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Moved to @vendasta/core

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3.3.2 • Public • Published

Account Group SDK

This provides a typescript implementation of the account group microservice


To setup the sdk you will need to:

Install the sdk to your project

npm install @vendasta/account-group-sdk --save

Next, you will need to import and setup your navigation module (generally in app.module.ts)

import { AccountGroupModule } from "@vendasta/account-group-sdk";

  imports: [
    , AccountGroupModule, 

External Requirements

The Account Group sdk requires the following vendasta packages to be implemented by the project:

Please follow their instructions on how to set those packages up.


Inject the AccountGroupService into your component and you will be able to start using it!

import {AccountGroupService} from '@vendasta/account-group-sdk';

  selector: '…',
  template: '…',
  styles: '…'
export class …Component {
  constructor(private accountGroupService: AccountGroupService) {


Every call to the account group microservice requires a ProjectionFilter. A projection filter tells the microservice what data to return. By default all fields are false.

interface ProjectionFilterInterface {
  accounts?: boolean;
  listingDistribution?: boolean;
  listingSyncPro?: boolean;
  associations?: boolean;
  accountGroupExternalIdentifiers?: boolean;
  socialUrls?: boolean;
  hoursOfOperation?: boolean;
  contactDetails?: boolean;
  snapshotReports?: boolean;
  legacyProductDetails?: boolean;
  richData?: boolean;

During construction, you can pass in all of the properties you want the api call to return:

import {ProjectionFilter} from '@vendasta/account-group-sdk'

let pf = new ProjectionFilter({accounts: true, socialUrls: true, richData: true});

Or you can call enableAll to return all data.

import {ProjectionFilter} from '@vendasta/account-group-sdk'

let pf = new ProjectionFilter().enableAll();


lookup(projectionFilter: ProjectionFilter, marketIds: string[] = null, searchTerm: string = null, filters: LookupFilter = null, pageSize: number = 10): Observable<AccountGroup[]>

Lookup returns many account groups matching the criteria specified. To fetch the next set of paged results from a lookup, call loadMore passing in the same criteria that was used in the original lookup.

loadMore(projectionFilter: ProjectionFilter, marketIds: string[], searchTerm: string, filters: LookupFilter, pageSize: number = 10): Observable<AccountGroup[]>

The list of account groups returned by loadMore will include the previous account groups fetched - there is no need to keep track of the list of account groups in your component.

Lookup provides some helper observables you can subscribe to:

get hasMore(): Observable<boolean> Whether or not there are more account groups to fetch

get accountGroups(): Observable<AccountGroup[]> The current list of account groups fetched

get totalResults(): Observable<number> How many results are there total to fetch

get loading(): Observable<boolean> Whether or not the service is currently talking to the microservice


get(accountGroupId: string, projectionFilter: ProjectionFilter): Observable<AccountGroup>

Fetch a single account group by its ID


getMulti(accountGroupIds: string[], projectionFilter: ProjectionFilter): Observable<AccountGroup[]>

Fetch many account groups by their IDs


bulkUpdate(accountGroupId: string, updateOperations: UpdateOperations): Observable<Response>

To use the bulkUpdate function you will need to construct an UpdateOperations object and add the update operations you want to do to the account group.

There are 10 operations to choose from:

  • NapUpdateOperation
  • SnapshotsUpdateOperation
  • ListingDistributionDetailsUpdateOperation
  • ListingSyncProUpdateOperation
  • AccountGroupExternalIdentifiersUpdateOperation
  • SocialURLsUpdateOperation
  • HoursOfOperationUpdateOperation
  • ContactDetailsUpdateOperation
  • LegacyProductDetailsUpdateOperation
  • RichDataUpdateOperation
import {UpdateOperations} from '@vendasta/account-group-sdk'

let operations: UpdateOperations = new UpdateOperations();

operations.addUpdateOperation(new NapUpdateOperation({key: value...}));
operations.addUpdateOperation(new SnapshotsUpdateOperation({key: value...}));
operations.addUpdateOperation(new ListingDistributionDetailsUpdateOperation({key: value...}));
operations.addUpdateOperation(new ListingSyncProUpdateOperation({key: value...}));
operations.addUpdateOperation(new AccountGroupExternalIdentifiersUpdateOperation({key: value...}));
operations.addUpdateOperation(new SocialURLsUpdateOperation({key: value...}));
operations.addUpdateOperation(new HoursOfOperationUpdateOperation({key: value...}));
operations.addUpdateOperation(new ContactDetailsUpdateOperation({key: value...}));
operations.addUpdateOperation(new LegacyProductDetailsUpdateOperation({key: value...}));
operations.addUpdateOperation(new RichDataUpdateOperation({key: value...}));

Only fields specified will be altered on the account group.

Dependencies (8)

Dev Dependencies (1)

Package Sidebar


npm i @vendasta/account-group-sdk

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  • vendasta