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0.8.13 • Public • Published

wdio-ui5-service npm

WebdriverIO-plugin for wdi5.

It provides the ui5-service to WebdriverIO, running tests in the browser.

Table of contents


  • UI5 app running in the browser, accessbile via http(s)://host.ext:port. Recommended tooling for this is either the official UI5 tooling (ui5 serve) or some standalone http server like soerver or http-server.
  • node version >= 12.x (lts/erbium)
  • (optional) yarn during development, we rely on yarn’s workspace-features - that’s why we refer to yarn instead of npm in the docs, even though using npm as an equivalent shold be fine too


To keep the module lightweight, wdio-ui5-service has almost zero dependencies.
This means you have to setup WebdriverIO as a prerequisite as described in https://webdriver.io/docs/gettingstarted.html.

$> npm i --save-dev @wdio/cli
$> npx wdio config # do the config boogie - this will also install dependencies

Add wdio-ui5-service as a (dev)dependency to your package.json via

$> npm install wdio-ui5-service --save-dev or $> yarn add -D wdio-ui5-service

  "dependencies": {
    "wdio-ui5-service": "^0.0.1"

Then add the ui5-service to the standard wdio.conf.js:

services: [
    // other services like 'chromedriver'
    // ...

Finally, pass in configuration options for wdi5 in your WebdriverIO-conf file:

wdi5: {
    screenshotPath: require('path').join('test', 'report', 'screenshots'), // [optional] using the project root
    screenshotsDisabled: false, // [optional] {Boolean}; if set to true screenshots won't be taken and not written to file system
    logLevel: 'verbose', // [optional] error | verbose | silent
    platform: 'browser', // [mandatory] browser | android | ios | electron
    url: 'index.html', // [mandatory, not empty] path to your bootstrap html file. If your server autoredirects to a 'domain:port/' like root url use empty string ''
    deviceType: 'web', // [mandatory] native | web
    skipInjectUI5OnStart: false, // [optional] true when UI5 is not on the start page, you need to later call <wdioUI5service>.injectUI5(); manually
    waitForUI5Timeout: 15000 // [optional] maximum waiting time while checking for UI5 availability

See test/wdio-ui5.conf.js for a sample configuration file for browser-scope testing.

Run the tests via the webdriver.io-cli:

$> npx wdio

Skip UI5/wdi5 initialization on startup

In case the very first called page is non-UI5 (think SAP CP CloudFoundry login), the config option skipInjectUI5OnStart can be set to true to postpone injecting wdi5 into the browser context. Consequentially you have to do it later, as soon as the UI5 page to test is available. This can be done by calling injectUI5() on the wdio-ui5-service.

// require the service implementation and instantiate separately
const _ui5Service = require('wdio-ui5-service').default;
const wdioUI5Service = new _ui5Service();

await wdioUI5Service.injectUI5();

Check /wdio-ui5-service/test/ui5-late.test.js in conjunction with /wdio-ui5-service/test/wdio-ui5-late.conf.js for an example.


Run-(Test-)Time usage of wdi5 is agnostic to its' test-scope (browser or native) and centers around the global browser-object, be it in the browser or on a real mobile device.

Please see the top-level README for API-methods and usage instructions.

Features specific to wdio-ui5-service (vs. wdi5)


In the test, you can navigate the UI5 webapp via goTo(options) in one of two ways:

  • updating the browser hash
    await browser.goTo({sHash: '#/test'});
  • using the UI5 router navTo function
    await browser.goTo(
        oRoute: {


see top-level LICENSE file

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npm i @thorsten-wolf-neptune/wdio-ui5-service-cordova

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  • thorsten-wolf-neptune