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0.0.5 • Public • Published


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A client for Waves Node gRPC and Blockchain Updates.

How to use

Npm package: @waves/node-api-grpc.

We use:

  • @grpc/proto-loader to load proto-files and the embedded app proto-loader-gen-types to generate definitions;
  • @grpc/grpc-js to request the data from Waves Node gRPC API;
  • long to represent 64-bit integers: int64, uint64, etc.


  1. npm install --save @waves/node-api-grpc bs58

    bs58 here for encoding and decoding addresses and ids.

  2. Create a channel:

    import * as w from '@waves/node-api-grpc'
    const grpcChannel = w.grpc.mkDefaultChannel('grpc.wavesnodes.com:6870', {
      // Additional options if required. For example:
      // "grpc.max_receive_message_length": 10 * 1024 * 1024

    See a full list of options in @grpc/grpc-js.

  3. A typical usage with TypeScript looks like:

    import * as w from '@waves/node-api-grpc'
    import b58 from 'bs58'
    const grpcChannel = w.grpc.mkDefaultChannel('grpc.wavesnodes.com:6870')
    // Node gRPC API - a streaming example
    const transactionsApi = w.api.waves.node.grpc.mkTransactionsApi(grpcChannel)
    const txnId = '287XcMXPDY7pnw2tECbV86TZetPi2x9JBg9BVUsGaSJx';
        .getTransactions({transactionIds: [b58.decode(txnId)]}) // see TransactionsRequest
        .on("data", (item: w.api.waves.node.grpc.TransactionResponse) => console.log(`[getTransactions] The transaction '${txnId}' was on height of ${item.height}`))
        .on("end", () => console.log("[getTransactions] Stream ended"))
        .on("error", (e: Error) => console.error("[getTransactions] Failed", e))
    // Node gRPC API - an one-shot example
    const accountsApi = w.api.waves.node.grpc.mkAccountsApi(grpcChannel)
    const alias = 'likli'
        {value: alias}, // Accepts google.protobuf.StringValue, that has "value" field
        (error, response) => {
            if (error === null) {
                const addressBytes = response?.value || new Buffer(0);
                console.log(`[resolveAlias] The address of '${alias}' is ${b58.encode(addressBytes)}`)
            } else console.error(`[resolveAlias] Can't determine address of '${alias}'`, error)
    // Blokchain updates gRPC API example
    // Note, we have to do another connection
    const blockchainUpdatesChannel = w.grpc.mkDefaultChannel('grpc.wavesnodes.com:6881') // 6881 instead of 6870
    const blockchainUpdatesApi = w.api.waves.events.grpc.mkBlockchainUpdatesApi(blockchainUpdatesChannel)
        {height: 1},
        (error, response) => {
            if (error === null) {
                const txnIds = (response?.update?.append?.transactionIds || []).map(x => b58.encode(x));
                console.log(`[getBlockUpdate] Transactions of block 1: ${txnIds.join(", ")}`)
            } else console.error(`[getBlockUpdate] Can't get transactions of block 1`, error)

    With JavaScript looks similar:

    const w = require('@waves/node-api-grpc');
    const b58 = require('bs58');
    const channel = w.grpc.mkDefaultChannel('grpc.wavesnodes.com:6870')
    const transactionsApi = w.api.waves.node.grpc.mkTransactionsApi(channel)
    const txnId = '287XcMXPDY7pnw2tECbV86TZetPi2x9JBg9BVUsGaSJx';
        .getTransactions({transactionIds: [b58.decode(txnId)]})
        .on("data", (item) => console.log(`[getTransactions] The transaction '${txnId}' was on height of ${item.height}`))
        .on("end", () => console.log("[getTransactions] Stream ended"))
        .on("error", (e) => console.error("[getTransactions] Failed", e))

Types and API clients correlates with a structure of proto-files. For example:

  • waves/node/grpc/transactions_api.proto relates to waves.node.grpc:
    package waves.node.grpc;
  • It has the TransactionResponse message:
    // waves/node/grpc/transactions_api.proto
    message TransactionResponse {
  • So we have waves.node.grpc.TransactionResponse;
  • We used w.api.waves.node.grpc.TransactionResponse in the example.

If you want to create a client of API that isn't listed in the example, you need:

  1. Find it among proto-files
  2. Write w.api.{here.is.a.namespace.of.your.api}mk{Api name}
  3. Then look at a method you are interested in: a. If you see stream in the response like:
    rpc GetTransactions (TransactionsRequest) returns (stream TransactionResponse)
    Then you need to register an event handler for "data" event (see the "Streaming" example) b. Otherwise, you need to provide only a callback (see the "One-shot" example)

How to build and test locally

$ npm run build && npm test


See https://docs.npmjs.com/updating-your-published-package-version-number



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