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1.1.8 • Public • Published


The Wallet Connection UI is core to all Dapps in existence.

Every Dapp developer will have to implement logic and edge cases of connecting to different wallets which may take days to implement.

The WalletSelect component in @talismn/connect-components will be a massive time saver for Dapp developers without an existing wallet selection ui.

If you have an existing modal, the WalletSelectButton in @talismn/connect-components may be better suited to your needs.

If you require a bespoke ui modal, you can use the @talisman-connect/wallets to build out your own modal.

More components will be developed along the way.


yarn add @talismn/connect-components @talisman-connect/wallets @talisman-connect/ui


[Important] Replace related functions from @polkadot/extension-dapp

If there are multiple PolkadotJS based browser extensions installed, the web3Enable function will trigger multiple popups as well.

This is not ideal for dapps that have one wallet active at one time.

So we need to remove calls to web3Enable.

However, calls to web3* functions from @polkadot/extension-dapp will not work anymore once web3Enable is removed.

Only web3FromSource has a drop-in replacement for now. Please see below for an example.

If you have calls to web3FromAddress, do note that web3FromSource will suffice as all the addresses will be from the same "source" anyway.


This component is the wallet selection modal.

import { WalletSelect } from '@talismn/connect-components';

  // [Required] The dapp name
  dappName="My First Dapp"

  // Use if the dapp is controlling the modal toggle.

  // The component that opens the WalletSelect Modal
      // `onClick` is optional here
      onClick={(wallets) => {
        // Do stuff with the supported wallets
      Connect to wallet

  // Override the default header

  // Override the default footer

  // If `showAccountsList={true}`, then account selection modal will show up after selecting the a wallet. Default is `false`.

  // Callback when the WalletSelect Modal is opened
  onWalletConnectOpen={(wallets) => { ... }}

  // Callback when the WalletSelect Modal is closed
  onWalletConnectClose={() => { ... }}

  // Callback when a wallet is selected on the WalletSelect Modal
  onWalletSelected={(wallet) => { ... }}

  // Callback when the subscribed accounts for a selected wallet are updated
  onUpdatedAccounts={(accounts) => { ... }}

  // Callback when an account is selected on the WalletSelect Account Modal. Only relevant when `showAccountsList=true`
  onAccountSelected={(account) => { ... }}

  // Callback when an error occurs. Also clears the error on Modal actions:
  // `onWalletConnectOpen`, `onWalletSelected`, `onAccountSelected` and `onWalletConnectClose`,
  onError={(error) => { ... }}


This function is a drop-in replacement for the @polkadot/extension-dapp version which triggers multiple popups.

This uses the localStorage value for @talisman-connect/selected-wallet-name which is updated by WalletSelect or WalletSelectButton and retrieves the extension object.

import { web3FromSource } from "@talismn/connect-components";

// This is the object that cointains the `signer` amongs all others.
const injector = web3FromSource();

WalletSelectButton (WIP)

This component is the actual wallet selector. You can use this is if you have an existing modal. However, we do recommend using WalletSelect in general.

import { WalletSelectButton } from "@talismn/connect-components";
import { TalismanWallet } from "@talisman-connect/wallets";

const talismanWallet = new TalismanWallet();

  onClick={(accounts) => {
    // accounts === undefined is an Error state

Events and persistence

@talisman-connect/selected-wallet-name (LocalStorage)

Description: Updated on WalletSelect.onWalletSelected ONLY if there are no errors for the selected wallet.

Removing this item will be equivalent to a "disconnection" behaviour for Dapps.

@talisman-connect/wallet-selected (CustomEvent)

Description: Dispatched on WalletSelect.onWalletSelected ONLY if there are no errors for the selected wallet.

Params: { detail: Wallet }

To listen to this event:

document.addEventListener('@talisman-connect/wallet-selected', function() {
  // ...

Overriding styles (Example)

NOTE: By default WalletSelect modal is appended as the last child of document.body.

So if your base styles (i.e font-family, color, etc.) are done from html and/or body for example, then WalletSelect will inherit the correct styles.

:root {
  /* ... other styles ... */

  /* Light theme */
  --talisman-connect-control-background: #f2f2f2;
  --talisman-connect-control-foreground: inherit;
  --talisman-connect-active-background: #e5e5e5;
  --talisman-connect-active-foreground: inherit;
  --talisman-connect-modal-background: #fafafa;
  --talisman-connect-modal-foreground: inherit;
  --talisman-connect-button-background: var(
  --talisman-connect-button-foreground: inherit;

  --talisman-connect-modal-gutter: 2rem;
  --talisman-connect-font-family: sans-serif;
  --talisman-connect-border-radius: 1rem;

  --talisman-connect-modal-width: 90%;
  --talisman-connect-modal-max-width: 470px;
  --talisman-connect-modal-max-height: 470px;

  --talisman-connect-button-gutter: 1rem;
  --talisman-connect-button-border-radius: 0.75rem;

.dark-mode {
  --talisman-connect-control-background: #383838;
  --talisman-connect-control-foreground: inherit;
  --talisman-connect-active-background: #5a5a5a;
  --talisman-connect-active-foreground: inherit;
  --talisman-connect-modal-background: #222;
  --talisman-connect-modal-foreground: #fafafa;
  --talisman-connect-button-background: var(
  --talisman-connect-button-foreground: #fafafa;

@media (min-width: 768px) {
  :root {
    --talisman-connect-modal-min-width: 470px;
    --talisman-connect-modal-max-width: 470px;

Adding new wallets into the WalletSelect Modal

Refer to @talisman-connect/wallets for more details.



If in case there is an error parsing import.meta, please add the following to webpack config:

  test: /\.js$/,
  loader: require.resolve("@open-wc/webpack-import-meta-loader"),

For "unejected" Create React App projects, please see craco.config.js below:

// craco.config.js
// Solution comes from https://polkadot.js.org/docs/usage/FAQ/#on-webpack-4-i-have-a-parse-error-on-importmetaurl
const ImportMetaLoaderPlugin = {
  plugin: {
    overrideWebpackConfig: ({ webpackConfig }) => {
      if (!webpackConfig.module) webpackConfig.module = { rules: [] };
      if (!webpackConfig.module.rules) webpackConfig.module.rules = [];
        test: /\.js$/,
        loader: require.resolve("@open-wc/webpack-import-meta-loader"),

      return webpackConfig;

module.exports = {
  plugins: [ImportMetaLoaderPlugin],

Running unit tests

Run nx test talisman-connect-components to execute the unit tests via Jest.

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  • chrisling-dev
  • tien-talisman
  • 0xkheops
  • jonpdunne
  • warp_lizard
  • alectalisman