
8.5.7 • Public • Published

Bitcore Wallet Client

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The official client library for bitcore-wallet-service.


This package communicates with BWS Bitcore wallet service using the REST API. All REST endpoints are wrapped as simple async methods. All relevant responses from BWS are checked independently by the peers, thus the importance of using this library when talking to a third party BWS instance.

See Bitcore-wallet for a simple CLI wallet implementation that relays on BWS and uses bitcore-wallet-client.

Get Started

You can start using bitcore-wallet-client in any of these two ways:

  • via Bower: by running bower install bitcore-wallet-client from your console
  • or via NPM: by running npm install bitcore-wallet-client from your console.


Start your own local Bitcore wallet service instance. In this example we assume you have bitcore-wallet-service running on your localhost:3232.

Install bitcore-wallet-client before start:

npm i bitcore-wallet-client

Create and join a shared wallet

Create two files irene.js and tomas.js with the content below:


var Client = require("@tecracoin/bitcore-wallet-client");

var fs = require("fs");
var BWS_INSTANCE_URL = 'https://bws.bitpay.com/bws/api'

// Generates a new extended private key
var ireneKeys = Keys.create();

var client = new Client({
  verbose: false,

client.createWallet("My Wallet", "Irene", 2, 2, {network: 'testnet'}, function(err, secret) {
  if (err) {
    console.log('error: ',err);
  // Handle err
  console.log('Wallet Created. Share this secret with your copayers: ' + secret);
  fs.writeFileSync('irene-secret.dat', ireneKeys.export());
  fs.writeFileSync('irene.dat', client.export());


var Client = require("@tecracoin/bitcore-wallet-client");

var fs = require("fs");
var BWS_INSTANCE_URL = 'https://bws.bitpay.com/bws/api'

var secret = process.argv[2];
if (!secret) {
  console.log('./tomas.js <Secret>')


var tomasKeys = Keys.create();
var client = new Client({
  verbose: false,

client.joinWallet(secret, "Tomas", {}, function(err, wallet) {
  if (err) {
    console.log('error: ', err);

  console.log('Joined ' + wallet.name + '!');
  fs.writeFileSync('tomas.dat', client.export());

  client.openWallet(function(err, ret) {
    if (err) {
      console.log('error: ', err);
    console.log('\n\n** Wallet Info', ret); //TODO

    console.log('\n\nCreating first address:', ret); //TODO
    if (ret.wallet.status == 'complete') {
      client.createAddress({}, function(err,addr){
        if (err) {
          console.log('error: ', err);

        console.log('\nReturn:', addr)

Create a new wallet with the first script:

$ node irene.js
info Generating new keys
 Wallet Created. Share this secret with your copayers: JbTDjtUkvWS4c3mgAtJf4zKyRGzdQzZacfx2S7gRqPLcbeAWaSDEnazFJF6mKbzBvY1ZRwZCbvT

Join to this wallet with generated secret:

$ node tomas.js JbTDjtUkvWS4c3mgAtJf4zKyRGzdQzZacfx2S7gRqPLcbeAWaSDEnazFJF6mKbzBvY1ZRwZCbvT
Joined My Wallet!

Wallet Info: [...]

Creating first address:

Return: [...]

Note that the scripts created two files named irene.dat and tomas.dat. With these files you can get status, generate addresses, create proposals, sign transactions, etc.

Open a wallet dat file

var Client = require("@tecracoin/bitcore-wallet-client");

var fs = require("fs");
var BWS_INSTANCE_URL = 'https://bws.bitpay.com/bws/api'

var client = new Client({
  verbose: false,


Now you can get the balance for the wallet with:

  client.openWallet((err, res) => {
    client.getBalance((err, res) => {

Class: API

ClientAPI constructor.


