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1.0.6 • Public • Published


@tronicart/cc is a TypeScript package that exports a series of useful functions meant to be used within a P5 script.


To install the package, use the following command:

npm install @tronicart/cc


To use the package in a TypeScript P5 script, import the relevant submodules as follows:

import { lerpingColor } from '@tronicart/cc/colors';



The @tronicart/cc package provides a colors module that exports several functions and types related to colors.

To import the colors module, use the following syntax:

import * as colors from '@tronicart/cc/colors';

Available Functions

colorsEqual(c1: P5.Color, c2: P5.Color): boolean

Returns true if the two provided P5.Color objects are equal, otherwise false.

lerpingColor(config: LerpingColorConfig): LerpingColor

Creates a new LerpingColor object based on the provided config object. The config object has the following properties:

  • colors: An array of P5.Color objects to transition between.
  • rotate (optional, default true): Whether to loop back to the first color after the last color is reached.

The LerpingColor object has the following methods:

  • update(delta?: number): void: Updates the current color based on the elapsed time since the last update. delta is the time elapsed in seconds since the last update (default 0.005).
  • color(): P5.Color: Returns the current color.

copyColor(c: P5.Color): P5.Color

Returns a copy of the provided P5.Color object.

Palette Module

The Palette module is used to generate color schemes for use in P5 sketches. It exports a number of functions that can be used to obtain colors from the generated palette.

import { Palette } from '@tronicart/cc/palette';

Once the module is imported, you can use any of its exported functions and types.


The configure() function is used to generate a new color palette. It takes an optional PaletteConfiguration object as an argument that can contain the following properties:

  • p5 (optional): A reference to the P5 instance to use for generating colors. If not provided, the global P5 instance will be used.
  • hue (optional, default: random): The hue of the color scheme, ranging from 0 to 360.
  • distance (optional, default: random): The distance between colors in the color scheme, ranging from 0 to 1.
  • scheme (optional, default: random): The color scheme to use, chosen from the ALL_SCHEMES array.
  • variation (optional, default: random): The variation of the color scheme to use, chosen from the ALL_VARIATIONS array.

Obtaining Colors

Once the Palette module has been configured using configure(), you can obtain colors from the generated palette using the following functions:

  • nextColor(): Returns the next color in the palette.
  • peekNextColor(): Returns the color after the next color in the palette.
  • allColors(): Returns an array of all colors in the palette.
  • colorCount(): Returns the number of colors in the palette.


The reload() function can be used to reload the last configuration applied by configure()

Pixels Module

To use the Pixels module, first import it into your project:

import { editPixels } from '@tronicart/cc/pixels';

The Pixels module provides a createPixelEditor() function which returns an object with several methods for modifying the pixels of a P5 instance:

  • each(cb: PixelCallback): Calls the provided callback function for each pixel in the P5 instance.
  • map(mapper: PixelMapper): Maps each pixel in the P5 instance to a new color using the provided mapper function.
  • getPixel(x: number, y: number): ColorTuple: Returns the color of the pixel at the specified coordinates as an RGBA tuple.
  • setPixel(x: number, y: number, c: P5.Color | ColorTuple): Sets the color of the pixel at the specified coordinates to the provided color.
  • index(x: number, y: number): number: Returns the index of the pixel at the specified coordinates in the P5 instance's pixel array.
  • begin(): Begins editing the pixels of the P5 instance.
  • end(): Ends editing the pixels of the P5 instance.
  • open(cb: () => any): Opens the pixel editor, calls the provided callback function, and then closes the pixel editor.

Here is an example of its usage it in global mode:

import { editPixels } from '@tronicart/cc/pixels';

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);

  const editor = createPixelEditor();

  editor.open();  // begin changes
  editor.each((x, y, [r, g, b, a]) => {
    editor.setPixel(x, y, [255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b, a]);
  editor.close(); // apply changes

Here is an example of its usage in instance mode:

const sketch = (p5: P5) => {
  p5.setup = () => {
    p5.createCanvas(400, 400);

    const editor = createPixelEditor(p5);
    editor.open();  // begin changes
    editor.each((x, y, [r, g, b, a]) => {
      editor.setPixel(x, y, [255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b, a]);
    editor.close(); // apply changes

new P5(sketch);

The editPixels() function provides a convenient way to edit the pixels of a P5 instance within a callback function. It takes a P5 instance and a callback function as arguments. The callback function is called with a PixelEditor object, which can be used to modify the pixels of the P5 instance.

Here is an example of how to use the editPixels function to invert the colors of a P5 instance:

const sketch = (p5: P5) => {
  p5.setup = () => {
    p5.createCanvas(400, 400);

    editPixels(p5, (editor) => {
      editor.each((x, y, [r, g, b, a]) => {
        editor.setPixel(x, y, [255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b, a]);

new P5(sketch);

This will invert the colors of the P5 instance's pixels by subtracting each R, G, and B component from 255.


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