
0.1.6 • Public • Published


An convenient library for working with Azure storage blobs

Get started

  1. Install
npm i @vtfk/azure-blob-client
  1. Setup environment variables (Not required)
Name Example
AZURE_BLOB_CONNECTIONSTRING DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[AccountName];AccountKey=[AccountKey];EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net

Import the package

const blobClient = require('@vtfk/azure-blob-client');
// OR just require the functions you need with destructoring
const { list, get, create, remove } = require('@vtfk/azure-blob-client'); 

Functions & examples


Saves content to a given path

// Create a blob with path test.txt
await blobClient.save('test.txt', 'testdata');
await blobClient.save('test/test2.txt', 'data:plain/text;utf-8,test2');
await blobClient.save('test/folder1/test3.txt', 'data:plain/text;utf-8,test3');

We recommend using the dataUrl-format for storing data as it makes it easier to work with after it is retreived. Example: img-tags in HTML can display them as pictures and browsers can easily handle and download them.

If stored in dataUrl format the MIME type and encoding will be parsed when retreiving the data.


List one or more blobs matching the provided path

// Gets all blobs that has a path that starts with test
await blobClient.list('test');

// Gets all blobs in container
await blobClient.list('*');

// Yields
    name: 'test.txt',
    path: 'test.txt',
    blobType: 'BlockBlob',
    createdOn: 2021-12-17T13:42:43.000Z,
    lastModified: 2021-12-17T13:46:18.000Z,
    lastAccessedOn: undefined
    name: 'test2.txt',
    path: 'test/test2.txt',
    blobType: 'BlockBlob',
    createdOn: 2021-12-17T13:42:43.000Z,
    lastModified: 2021-12-17T13:46:18.000Z,
    lastAccessedOn: undefined
    name: 'test3.txt',,
    path: 'test/folder1/test3.txt',
    blobType: 'BlockBlob',
    createdOn: 2021-12-17T13:42:43.000Z,
    lastModified: 2021-12-17T13:46:18.000Z,
    lastAccessedOn: undefined


Get one or more blobs with its data

// Gets a blob with name/path test.txt
await blobClient.get('test.txt')

// Yields
  name: 'test.txt',
  path: 'test.txt',
  extension: 'txt',
  data: 'testdata'
// Gets a blob with name/path test.txt
await blobClient.get('test/')

// Yields
    name: 'test2.txt',
    path: 'test/test2.txt',
    extension: 'txt',
    type: 'plain/test',
    encoding: 'utf-8',
    data: 'data:plain/text;utf-8,test2'
    name: 'test3.txt',
    path: 'test/folder1/test3.txt',
    extension: 'txt',
    type: 'plain/test',
    encoding: 'utf-8',
    data: 'data:plain/text;utf-8,test3'

Specify encoding of return value

If you for example need get to return base64 instead of a bufferstring, you can specify encoding in the options-parameter.

See valid encodings in NodeJs official documentation

// Gets a blob with name/path test.pdf and returns the content as a base64 string
await blobClient.get('test.pdf', { encoding: 'base64' })

// Yields
  name: 'test.pdf',
  path: 'test.pdf',
  extension: 'pdf',
  data: 'JVBERi0xLjQNCiX5+pr==....'


Removes one or more blobs patching the provided path

// Removes the blob with path test.txt
await blobClient.remove('test.txt');

// Yields
[ 'test.txt' ]
// Removes all blobs starting with test
await blobClient.remove('test');

// Yields
[ 'test/test2.txt', 'test/folder1/test3.txt' ]


Creates and returns a BlobServiceClient for working with lower-level API

// Create the client
const client = await blobClient.createBlobServiceClient();


Creates and returns a ContainerClient for working with lower-level API

// Create the client
const client = await blobClient.createContainerClient();


All functions takes in an optional options object

// Create the options object
const options = {
  connectionString: 'Azure storage account connection string',
  containerName: 'Azure storage account container name '
// Get blobs with provided options
await blobClient.get('test.txt', options);



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npm i @vtfk/azure-blob-client

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