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A port of the idea behind The Elm Architecture to Redux that allows you to sequence your effects naturally and purely by returning them from your reducers. This is a partial port because we want to keep API surface area for the library as small as possible.

Is it correct to cause side-effects in a reducer?

Yes! Absolutely.

Doesn't redux-loop put side-effects in the reducer?

It doesn't. The values returned from the reducer when scheduling an effect with redux-loop only describe the effect. Calling the reducer will not cause the effect to run. The value returned by the reducer is just an object that the store knows how to interpret when it is enhanced by redux-loop. You can safely call a reducer in your tests without worrying about waiting for effects to finish and what they will do to your environment.

What are the environment requirements for redux-loop?

redux-loop requires polyfill for ES6 Promise to be included if the browsers you target don't natively support them.


npm install --save redux-loop

Quick Example

import { createStore, Effects } from 'redux-loop';


const init = {
  state: {
    firstActionDispatched: false,
    secondActionDispatched: false,
  effects: [
      () => Promise.resolve({ type: FIRST_ACTION })

function reducer(state, action) {
  switch(action.type) {

    case FIRST_ACTION:
      return {
        state: {
          firstActionDispatched: true,
        effects: [
            () => Promise.resolve({ type: SECOND_ACTION })

      return {
        state: {
          secondActionDispatched: true,
        effects: [],

      return state;

const store = createStore(reducer, init);

Why use this?

Having used and followed the progression of Redux and the Elm Architecture, and after trying other effect patterns for Redux, we came to the following conclusion:

Synchronous state transitions caused by returning a new state from the reducer in response to an action are just one of all possible effects an action can have on application state.

Many other methods for handling effects in Redux, especially those implemented with action-creators, incorrectly teach the user that asynchronous effects are fundamentally different from synchronous state transitions. This separation encourages divergent and increasingly specific means of processing particular types effects. Instead, we should focus on making our reducers powerful enough to handle asynchronous effects as well as synchronous state transitions. With redux-loop, the reducer doesn't just decide what happens now due to a particular action, it decides what happens next. All of the behavior of your application can be traced through one place, and that behavior can be easily broken apart and composed back together. This is one of the most powerful features of the Elm architecture, and with redux-loop it is a feature of Redux as well.



Argument Required Description
reducer true Reducer which returns new state and effects. Note: You can't use composeReducers because this function do not handle effects.
initialState true Initial state and initial effects.
enhancer false Usual Redux ehancer. So you can use all the middlewares you are used to including Redux DevTools

To be able to have side-effects within initial state as well as return them from reducer we created our own implementation of createStore.

Don't panic! We use original Redux store creation under the hood. So you will be able to use all your favorite middlewares and dev tools!

Following examle illustrates how very simple store creation could be done.

import * as ReduxLoop from 'redux-loop';

const store = ReduxLoop.createLoopStore(
  function reducer(state, action) {
    return { state, effects: [] };
    state: 'your initial state'
    effects: [/* your initial effects */]
  // As in Redux itself you can pass enhancer as a third argument.
  // It will be passed down to the Redux store.



This is the only method you need to create any side-effect in your application.

const effect = Effects.fromLazyPromise(
  () => Promise.resolve({ type: 'YOUR_ACTION_TYPE' })

The reason we need it is because JavaScript promises get executed immediately which eliminates all the purity of our reducer.

The only important thing here is that promise you use should return valid action both upon success and failure.

const effect = Effects.fromLazyPromise(() => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const rnd = Math.random();

    if (rnd < 0.5) {
    else {
      return resolve(rnd);
  .then(rnd => {
    return {
      type: 'SUCCESS',
      payload: rnd,
  .catch(() => {
    return {
      type: 'FAILURE',

If you for some reason forgot to use catch to handle fail case we will notify you with handful error message!


You will need this method, well, for mapping your Effects. This is pretty similar to mapping an array.

[1, 2, 3].map(x => x * x);
// [1, 4, 9]

Whenever you map an array you get a new array with each value being transformed with the function provided. Whenever you map an Effect you get a new Effect with it's value being transformed with the function. The primary use case for it is to be able to nest actions one withing the other.

    () => Promise.resolve({ type: 'ACTION', foo: 'bar' })
  .map(action => {
    return {
      type: 'WRAPPED_ACTION',
      nestedAction: action,

  nestedAction: {
    type: 'ACTION',
    foo: 'bar'


Potential bugs, generally discussion, and proposals or RFCs should be submitted as issues to this repo, we'll do our best to address them quickly. We use this library as well and want it to be the best it can! For questions about using the library, submit questions on StackOverflow with the redux-loop tag.

Don't see a feature you want?

If you're interested in adding something to redux-loop but don't want to wait for us to incorporate the idea you can follow these steps to get your own installable version of redux-loop with your feature included:

  1. Fork the main repo here
  2. Add your feature or change
  3. Change the package "name" in package.json to be "@<your-npm-username>/redux-loop
  4. Commit to master and npm publish
  5. npm install @<your-npm-username>/redux-loop

We are always interested in new ideas, but sometimes we get a little busy and fall behind on responding and reviewing PRs. Hopefully this process will allow you to continue making progress on your projects and also provide us with more context if and when you do decide to make a PR for your new feature or change. The best way to verify new features for a library is to use them in real-world scenarios!


Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. Multiple language translations are available at contributor-covenant.org

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  • thewillhuang