Reset notification polling with new interval


notificationIntervalSeconds: Numeric, use 0 to pause notifications

API.seedFromRandom(opts, opts.network)

Seed from random


opts: Object, Seed from random

opts.network: String, default 'livenet'

API.seedFromRandomWithMnemonic(opts, opts.network, opts.passphrase, opts.language, opts.account)

Seed from random with mnemonic


opts: Object, Seed from random with mnemonic

opts.network: String, default 'livenet'

opts.passphrase: String, Seed from random with mnemonic

opts.language: Number, default 'en'

opts.account: Number, default 0

API.seedFromExtendedPrivateKey(xPrivKey, opts.account, opts.derivationStrategy)

Seed from extended private key


xPrivKey: String, Seed from extended private key

opts.account: Number, default 0

opts.derivationStrategy: String, default 'BIP44'

API.seedFromMnemonic(BIP39, opts, opts.network, opts.passphrase, opts.account, opts.derivationStrategy)

Seed from Mnemonics (language autodetected) Can throw an error if mnemonic is invalid


BIP39: String, words

opts: Object, Seed from Mnemonics (language autodetected) Can throw an error if mnemonic is invalid

opts.network: String, default 'livenet'

opts.passphrase: String, Seed from Mnemonics (language autodetected) Can throw an error if mnemonic is invalid

opts.account: Number, default 0

opts.derivationStrategy: String, default 'BIP44'

API.seedFromExtendedPublicKey(xPubKey, source, entropySourceHex, opts, opts.account, opts.derivationStrategy)

Seed from external wallet public key


xPubKey: String, Seed from external wallet public key

source: String, A name identifying the source of the xPrivKey (e.g. ledger, TREZOR, ...)

entropySourceHex: String, A HEX string containing pseudo-random data, that can be deterministically derived from the xPrivKey, and should not be derived from xPubKey.

opts: Object, Seed from external wallet public key

opts.account: Number, default 0

opts.derivationStrategy: String, default 'BIP44'

API.export(opts, opts.noSign)

Export wallet


opts: Object, Export wallet

opts.noSign: Boolean, Export wallet

API.import(str, opts, opts.password, opts.skipKeyValidation)

Import wallet emits 'derivation-error' in case keys are not validated correctly.


str: Object, Import wallet emits 'derivation-error' in case keys are not validated correctly.

opts: Object, Import wallet emits 'derivation-error' in case keys are not validated correctly.

opts.password: String, If the source has the private key encrypted, the password will be needed for derive credentials fields.

opts.skipKeyValidation: Boolean, Skip extended key validation

API.importFromMnemonic(BIP39, opts, opts.network, opts.passphrase, opts.account, opts.derivationStrategy)

Import from Mnemonics (language autodetected) Can throw an error if mnemonic is invalid


BIP39: String, words

opts: Object, Import from Mnemonics (language autodetected) Can throw an error if mnemonic is invalid

opts.network: String, default 'livenet'

opts.passphrase: String, Import from Mnemonics (language autodetected) Can throw an error if mnemonic is invalid

opts.account: Number, default 0

opts.derivationStrategy: String, default 'BIP44'

API.importFromExtendedPublicKey(xPubKey, source, entropySourceHex, opts, opts.account, opts.derivationStrategy)

Import from Extended Public Key


xPubKey: String, Import from Extended Public Key

source: String, A name identifying the source of the xPrivKey

entropySourceHex: String, A HEX string containing pseudo-random data, that can be deterministically derived from the xPrivKey, and should not be derived from xPubKey.

opts: Object, Import from Extended Public Key

opts.account: Number, default 0

opts.derivationStrategy: String, default 'BIP44'


Open a wallet and try to complete the public key ring.


cb: Callback, The callback that handles the response. It returns a flag indicating that the wallet is complete.

Fires: API#event:walletCompleted


Return if wallet is complete


Is private key currently encrypted? (ie, locked)

Returns: Boolean


Is private key encryption setup?

Returns: Boolean


Is private key external?

Returns: Boolean


Get external wallet source name

Returns: String


unlocks the private key. lock need to be called explicity later to remove the unencrypted private key.


password: , unlocks the private key. lock need to be called explicity later to remove the unencrypted private key.


