What is commitlint
Commitlint checks if your commit messages meet the specified requirements.
<type>(<scope>): <subject>
is optional
feat: introduce useClipboard hook
@tdsoft config
commit type | example use case |
chore | all other cases - set staging API url |
ci | ci/cd related - update Jenkinsfile, Dockerfile |
docs | changes to the documentation |
feat | adding new functionality |
fix | bug fixing |
refactor | refactoring code - renaming variable |
revert | reverting commit |
style | changing styles without changing business logic |
test | updating/adding test suites |
version | bumping version tag |
Note that in conventional commits' config "style" is used for code formatting. In this config, "style" is used for UI styling related commits that do not change business logic.
How to use this config
Use extends option in .commitlintrc.json
"extends": ["@tdsoft"]