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1.0.1 • Public • Published

📸 Webcam React

Ultimate tool for working with media stream in your React application



Install with npm or yarn

npm i @webcam/react
# or
yarn add @webcam/react

🦉 Philosophy

📸 Webcam React is a package that includes ready-made solutions for common cases of setting up and using a media stream from your webcam using Web API. Our goal is to create simple and flexible tools that allow users to create, test and maintain their products.


  • TypeScript support out of the box - full typed package
  • Webcam Snapshots - creating an image from a video stream
  • Media Stream Handling - request, errors, update, stop, etc
  • Advanced Video Settings - selecting camera type and resolution
  • Legacy API Support - outdated implementations for each browser
  • React Apps Support - component and hooks for working with playing a media stream


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Webcam } from '@webcam/react';

const App = () => (
  <Webcam />

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));

How to get webcam snapshot

Returns a base64 encoded string of the current video stream frame in the specified format and quality.

import { Webcam } from '@webcam/react';

const YourComponent = () => (
  <Webcam mirrored>
    {({ getSnapshot }) => (
      <button onClick={() => getSnapshot({ quality: 0.8 })}>
        Make photo


You can pass any supported properties to the underlying video tag (eg autoPlay, className, etc). However, for convenience, the component uses its own values for these properties, but you can reassign them without any problems:

Prop Type Default Note
muted boolean true excludes audio constraints from the MediaStream request
autoPlay boolean true
playsInline boolean true
controls boolean false

The component also supports many properties for more specific work:

Prop Type Default Note
mirrored boolean false show camera preview and get the screenshot mirrored
mainCamera boolean | object false should use a main camera (requires Navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices)
frontCamera boolean false should use a front camera (MediaTrackConstraints['facingFront'] === 'user')
applyConstraints boolean false should new constraints be applied to the media stream
cameraResolutionMode string 'ideal' video track resolution mode - ('min' | 'max' | 'ideal' | 'exact')
cameraResolutionType string video track resolution size - ('UHD' | 'QHD' | 'FHD' | 'HD')
requestTimeLimit number limiting the media stream request by time
onStreamRequest function callback for when component requests a media stream
onStreamStart function callback for when component starts a media stream
onStreamStop function callback for when component stops a media stream
onStreamError function callback for when component can't receive a media stream
audioConstraints object MediaStreamConstraints['audio']
videoConstraints object MediaStreamConstraints['video']
stream object external MediaStream (turns off internal media stream handling logic)

✨ Contributors

🌶️ michael-mir
🧊 debabin
🐘 RiceWithMeat


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  • 1.0.1
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Version History

  • Version
    Downloads (Last 7 Days)
    • Published
  • 1.0.1
  • 1.0.0

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  • hwapedro