Can this credentials sign a transaction? (Only returns fail on a 'proxy' setup for airgapped operation)

Returns: undefined

API.setPrivateKeyEncryption(password, opts)

sets up encryption for the extended private key


password: String, Password used to encrypt

opts: Object, optional: SJCL options to encrypt (.iter, .salt, etc).

Returns: undefined


disables encryption for private key. wallet must be unlocked


Locks private key (removes the unencrypted version and keep only the encrypted)

Returns: undefined

API.getFeeLevels(network, cb)

Get current fee levels for the specified network


network: string, 'livenet' (default) or 'testnet'

cb: Callback, Get current fee levels for the specified network

Returns: Callback, cb - Returns error or an object with status information


Get service version


cb: Callback, Get service version

API.createWallet(walletName, copayerName, m, n, opts, opts.network, opts.walletPrivKey, opts.id, opts.withMnemonics, cb)

Create a wallet.


walletName: String, Create a wallet.

copayerName: String, Create a wallet.

m: Number, Create a wallet.

n: Number, Create a wallet.

opts: object, (optional: advanced options)

opts.network: string, 'livenet' or 'testnet'

opts.walletPrivKey: String, set a walletPrivKey (instead of random)

opts.id: String, set a id for wallet (instead of server given)

opts.withMnemonics: String, generate credentials

cb: , Create a wallet.

Returns: undefined

API.joinWallet(secret, copayerName, opts, opts.dryRun[, cb)

Join an existent wallet


secret: String, Join an existent wallet

copayerName: String, Join an existent wallet

opts: Object, Join an existent wallet

opts.dryRun[: Boolean, Simulate wallet join

cb: Callback, Join an existent wallet

Returns: Callback, cb - Returns the wallet


Recreates a wallet, given credentials (with wallet id)

Returns: Callback, cb - Returns the wallet

API.getNotifications(opts, lastNotificationId, timeSpan)

Get latest notifications


opts: object, Get latest notifications

lastNotificationId: String, (optional) - The ID of the last received notification

timeSpan: String, (optional) - A time window on which to look for notifications (in seconds)

Returns: Callback, cb - Returns error or an array of notifications

API.getStatus(opts.twoStep[, opts.includeExtendedInfo)

Get status of the wallet


opts.twoStep[: Boolean, Optional: use 2-step balance computation for improved performance

opts.includeExtendedInfo: Boolean, (optional: query extended status)

Returns: Callback, cb - Returns error or an object with status information


Get copayer preferences


cb: Callback, Get copayer preferences

Returns: Callback, cb - Return error or object

API.savePreferences(preferences, cb)

Save copayer preferences


preferences: Object, Save copayer preferences

cb: Callback, Save copayer preferences

Returns: Callback, cb - Return error or object




opts.payProUrl: , URL for paypro request

Returns: Callback, cb - Return error or the parsed payment protocol request Returns (err,paypro) paypro.amount paypro.toAddress paypro.memo

API.getUtxos(cb, opts, opts.addresses)

Gets list of utxos


cb: function, Gets list of utxos

opts: Object, Gets list of utxos

opts.addresses: Array, (optional) - List of addresses from where to fetch UTXOs.

Returns: Callback, cb - Return error or the list of utxos

API.createTxProposal(opts, opts.outputs, opts.outputs[].toAddress, opts.outputs[].amount, opts.outputs[].message, opts.message, opts.fee, opts.feePerKb, opts.changeAddress, opts.payProUrl, opts.excludeUnconfirmedUtxos, opts.customData, opts.inputs, opts.outputs, opts.utxosToExclude)

Create a transaction proposal


opts: Object, Create a transaction proposal

opts.outputs: Array, List of outputs.

opts.outputs[].toAddress: String, / opts.outputs[].script

opts.outputs[].amount: Number, Create a transaction proposal

opts.outputs[].message: String, Create a transaction proposal

opts.message: string, A message to attach to this transaction.

opts.fee: string, Optional: Use an alternative fee for this TX (mutually exclusive with feePerKb)

opts.feePerKb: string, Optional: Use an alternative fee per KB for this TX (mutually exclusive with fee)

opts.changeAddress: string, Optional. Use this address as the change address for the tx. The address should belong to the wallet.

