
1.6.1 • Public • Published

input-field Web Component

A responsive, configurable input field with validation.

Many times I need an input field with its label and validation with styling to show and explain errors. This component helps with that.


You can use this library as either an EcmaScript module, or the old way as a script which you include in your html file.

Additionally, the library requires a CSS file that control its style. An example file is available at


You should download and customize as needed.

Install as NPM EcmaScript Module

If you plan to use this package as an NPM module:

    npm install @techexp/input-field

Install as a Script

If you plan to use this package as a JS script library

    <script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ahabra/input-field/master/dist/input-field-script-min.js"></script>

Alternatively, you can download the file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ahabra/input-field/master/dist/input-field-script-min.js and use directly. Note that there is a non-minified version at the same location.


If you installed as an EcmaScript module

import * as InputField from '@techexp/input-field'

If you installed as a Script, the library is available at window.InputField

Quick Code Demo

This example shows how to use the component:

JS Code

import * as InputField from '@techexp/input-field'
// or use window.InputField

// Provide the path to input-field.css
const cssFilePath = '/css/input-field.css'


<input-field id="age" type="text" label="Age"
             minlength="2" maxlength="3"
             min="18" max="150"
             tooltip="Your Age in Solar Years"

<input-field type="set" label="RGB Colors"
             tooltip="One of: red, green, blue"
             options="red, green, blue"

<input-field type="radio" label="Gender">
    "name": "gender",
    "flow": "vertical",
    "options": [
      { "label": "Male",   "id":"male",   "value": "M", "checked": true },
      { "label": "Female", "id":"female", "value": "F" },
      { "label": "Other" }

<input-field type="checkbox" label="Vehicle">
    "flow": "vertical",
    "options": [
      { "label":"Have a bike", "id":"vehicle1", "name":"vehicle1", "value":"Bike", "checked":true},
      { "label":"Have a car",  "id":"vehicle2", "name":"vehicle2", "value":"Car" },
      { "label":"Horse"}

<input-field type="listbox" label="Multiple States"
             tooltip="select multiple states">
    "name": "states",
    "id": "states",
    "multiple": true,
    "size": 5,
    "options": [
      { "label":"Michigan", "value":"MI"},
      { "label":"Ohio"},
      { "label":"New York", "disabled": true},
      { "label": "Southern", "options": [
          { "label":"Florida"},
          { "value":"Texas"},
          { "label":"Alabama", "selected": true},
          { "label":"Georgia"}

The above code shows different input fields with some validation rules.


CSS Style

The style of the component is controlled through a CSS file. The provided input-field.css file is a complete example that you can use as-is, or customize to match your needs.

In most scenarios, you only need to change the values of the variables defined at the top of the file.


The library defines a new Web Component (a.k.a. Custom Element) named input-field. The component supports the following attributes (in addition to common HTML attributes like id or class):

  1. type: text, password, email, number, integer, set, radio, checkbox, listbox. Optional. Default is text
  2. label: The label to display before the input field
  3. sublabel: Text that will appear under the label, with smaller font.
  4. required: If the field is required, then this attribute's definition will be required="required" or required="true". Additionally, a required marker (Star) will be displayed after the label.
  5. required-message: The message to display explaining that this field is required. Default is Required Field.
  6. minlength: The minimum number of characters in the field.
  7. minlength-message: The message to display explaining the minimum number of characters. If the message contains %v, it will be replaced by the value of minimum length. Default is Minimum Length is %v, where %v is replaced by the value of minlength.
  8. maxlength: The maximum number of characters allowed in the field.
  9. pattern: A regular expression that must match the input.
  10. pattern-message: The message to display explaining the matching pattern. Default is Must satisfy the pattern %v.
  11. min: The minimum (numeric) value accepted in the field.
  12. min-message: The message to display explaining the minimum value for the field. Default is Minimum value of %v.
  13. max: The maximum (numeric) value accepted in the field.
  14. max-message: The message to display explaining the maximum value for the field. Default is Maximum value of %v.
  15. number-message: The message to show when the value must be a number.
  16. integer-message: The message to show when the value must be an integer.
  17. showrules: true, false, or onerror. Default is true. Show or hide validation rules. When the value is onerror, the rules list will show only if the field is invalid.
  18. tooltip: String. If provided, a question parm icon is displayed at the end of the label. When User clicks on the label a tooltip will pop up.
  19. options: A comma separated list of options used with set type.
  20. set-message: Optional. The message to show when there is a set of options.

