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0.0.1 • Public • Published

React Native Async Cache

A simple, decorated, AsyncStorage-based and configurable cache written in Typescript.



$ npm install @timp4w/react-native-async-cache


$ yarn add @timp4w/react-native-async-cache


React Native (JS)

$ yarn add -D @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators
$ yarn add reflect-metadata

Then add to your babel.config.js

  plugins: [['@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators', {legacy: true}]],

And in the top of your index.js file:

import 'reflect-metadata';

React Native (TS)

$ yarn add reflect-metadata

Then modify your tsconfig.json file to include the following:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true

And in the top of your index.js file:

import 'reflect-metadata';

Cache Factory methods

In order to start you need to import CacheFactory in your index file

import { CacheFactory } from "@timp4w/react-native-async-cache";

.setNamespace(namespace: string)

Set a namespace for your this.cache.

The keys will be serialized with ${namespace}:${key}

.setBackend(backend: StorageBackend)

Select a backend to use for your this.cache.

By default a MemoryStorage is provided.

You can use any backend with the following signature:

type StorageBackend = {
  getItem: (key: string) => Promise<string | null>;
  setItem: (key: string, value: string) => Promise<void>;
  removeItem: (key: string) => Promise<void>;
  clear: () => Promise<void>;
  getAllKeys: () => Promise<readonly string[]>;
  multiRemove: (keys: string[]) => Promise<void>;

.attachStrategy(strategy: CacheStrategy)

With this method you can attach a cach management strategy.

This library provides some basic strategies:

  • LRUStrategy: When max entries are reached, remove the least recently used entry from the cache
  • ... more to come

You can also write your own strategy, by implementing the CacheStrategy interface (see the implementation of the LRU strategy)

class MyStrategy implements CacheStrategy {
  async onRead<T>(key: string, value: CachedItem<T>): Promise<void> {
    /* Do something when an item is read */

  onWrite<T>(_key: string, _value: CachedItem<T>): Promise<void> {
    /* Do something when an item is written */

  onEvict<T>(_key: string): Promise<void> {
    /* Do something when an item is evicted */

  onInit(_namespace: string, _keyConstructor: (key: string) => string): void {
    /* Do something on cache init */

export default new RemoveExpiredValueOnReadStrategy();

.create(): void

Initialize the cache

.getInstance(): Cache | undefined

Returns the instance of the cache as a singleton.


const lruStrategy = new LRUStrategy();


const cache = CacheFactory.getInstance();


@cached(key: string, ttl: number)

Use this decorator above an async function to cache its value with the given TTL (in seconds).

@evictKey(key: string)

Decorating a method with evictKey will evict the item stored with the given key.

You can also provide a pattern: my-key:* which will evict all items starting with that pattern, you must use this pattern if you want to evict all items where you used the @cacheKey decorator on the parameters.

In this example, calling evictAll() will evict all items cached for cacheThis(...) for all the arguments:

@cached('my-multi-item', 60)
async cacheThis(@cacheKey a: number) {
  /* ... */

async evictAll() {
  /* ... */


You can decorate the parameters of your function with @cacheKey in order to serialize them into the key.

Useful if you want to cache the result given different parameters (see the note on @evictKey() for evicting the cached items if you use this decorator).


You can also use the cache directly, it exposes the following APIs.

Just import the Cache Factory wherever you need it (after you called .create()) and call .getInstance()

import { CacheFactory } from "@timp4w/react-native-async-cache";

const cache = CacheFactory.getInstance();

cache?.write<string>("myKey", "myValue", 60); // Stores 'myValue' with a TTL of 60 seconds
const myCachedString = cache?.read<string>("myKey"); // Read value
cache?.evict("myKey"); // Remove value
const cacheKeys: string[] = cache?.getAllKeys();
cache?.flush(); // Flush the whole cache

The methods that the strategies can hook to, have an extra skipStrategy: boolean flag, if you need to write / read items in the cache without causing an infinite loop in the strategy. You should ignore it and use the default value if you're not writing a strategy.


public async read<T>(key: string, skipStrategy = false): Promise<T | null>


public async write<T>(key: string, value: T, ttl: number, skipStrategy = false): Promise<void>


public async evict(key: string, skipStrategy = false): Promise<boolean>

Flush cache

public async flush(): Promise<void>

Flush all items in the cache.

Get all keys

public async getAllKeys(): Promise<string[] | undefined>

Flush all keys stored in cache.

Methods you would probably never use unless you write your strategy

Create Storage Key

public createStorageKey(key: string): string

Returns the final storage key used by the cache.

Serialize key

public serializeItemKeys(key: string, additionalKeys: string[]): string

Returns a serialized key.

Is Expired?

public isExpired(item: CachedItem<unknown>): boolean

Test if an item is expired. You can use this in your custom strategy if you need to check for expiration.

Example Usage

Your index file

import 'reflect-metadata';
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage';
import {
} from ' @timp4w/react-native-async-cache';

const lruStrategy = new LRUStrategy();


const cache = CacheFactory.getInstance();

In your classes

import {
} from '@timp4w/react-native-async-cache';

class MyClass {
  @cached('cache-key', 1000)
  async cachedWork() {
    /* Do work */

  async evictOtherCacheWork() {
    /* Do work */

  @cached('another-cache-key', 60)
  async anotherCachedWork(
    @cacheKey myParam1: string,
    @cacheKey myParam2: string
  ) {
    /* Do work */


  • Test performance
  • Apply feedback
  • Refactoring and renaming


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  • timp4w