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3.4.11 • Public • Published


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specified-package-version-check is a script which can check the specified package version is outdated or not, if outdated, develop env process will be exist.

For some case, e.g. our team develop ourselves eslint rules as a npm package, if we update the npm package version, we hope all of our team member must use the latest npm version.


// Run this script first, e.g. { "start": node check && webpack-dev-server --open --history-api-fallback -d --colors}
const checkDependenceVersion = require('specified-package-version-check');

async function func() {
  await checkDependenceVersion({
    dependenceArr: ['axios', '@szhou/eslint-config'],
    useDepCheck: true,
    ignoreCheck: false,
    onlyWarn: false,
    checkAllLocalDependencies: false,
    ignoreSelf: false,
    remoteUrl: '',




Property Description Type Default required Version
dependenceArr dependence need to be checked string[] [] false 1.0.0
dependenceWithPrefixArr dependence with prefix need to be checked string[] [] false 3.1.0
ignoreCheck skip check boolean undefined false 1.0.0
onlyWarn only warn when specified package outdated boolean false false 1.0.0
checkAllLocalDependencies check all packages version in package.json boolean undefined false 1.0.0
ignoreSelf ignore check @szhou/specified-package-version-check boolean undefined false 1.0.0
remoteUrl check specified npm global cli version string '' false 1.0.0
useDepCheck use depcheck to check useless dependencies and miss dependencies boolean undefined false 1.2.1
depcheckOptions refer to https://github.com/depcheck/depcheck#api object {} false 1.2.1
autoFixOutdateDep auto fix outdate specified package boolean true false 1.3.0
silent hide output boolean false false 1.6.0
enableGlobalCliCheck check specified global npm package cli version boolean true false 1.6.0


Insert the following into script in package.json

  "prestart": "npx specified-package-version-check"

Command will read current folder's .spvrc.js where package.json is, if not found that file, console would happen an error

//.spvrc.js like as follows
module.exports = {
  dependenceArr: ['@szhou/eslint-config', 'put your deps here...'],
  ignoreCheck: false,
  onlyWarn: false,
  checkAllLocalDependencies: false,
  useDepCheck: true,
  autoFixOutdateDep: true,

something about remoteUrl json

json content construct must be as following

  "info": [
      "command": "show version command", //e.g. yarn -v
      "name": "package name" //e.g. yarn


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    • shoujian