
0.6.0 • Public • Published

React Icon Components

Use TREND svg icons for consistent visual and decorative cues.


## Has peer dependency with react and react-dom
npm install react react-dom
npm install @trend/icon

Basic Usage

With a module bunlder like webpack, use as you would anything else:

// Using ES6 modules.
@import React from 'react';
@import withIcon from '@trend/icon';

const Menu = props => <svg viewBox="..." {...props}>...</svg>;

export default withIcon(Menu);

Import already wrapped icons:

// Using ES6 modules.
@import React from 'react';
@import Bell from '@trend/icon/Bell';

// Render a basic TREND component button.
function Alert() {
  return <Bell size={3} />;

// => <svg role="img" viewBox arialabelledBy style>...</svg>


All props are passed through directly to the svg itself, with the exception of the width, height, and style props.


number||string | optional, defaults to 1

Adding a size will adjust the width and height attributes of the svg to preserve the 1:1 ratio required for the icon.


string | optional, defaults to rem and can only be one of rem or em

Change the unit of measurment for the size of the icon.


object | optional, see default styles below, any additional styles

const defaultStyles = {
  display: 'inline-block',
  fill: 'currentColor',
  verticalAlign: 'middle'


All icons can be imported directly by file name or from main module import.

import { Bell } from '@trend/icon';
import Bell from '@trend/icon/bell';
Name Display name
Add WithIcon(Add)
App WithIcon(App)
Bell WithIcon(Bell)
Calendar WithIcon(Calendar)
Camera WithIcon(Camera)
Check WithIcon(Check)
ChevronLeft WithIcon(ChevronLeft)
ChevronRight WithIcon(ChevronRight)
Close WithIcon(Close)
Cog WithIcon(Cog)
Comment WithIcon(Comment)
Crop WithIcon(Crop)
Data WithIcon(Data)
Edit WithIcon(Edit)
Ellipsis WithIcon(Ellipsis)
Exclamation WithIcon(Exclamation)
Filter WithIcon(Filter)
Location WithIcon(Location)
Lock WithIcon(Lock)
Menu WithIcon(Menu)
Message WithIcon(Message)
Move WithIcon(Move)
Mute WithIcon(Mute)
Pause WithIcon(Pause)
Play WithIcon(Play)
Print WithIcon(Print)
Profile WithIcon(Profile)
QuestionMark WithIcon(QuestionMark)
Search WithIcon(Search)
Share WithIcon(Share)
Sort WithIcon(Sort)
SoundOn WithIcon(SoundOn)
Stats WithIcon(Stats)
Tags WithIcon(Tags)
Trash WithIcon(Trash)
Unlock WithIcon(Unlock)
Users WithIcon(Users)
Video WithIcon(Video)
Weblink WithIcon(Weblink)
ZoomIn WithIcon(ZoomIn)
ZoomOut WithIcon(ZoomOut)

Building Icons

All icons are generated using svgr. All raw svg files reside in the svgs directory and to re-compile the svgs into React components just run the npm run build:icons command. Running command will auto-generate the main index.js as well.


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