
1.0.0-alpha.2 • Public • Published

Talixo Charts

UI components for charts

How to install

Package is available as @talixo/charts in NPM registry, so you can use it in your project using npm install @talixo/charts --save or yarn add @talixo/charts.


Your package should additionally have some extra dependencies:

  • @talixo/checkbox: ^0.1.0
  • @talixo/shared: ^0.1.0
  • lodash: ^4.17.10
  • prop-types: ^15.6.1
  • react: ^16.2.0
  • react-dom: ^16.2.0
  • react-vis: ^1.9.2

These packages are required by @talixo/charts, but you have to install them manually, to avoid having different versions of these in your application.

Supported props


It allows any props which are allowed for react-vis 'FlexibleXYPlot'. Additionally, it handles some differently:

Property name Type Default Description
className string n/a Additional class name passed to wrapper.
data ChartData [{ dataItems: [] }] Line chart data.
timeSeries boolean false Idicates if x axis should be displayed as date
type line or bar line Type of chart (line or bar).
xAxisTitle string n/a X axis title.
yAxisTitle string n/a Y axis title.
zoomable boolean false Indicates if chart is zoomable, can be applied to chart.


It allows any props which are allowed for react-vis 'FlexibleXYPlot'. Additionally, it handles some differently:

Property name Type Default Description
arcProps object n/a Additional props that are passed to react-vis ArcSeries.
className string n/a Additional class name passed to wrapper.
data PieData { dataItems: [] } Line chart data.


It allows any props which are allowed for react-vis 'FlexibleXYPlot'. Additionally, it handles some differently:

Property name Type Default Description
legendPosition object n/a Position of the legend relative to chart.
legendProps string n/a Additional props to be passed to legend. Accepts any property which is allowed for Legend Component.
pathToDataItems array [] Path to data items tha will be filtered.


It allows any props which are allowed for div. Additionally, it handles some differently:

Property name Type Default Description
className string n/a Additional class name passed to wrapper.
dataItems ChartData or PieData [] Data items to be displayed
direction string vertical Idicates if x axis should be displayed as date
onClick line or bar line Type of chart (line or bar).

Property shapes


Property name Type Default Description
className string n/a Additional class name passed to DataSeries (react-vis VerticalBarSeries or Line Series).
color string n/a Color of the data series.
dataItems DataItem n/a Data inforamtion to be displayed in chart.
disabled boolean false Indicates if data will be shown in the chart.
label string n/a onClick callback, gets the clicked item, index and event as parameter.


Property name Type Default Description
x string or number n/a X axis data.
y string or number n/a Y axis data.


Property name Type Default Description
dataItems PieItem[] n/a Data inforamtion to be displayed in chart.
title string n/a Title of chart.


Property name Type Default Description
className string n/a Additional class name passed to DataSeries (react-vis VerticalBarSeries or Line Series).
color string n/a Color of the arc.
disabled boolean false Indicates if data will be shown in the chart.
label string n/a Label of data series.
value number or string n/a Value of data series.


  • 1.0.0 - initial version


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