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Theneo CLI

The Theneo CLI (Command Line Interface) is s a command-line tool for effortless management of the Theneo platform from your terminal. Create, manage, and publish API documentation with ease, all without leaving your terminal.

You can find the npm package here


  • Node.js v18 or higher


To install the Theneo CLI, use the following command:

npm install -g @theneo/cli@latest

This command installs the Theneo CLI globally on your machine, allowing it to be run from any directory.


To get started with Theneo CLI, you can use the help command:

theneo help

Usage: theneo [options] [command]

A CLI for the Theneo application

  -V, --version       output the version number
  -h, --help          display help for command

  login [options]     Login in theneo cli
  project <action>    Project related commands
  workspace <action>  Workspace related commands
  version <action>    Project Version related commands
  help [command]      display help for command



Standard Login:

theneo login

Login with an API Key:

theneo login --token <theneo-api-key>

You can also set the THENEO_API_KEY environment variable.

Create new project

Usage: theneo project create [options]

Create new project

  --name <name>                                  Project name
  --workspace <workspace-slug>                   Enter workspace slug where the project should be created in, if not present uses default workspace
  -f, --file <file>                              API file path to import (eg: docs/openapi.yml)
  --link <link>                                  API file URL to create project using it
  --postman-api-key <postman-api-key>            Postman API Key (env: THENEO_POSTMAN_API_KEY)
  --postman-collection <postman-collection>      Postman collection id, you can use multiple times
  --empty                                        Creates empty project (default: false)
  --sample                                       Creates project with sample template (default: false)
  --publish                                      Publish the project after creation (default: false)
  --public                                       Make published documentation to be publicly accessible. Private by default (default: false)
  --generate-description <generate-description>  Indicates if AI should be used for description generation (choices: "fill", "overwrite", "no_generation", default:
  --profile <string>                             Use a specific profile from your config file.
  -h, --help                                     display help for command
  1. Create a new project interactively

    theneo project create
  2. Create the project directly using api spec file

    theneo project create --name api-documentation --generate-description overwrite --publish --public --file ./examples/openapi-spec.json
  3. Create a project using a link to api documentation

    theneo project create --name api-documentation --generate-description fill --publish --public --link https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/main/examples/v3.0/uspto.json
  4. Create a project from Postman collections

     theneo project create --name api-documentation --postman-api-key <key> --postman-collection <id-1> --postman-collection <id-2>

Update api documentation from api spec file

Import updated documentation into Theneo using file, link or postman collection

Note: Published document link has this pattern: https://app.theneo.io///

Usage: theneo project import [options]

  --project <project-slug>                   Specify the project slug to import updated documentation in
  -f, --file <file>                          API file path to import (eg: docs/openapi.yml)
  --link <link>                              API file URL to create project using it
  --postman-api-key <postman-api-key>        Postman API Key (env: THENEO_POSTMAN_API_KEY)
  --postman-collection <postman-collection>  Postman collection id, you can use multiple times
  --import-type <import-type>                Indicates how should the new api spec be imported (choices: "endpoints", "overwrite", "append", "merge")
  --publish                                  Automatically publish the project (default: false)
  --workspace <workspace-slug>               Workspace slug, where the project is located
  --projectVersion <version-slug>            Project version slug to import to, if not provided then default version will be used
  --keepOldParameterDescription              Additional flag during merging import option, it will keep old parameter descriptions
  --keepOldSectionDescription                Additional flag during merging import option, it will keep old section descriptions
  --profile <string>                         Use a specific profile from your config file.
  -h, --help                                 display help for command

Updating a Project:

# interactive
theneo project import
# or
theneo project import --file <file> --project <project-slug> --publish

Example import with merge option

theneo project import --project <project-slug> \
--workspace <workspace-slug> \
--projectVersion <version-slug> \
--publish \
--file ./api-spec.json \
--import-type merge \
--keepOldParameterDescription \

Publish document

theneo project publish --project <project-slug>

Delete project

theneo project delete --project <project-slug>

Project version

theneo version --help
Usage: theneo version [options] [command] <action>

Project version related commands

  -h, --help        display help for command

  list [options]    List project versions
  create [options]  Create new version
  delete [options]  Delete a version
  add-subscriber [options]  Add a subscriber for project changelog
  help [command]    display help for command


Usage: theneo version create [options]

  --name <name>                              Name of the version
  --project <project-slug>                   Project slug to create version for
  --workspace <workspace-slug>               Workspace slug where the project is
  --previousVersion <previous-version-slug>  Previous version slug to duplicate the content from
  --default                                  set as default version
  --profile <string>                         Use a specific profile from your config file.
  -h, --help                                 display help for command
theneo version create

Add ChangeLog subscriber

Usage: theneo version add-subscriber [options]

Add a subscriber for project changelog

  --project <project-slug>                  Project slug
  --workspace <workspace-slug>              Workspace slug
  --projectVersion <previous-version-slug>  Project version slug
  --email <email>                           Email of the new subscriber to change log
  --profile <string>                        Use a specific profile from your config file.
  -h, --help                                display help for command

Use the main branch changes

Clone the repository

git clone git@github.com:Theneo-Inc/theneo-tools.git

install packages

nvm use 
npm install

install the cli

npm run cli

Run the cli

theneo help

Change theneo API endpoint

  • Using environment variable

    THENEO_API_KEY=<theneo-api-key> THENEO_API_URL=https://api.theneo.io THENEO_APP_URL=https://app.theneo.io \
    theneo <command>
  • Using theneo config file and profile

    theneo login --profile <profile-name> --token <theneo-api-key> --api-url https://api.theneo.io --app-url https://app.theneo.io

    check the config file at .config/theneo/config

Export and Import project data in Markdown format

Export project data in Markdown format and JSON files

Usage: theneo export [options]

  --project <project-slug>         project slug
  --projectVersion <version-slug>  Version slug
  --workspace <workspace-slug>     Enter workspace slug where the project should be created in, if not present uses default workspace
  --profile <string>               Use a specific profile from your config file.
  --dir <directory>                directory location where the project will be exported (default: "docs")
  --publishedView                  By default it will export data from editor, pass this flag to get published project data (default: false)
  --force                          Overwrite existing files without prompting (default: false)
  --openapi                        Export as OpenAPI spec
  --format <format>                exported OpenAPI spec format (yaml or json) (default: "yaml")
  -h, --help                       display help for command
theneo export --project <project-slug> --projectVersion <version-slug> --dir <directory>

Import project data from Markdown files

import exported markdown files back to theneo

Usage: theneo import [options]

Update theneo project from generated markdown directory

  --project <project-slug>         project slug
  --workspace <workspace-slug>     Enter workspace slug where the project should be created in, if not present uses default workspace
  --dir <directory>                Generated theneo project directory
  --publish                        Automatically publish the project (default: false)
  --projectVersion <version-slug>  Version slug
  --profile <string>               Use a specific profile from your config file.
  -h, --help                       display help for command
theneo export --project <project-slug> --projectVersion <version-slug> --dir <directory>

Create a new project from markdown files

Usage: theneo create [options]

  --dir <directory>             directory location where the project will be exported
  --name <project-name>         project name 
  --workspace <workspace-slug>  Enter workspace slug where the project should be created in, if not present uses default workspace
  --profile <string>            Use a specific profile from your config file.
  -h, --help                    display help for command
theneo create --dir <directory> --name <project-name>


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