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A zero dependency lazy and responsive image management for image and background-image. React wrapper component using lazy-image is available too.



$ npm install -s @wbe/lazy-image


Lazyload a group of images

Lazy image is build to manage lazyloading and responsive via native srcset.

HTML template:

<img alt="image" data-srcset="img-1.jpg 360w, img-2.jpg 768w" />
<img alt="image-2" data-srcset="img-1-2.jpg 360w, img-2-2.jpg 768w" />
import { LazyImage } from "@wbe/lazy-image"

const image = new LazyImage()
// start to listen
// stop to listen
// update listeners

When image is appear in viewport, data-srcset value is injected in srcset attribute.

  srcset="img-1.jpg 360w, img-2.jpg 768w"
  data-srcset="img-1.jpg 360w, img-2.jpg 768w"
<!-- ... -->

Lazyload a specific image

LazyImage() can lazyload specific image only.

<img alt="image" id="singleImage" srcset="img-360.jpg 360w, img-768.jpg 768w" />
const singleImage = new LazyImage({
  $element: document.getElementById("singleImage"),


All parameters are optional.

param type description default value
$root string parent DOM element who contains images to lazyload document.body
$element HTMLElement lazyLoad a specific DOM image element /
src string if $element is set, define an image src to lazyload /
srcset string if $element is set, define an image srcset to lazyload /
lazyCallback (state)=> void callback executed when lazy state change (lazyload, lazyloading , lazyloaded) () => {}
observerOptions IntersectionObserverInit mutation observer options {}


LazyBackgroundImage() set the appropriate image URL from srcset, in CSS background-image url of specific div. This appropriate image URL depends of element width.

Lazyload a group of background-images

<div data-background-srcset="img-1.jpg 360w, img-2.jpg 768w" />
import { LazyBackgroundImage } from "@wbe/lazy-image"

const backgroundImage = new LazyBackgroundImage()

When DOM element appear in viewport, and element width is less than 360px:

  data-background-srcset="img-1.jpg 360w, img-2.jpg 768w"
  style="background-image: url('img-1.jpg')"

Lazyload a specific background-image

LazyBackgroundImage() can lazyload specific css image only.

<div id="single" data-background-srcset="img-1.jpg 360w, img-2.jpg 768w" />
import { LazyBackgroundImage } from "@wbe/lazy-image"

const singleBackgroundImage = new LazyBackgroundImage({
  $element: document.getElementById("single"),
// start to listen
// stop to listen
// update listeners

Or don't specify image srcset in DOM but, directly as function param.

<div id="single" />
import { LazyBackgroundImage } from "@wbe/lazy-image"

const singleBackgroundImage = LazyBackgroundImage({
  $element: document.getElementById("single"),
  srcset: "img-1.jpg 360w, img-2.jpg 768w",


All parameters are optional.

param type description default value
$root string parent DOM element who contains images to lazyload document.body
$element HTMLElement lazyLoad a specific DOM image element /
srcset string if $element is set, define an image srcset to lazyload /
additonalUrl string add a second css URL behind the first one /
lazyCallback (state)=> void callback executed when lazy state change (lazyload, lazyloading , lazyloaded) () => {}
observerOptions IntersectionObserverInit mutation observer options /
bigQuality boolean will returns 2 steps bigger image (ex: if 360, 768, 1024 img are available, and DOM element width is less than 360, the function will return 768 img instead the 360 ) false

React LazyImage

React image component with lazyloading management.

<Image /> component

import { Image } from "@wbe/lazy-image"

src props

Be sure you set appropriated css image width and height.

<Image src={`https://image-url`} alt={"src image"} />

Will return this HTML before lazyload:

  class="Image lazyload"
  alt="src image"

and after lazyload:

  class="Image lazyloaded"
  alt="src image"

srcset props

<Image srcset={`https://image-url 360w, https://image-url-2 768w`} alt={"srcset image"} />

data props

Will generate an appropriated srcset string.

const data = [
    url: "https://url",
    width: 600,
    height: 400,
    url: "https://url-2",
    width: 1000,
    height: 800,

;<Image data={data} alt={"srcset image"} />

srcPlaceholder props

Allow to display specific low quality image before lazyloading src image.

<Image srcPlaceholder={`https://low-quality-image-url`} src={`https://image-url`} alt={""} />

Props list

interface IProps {
  // image to display before lazyload
  // default is lightest base64 transparent image
  srcPlaceholder?: string

  // src URL to lazyload
  src?: string

  // srcset URL to lazyload
  srcset?: string

  // list of images with dimension used to build srcset attr
  data?: TImageData[]

  // callback when lazyload state change (lazyload | lazyloading | lazyloaded)
  lazyCallback?: (lazyState: TLazy) => void

  // intersection observer options
  observerOptions?: IntersectionObserverInit

  // alt attr and aria html
  alt: string
  ariaLabel?: string

  // class name added on root element
  className?: string

  // style attrs
  style?: CSSProperties
  width?: number | string
  height?: number | string

<BackgroundImage />

Works this the same API than <Image /> component.

Before lazyload:

  class="BackgroundImage lazyload"
  style="background-image: url('')"
  data-background-srcset="img-1.jpg 360w, img-2.jpg 768w"

After lazyload:

  class="BackgroundImage lazyloaded"
  style="background-image: url('img-1.jpg')"
  data-background-srcset="img-1.jpg 360w, img-2.jpg 768w"

<Placeholder /> wrapper component

Image component comes with <Placeholder /> parent component used to display a placeholder behind Image. This process is particulary useful when image is lazyloading. It allows to not preload all 1px height images in pages on page load but really waiting the image was shown in viewport to lazyload it.

Example with <Image />:

      alt={"with placeholder"}

Example with <BackgroundImage />:

      // or srcset={`https://image-url 360w, https://image-url 768w`}
      alt={"with placeholder"}

<Placeholder /> get children Image ratio to calculate its placeholder height. It's possible to specify an arbitrary ratio who will override image dimension

<Placeholder ratio={3/4}>
      alt={"with placeholder"}
<Placeholder />

Props list

interface IProps {
  // Image component
  children: ReactNode

  // by default, ratio is calc from children image data dimension.
  // set ratio override native image ratio
  ratio?: number

  // shortcut to style wrapper background color
  backgroundColor?: string

  // add style to each dom element
  style?: {
    root?: CSSProperties
    wrapper?: CSSProperties
    img?: CSSProperties

  // class name added on root element
  className?: string


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