opts.payProUrl: String, Optional: Tx is from a payment protocol URL

opts.excludeUnconfirmedUtxos: string, Optional: Do not use UTXOs of unconfirmed transactions as inputs

opts.customData: Object, Optional: Arbitrary data to store along with proposal

opts.inputs: Array, Optional: Inputs to be used in proposal.

opts.outputs: Array, Optional: Outputs to be used in proposal.

opts.utxosToExclude: Array, Optional: List of UTXOS (in form of txid:vout string) to exclude from coin selection for this proposal

Returns: Callback, cb - Return error or the transaction proposal

API.publishTxProposal(opts, opts.txp)

Publish a transaction proposal


opts: Object, Publish a transaction proposal

opts.txp: Object, The transaction proposal object returned by the API#createTxProposal method

Returns: Callback, cb - Return error or null

API.createAddress(opts, opts.ignoreMaxGap[, cb)

Create a new address


opts: Object, Create a new address

opts.ignoreMaxGap[: Boolean, Create a new address

cb: Callback, Create a new address

Returns: Callback, cb - Return error or the address

API.getMainAddresses(opts, opts.doNotVerify, opts.limit, opts.reverse, cb)

Get your main addresses


opts: Object, Get your main addresses

opts.doNotVerify: Boolean, Get your main addresses

opts.limit: Numeric, (optional) - Limit the resultset. Return all addresses by default.

opts.reverse: Boolean, (optional) - Reverse the order of returned addresses.

cb: Callback, Get your main addresses

Returns: Callback, cb - Return error or the array of addresses

API.getBalance(opts.twoStep[, cb)

Update wallet balance


opts.twoStep[: Boolean, Optional: use 2-step balance computation for improved performance

cb: Callback, Update wallet balance

API.getTxProposals(opts, opts.doNotVerify, opts.forAirGapped)

Get list of transactions proposals


opts: Object, Get list of transactions proposals

opts.doNotVerify: Boolean, Get list of transactions proposals

opts.forAirGapped: Boolean, Get list of transactions proposals

Returns: Callback, cb - Return error or array of transactions proposals

API.signTxProposal(txp, cb)

Sign a transaction proposal


txp: Object, Sign a transaction proposal

cb: Callback, Sign a transaction proposal

Returns: Callback, cb - Return error or object

API.signTxProposalFromAirGapped(txp, encryptedPkr, m, n)

Sign transaction proposal from AirGapped


txp: Object, Sign transaction proposal from AirGapped

encryptedPkr: String, Sign transaction proposal from AirGapped

m: Number, Sign transaction proposal from AirGapped

n: Number, Sign transaction proposal from AirGapped

Returns: Object, txp - Return transaction

API.rejectTxProposal(txp, reason, cb)

Reject a transaction proposal


txp: Object, Reject a transaction proposal

reason: String, Reject a transaction proposal

cb: Callback, Reject a transaction proposal

Returns: Callback, cb - Return error or object

API.broadcastRawTx(opts, opts.network, opts.rawTx, cb)

Broadcast raw transaction


opts: Object, Broadcast raw transaction

opts.network: String, Broadcast raw transaction

opts.rawTx: String, Broadcast raw transaction

cb: Callback, Broadcast raw transaction

Returns: Callback, cb - Return error or txid

API.broadcastTxProposal(txp, cb)

Broadcast a transaction proposal


txp: Object, Broadcast a transaction proposal

cb: Callback, Broadcast a transaction proposal

Returns: Callback, cb - Return error or object

API.removeTxProposal(txp, cb)

Remove a transaction proposal


txp: Object, Remove a transaction proposal

cb: Callback, Remove a transaction proposal

Returns: Callback, cb - Return error or empty

API.getTxHistory(opts, opts.skip, opts.limit, opts.includeExtendedInfo, cb)