Radio type

When the type is radio, provide a JSON string as the content of the input-field element. The JSON string describes the radio buttons to be displayed. It has the following keys:

  • name: The name to use for the radio buttons
  • flow: Optional. If its value is vertical then the radio buttons will be displayed one under the other. Otherwise, they will be displayed horizontally.
  • options: An array of objects describing each radio button. Each object has:
    • label: The label to display next to the radio button
    • value: The value associated with the radio button
    • id: Id of the radio button. Optional
    • checked: Boolean. Optional.

For each option at least label or value must be present.

Checkbox type

When the type is checkbox, provide a JSON string as the content of the input-field element. The JSON string describes the radio buttons to be displayed. It has the following keys:

  • flow: Optional. If its value is vertical then the checkbox buttons will be displayed one under the other. Otherwise, they will be displayed horizontally.
  • options: An array of objects describing each checkbox button. Each object has:
    • label: The label to display next to the checkbox button
    • value: The value associated with the checkbox button
    • id: Id of the checkbox button. Optional
    • name: Name of the checkbox. Optional
    • checked: Boolean. Optional.

For each option at least label or value must be present.

Listbox type

When the type is listbox, provide JSON string as the content of the input-field element. The JSON string describes the listbox (select) to be displayed.

TODO Add more details here


There is a single function available InputField.define(cssFilePath). You should call this function before you can use the component in your html.

The component defines properties and actions that can help you configure its instances. For example, if you have this html:

<input-field id="age" type="text" label="Age"></input-field>

Properties Defined on the Component

  1. value: A read/write property of the value of the InputField instance. For the input-field defined above, you can access its value like this:
const age = document.getElementById('age')
age.wi.properties.value = 10

Actions Defined on the Component

The component defines the following _action_s

addRule(name, message, validator)
const age = document.getElementById('age')
age.wi.actions.addRule('adult', 'Must be at least 18', v => Number(v) >= 18)

The addRule action takes the following arguments:

  1. name: Name of the action. Must be a string that follows JavaScript variable naming rules.
  2. message: The message to describe this validation rule
  3. validator: A function that takes the value of the input-field as an argument, and returns true if the value is value, false if not.

The addRule action can be used to define ajax-based validation, or rules that cannot be expressed easily using the provided rules.


Get the current validation state (true or false) for the rule with the given name.

const age = document.getElementById('age')
setRuleValidState(name, isValid)

Set the current validation state (true or false) for the rule with the given name. It additionally changes the validation state of the input field if needed.

const age = document.getElementById('age')
age.wi.actions.setRuleValidState('required', true)

Define a listener that gets invoked when the value of the input changes, either through the UI or programmatically.

const age = document.getElementById('age')
age.wi.actions.addValueChangeListener((el, value) => {
	console.log('The new value for age is', value)

Change Log

  • 2021-09-03 Support onerror new value for showrules attribute
  • 2021-05-27 Support isValid()
  • 2021-03-26 Support addValueChangeListener()
  • 2021-03-30 Upgrade dependency on webitem to version 0.4.0
  • 2021-04-10 Added actions: getRuleValidState() and setRuleValidState()
  • 2021-05-12 Change required attribute to accept boolean value true/false in addition to 'required' string.
  • 2021-06-04 Add isValid(), match value property with value attribute


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  • abdul-techexp