boolean
  bothLeaveAndEndMeetingAvailable, //boolean

meeting:recording:started meeting:recording:stopped meeting:recording:paused meeting:recording:resumed have the following payload

  state; // could be etiher `recording`, `idle` or `paused`
  modifiedBy; // user's decrypted ID who made an action
  lastModified; // when the action was made

Event Caveats

Remote screen share is not displayed if started before participant joins

If you notice that the remote screen share is not being displayed to a participant when they join after a screen has already been shared, double-check that you are following the standard plugin-meeting workflow.

Standard plugin-meeting workflow is as follows:

  1. Set event listener for media:ready
  2. Call join()
  3. Call addMedia() with options.mediaSettings.receiveShare=true
  4. Wait to receive an event from media:ready with payload type=remoteShare that contains the remote share media stream
  5. Set srcObject of a video element in the application to the previously obtained media stream (e.g. document.getElementById('remote-screen').srcObject = media.stream)

In most cases this will resolve the issue though an extra step could be to use meeting.shareStatus to control whether to show the video element or not.

This may be necessary as you can only register for events like meeting:startedSharingRemote on the meeting object, however, you can only do that after you've received the meeting:added event notification with the meeting payload. In the case when a host has already begun sharing before a participant joins, the registration for meeting:startedSharingRemote happens too late (after the SDK code that would send that event is already executed). Thus, you can check the value of meeting.shareStatus when you join the meeting to control whether to show that video element (the one that has srcObject set to the remote share stream) on the screen or not.

Members Events


There are several events submitted by this package that you can subscribe to.

Event Name Description
members:update Fired when a member in the collection has been updated
members:content:update Fired when a member in the collection has a changed content stream (share screen)
members:host:update Fired when a member in the collection has a changed host value
members:self:update Fired when a member in the collection has a changed self value
--- ---

members:update has the following payload

  delta: { // the changes to the members list
    updated // array only the updates, includes removals, as they will have updated status and member properties
    added // array added members to the meeting
  full: // array the full members collection

members:content:update has the following payload

  activeContentSharingId; // the member id
  endedContentSharingId; // the member id

members:host:update has the following payload

  activeHostId; // the member id
  endedHostId; // the member id

members:self:update has the following payload

  activeSelfId; // the member id
  endedSelfId; // the member id


To use webpack-dev-server to load this package, run yarn run samples:serve.

Files placed in the docs/samples/browser-plugin-meetings folder will be served statically.

Files in the src folder will be compiled, bundled, and served as a static asset at bundle.js inside that directory.


This package is maintained by Cisco Webex for Developers.


Pull requests welcome. Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for more details.


© 2016-2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.


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