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1.0.5 • Public • Published
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VeWorld Mock for E2E Testing

VeWorld mock allows to develop e2e tests for dApps that interact with VeWorld browser wallet.


dApp's and VeWorld browser wallet communicate through the window object to each other. Specifically VeWorld makes functions available on the window object that a dApp can call. These functions are for certificate signing and transaction signing and sending to VeChain Thor.

VeWorld Mock replaces those functions with its own implementation, meaning that VeWorld browser wallet is not needed to be installed when running playwright tests, and the mock implementations of these functions can be configured to suit the test scenario.


Add the dependencies to your project

yarn add --dev @vechain/veworld-mock
yarn add --dev @vechain/veworld-mock-playwright


VeWorld mock has the following configuration:

  • accountIndex : the account index derived from the mnemonic
  • chainTag : the chain tag of the thor instance used
  • mnemonicWords : the mnemonic used to derive the account index
  • thorUrl : URL of Thorest api

By default, VeWorld mock is configured to use a local Solo, with its default mnemonic and its first account.


VeWorld mock has the following options:


  • mockTransaction: specifies the type of transaction to create, values are {real, fake, reject}
    • real --> the mock will create a real transaction
    • fake --> the mock will return the configured fake transaction id
    • reject --> the mock will return an error similar to when the user clicks on Reject in VeWorld
  • fakeTxId --> the transaction id to use when using fake
  • gasMultiplier : when using real or fake the gas % multiplier to use when estimating the transaction gas

The default values are:

fakeCertSignerAddress: '0x0',
fakeTxId: '0x0',
mockTransaction: 'real',
mockCertificate: 'valid',
gasMultiplier: 0.2

(Note: To generate a reverted tx, a vet transfer clause of 10 billion is added to the tx)


  • mockCertificate : specified how to mock the certificate signing, values are {valid, invalid}
    • valid --> certificate will be signed correctly
    • invalid --> yhe certificate is signed correctly, but the signer is set to the fake address
  • fakeCertSignerAddress --> when using invalid the fake signer address


VeWorld mock makes the following available:

  • address : The address of the account index used
  • txId : The last signed tx id


  • Does not mock WalletConnect
  • Does not mock Sync2
  • Does not support sending real tx's that use dependant tx's or delegated gas fee


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  • 1.0.5
    • latest

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  • roisindowling
  • cnealvechain
  • rodolfopietro97
  • fabiorigam
  • davide.carpini
  • darren_vechain
  • vanjat7vechaib
  • freemanzmrojo