Get transaction history


opts: Object, Get transaction history

opts.skip: Number, (defaults to 0)

opts.limit: Number, Get transaction history

opts.includeExtendedInfo: Boolean, Get transaction history

cb: Callback, Get transaction history

Returns: Callback, cb - Return error or array of transactions




TransactionId: String, getTx

Returns: Callback, cb - Return error or transaction

API.startScan(opts, opts.includeCopayerBranches, cb)

Start an address scanning process. When finished, the scanning process will send a notification 'ScanFinished' to all copayers.


opts: Object, Start an address scanning process. When finished, the scanning process will send a notification 'ScanFinished' to all copayers.

opts.includeCopayerBranches: Boolean, (defaults to false)

cb: Callback, Start an address scanning process. When finished, the scanning process will send a notification 'ScanFinished' to all copayers.

API.getFiatRate(opts, opts.code, opts.ts, opts.provider)

Returns exchange rate for the specified currency & timestamp.


opts: Object, Returns exchange rate for the specified currency & timestamp.

opts.code: string, Currency ISO code.

opts.ts: Date, A timestamp to base the rate on (default Date.now()).

opts.provider: String, A provider of exchange rates (default 'BitPay').

Returns: Object, rates - The exchange rate.

API.pushNotificationsSubscribe(opts, opts.type, opts.token)

Returns subscription status.


opts: Object, Returns subscription status.

opts.type: String, Device type (ios or android).

opts.token: String, Device token.

Returns: Object, response - Status of subscription.


Returns unsubscription status.


token: String, Device token

Returns: Callback, cb - Return error if exists

API.getSendMaxInfo(opts, opts.feePerKb, opts.excludeUnconfirmedUtxos, opts.returnInputs)

Returns send max information.


opts: String, Returns send max information.

opts.feePerKb: Number, Fee value

opts.excludeUnconfirmedUtxos: Boolean, Indicates it if should use (or not) the unconfirmed utxos

opts.returnInputs: Boolean, Indicates it if should return (or not) the inputs

Returns: Callback, cb - Return error (if exists) and object result

API.createWalletFromOldCopay(username, password, blob, cb)



username: , createWalletFromOldCopay

password: , createWalletFromOldCopay

blob: , createWalletFromOldCopay

cb: , createWalletFromOldCopay

Returns: undefined

Class: Logger

A simple logger that wraps the console.log methods when available.


  log = new Logger('copay');
  log.debug('Message!'); // won't show
  log.debug('Message!', 1); // will show '[debug] copay: Message!, 1'


Sets the level of a logger. A level can be any bewteen: 'silent', 'debug', 'info', 'log', 'warn', 'error', and 'fatal'. That order matters: if a logger's level is set to 'warn', calling level.debug won't have any effect. If the level is set to 'silent', nothing will ever be logged. 'silent' is the default log level.


level: number, the name of the logging level


Log messages at the debug level.


args: *, the arguments to be logged.


Log messages at the info level.


args: *, the arguments to be logged.


Log messages at an intermediary level called 'log'.


args: *, the arguments to be logged.


Log messages at the warn level.


args: *, the arguments to be logged.


Log messages at the error level.


args: *, the arguments to be logged.


Log messages at the fatal level.


args: *, the arguments to be logged.

Class: Verifier

Verifier constructor. Checks data given by the server

Verifier.checkAddress(credentials, address)

Check address


credentials: function, Check address

address: String, Check address

Returns: Boolean, true or false

Verifier.checkCopayers(credentials, copayers)

Check copayers


credentials: function, Check copayers

copayers: Array, Check copayers

Returns: Boolean, true or false

Verifier.checkTxProposal(credentials, txp, Optional:, isLegit)

Check transaction proposal


credentials: function, Check transaction proposal

txp: Object, Check transaction proposal

Optional:: Object, paypro

isLegit: Boolean, Check transaction proposal


See CONTRIBUTING.md on the main bitcore repo for information about how to contribute.


Code released under the MIT license.

Copyright 2013-2019 BitPay, Inc. Bitcore is a trademark maintained by BitPay, Inc.


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