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1.6.5 • Public • Published

Symply Basic Components

Basic and reusable components for all frontend of Symply apps.

Built with Material UI v5.

Quick Guide


It is available as an npm package.

// with npm
npm install @symply.io/basic-components

// with yarn
yarn add @symply.io/basic-components


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

Common Properties

All components include these 2 properties to customize the theme

Name Type Default Required Description
primaryColor CSSProperties["color"] false Primary color for the theme
secondaryColor CSSProperties["color"] false Secondary color for the theme



Diglog component for alerts or confirmations.

import { AlertDialog } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import AlertDialog from '@symply.io/basic-components/AlertDialog'; 
Name Type Default Required Description
children node true Dialog content.
DialogButtons element false Customized dialog action buttons.
maxWidth 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | false 'md' false Determine the max-width of the dialog. The dialog width grows with the size of the screen. Set to false to disable maxWidth.
onClose func true Callback fired when the component requests to be closed.
function() => void
open bool false true If true, the component is shown.
title string 'Info' false Dialog title


A normal text input enhanced by a panel of suggested options.

It is extended from @mui/material/TextField, so it includes all properties of @mui/material/TextField.

import { Autocomplete } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import Autocomplete from '@symply.io/basic-components/Autocomplete'; 
Option Props (IOption)
Name Type Default Required Description
label string true Option label.
value string | number false Option valie.
[name] unknown false Customized option property
Name Type Default Required Description
limitTags number -1 false The maximum number of tags that will be visible when not focused. Set -1 to disable the limit.
multiple bool false false If true, value must be an array and the menu will support multiple selections.
onChange func true Callback fired when the Input value is changed.
`function(value: Array<IOption
options Array<IOption|string> true Array of suggestion options.
value string true The value of the Input element.


A normal text input enhanced by a panel of suggested options and filter.

It is extended from @mui/material/TextField, so it includes all properties of @mui/material/TextField.

import { AutocompleteWithFilter } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import AutocompleteWithFilter from '@symply.io/basic-components/AutocompleteWithFilter'; 
Option Props (IOption)
Name Type Default Required Description
label string true Option label.
value string | number false Option valie.
[name] unknown false Customized option property
Name Type Default Required Description
disableCloseOnSelect bool false false If true, the popup won't close when a value is selected.
limitTags number -1 false The maximum number of tags that will be visible when not focused. Set -1 to disable the limit.
multiple bool false false If true, value must be an array and the menu will support multiple selections.
onChange func true Callback fired when the Input value is changed.
`function(value: Array<IOption
options Array<IOption|string> true Array of suggestion options.
value string true The value of the Input element.


Reusable modal component.

It is extended from @mui/material/Dialog, so it includes all properties of @mui/material/Dialog.

import { BasicModal } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import BasicModal from '@symply.io/basic-components/BasicModal'; 
Name Type Default Required Description
cancelText string 'Cancel' false The text of the cancel button.
children node true The content of the component.
color 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'success' | 'error' | 'info' | 'warning' | undefined 'primary' false The main color of the component.
desc string false Some descriptions you want to add, similar to a subtitle.
disabled bool false false If true, the submit button would be disabled.
hideBottomButtons bool false false If true, hide all action buttons at the bottom of the modal.
loading bool false false If true, the submit and cancel buttons would be disabled.
maxWidth 'xs' |'sm' |'md' |'lg' |'xl' 'sm' false Determine the max-width of the dialog. The dialog width grows with the size of the screen. Set to false to disable maxWidth.
noForm bool false False If true, put the content and action buttons out of a form element.
onClose func true Callback fired when the cancel button requests to be clicked.
function() => void
onSubmit func true Callback fired when the submit button requests to be clicked.
function() => void
open bool false true If true, the component is shown.
ref ref false You can get the form "onSubmit" function from the ref.
scroll 'body' | 'paper' 'paper' false Determine the container for scrolling the dialog.
showTopRightCloseButton bool false false If true, show a close icon button at the top right of the modal.
submitText string ‘Save’ false The text of the submit button.
title string true The title of the component, to show at the top left.


A list of links that help a user visualize a page's location within the hierarchical structure of a website, and allow navigation up to any of its "ancestors".

import { BreadCrumbs } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import BreadCrumbs from '@symply.io/basic-components/BreadCrumbs'; 
Name Type Default Required Description
routes Array<{ href?: string; label: string }> true All routes of "ancestors"


Checkboxes allow the user to select one or more items from a set.

It is extended from @mui/material/Checkbox, so it includes all properties of @mui/material/Checkbox.

import { CheckBox } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import CheckBox from '@symply.io/basic-components/CheckBox'; 
Name Type Default Required Description
label string | ReactElement true The label of the checkbox.
onChange func true Callback fired when the checkbox value is changed.
function(value: boolean) => void
value: The value of the checkbox element.


Checkboxes allow the user to select one or more items from a set for a group.

It is extended from @mui/material/FormGroup, so it includes all properties of @mui/material/FormGroup.

import { CheckBoxGroup } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import CheckBoxGroup from '@symply.io/basic-components/CheckBoxGroup'; 
Name Type Default Required Description
Checkboxes Array<CheckBoxProps> true The array of checkboxes.
See the property of CheckBox


A fab button with icon and text

import { ClickableFabButton } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import ClickableFabButton from '@symply.io/basic-components/ClickableFabButton'; 
Name Type Default Required Description
color "primary" |"secondary" |"success" |"error" |"info" |"warning" "primary" false The button color.
disabled bool false false If true, the button would be disabled.
fabIcon ReactElement true The icon element..
onClick func true The function for button clicking.
function() => unknown
text string true The button text.


A common component for rendering the copyright

import { Copyright } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import Copyright from '@symply.io/basic-components/Copyright'; 


Reusable table component

import { DataTable, useDataTable } from '@symply.io/basic-components';
// or 
import DataTable, { useDataTable } from '@symply.io/basic-components/DataTable'; 
Column Props (ColumnProps)
Name Type Default Required Description
accessor string true The key of the column, it should be unique.
align "left" |"center" |"right" false The alignment of the column.
Body ReactElement true The component to render the column body cell.
fixable "left" | "right" |undefined false If not undefined, the column can be frozen.
⚠️ It doesn't work with IE11.
Footer ReactElement false The component to render the column footer cell.
Header ReactElement true The component to render the column header cell.
headerTip string false The tip title text when the mouse is over the header.
sortable bool false If true, the column can be sortable.
width number false The fixed width of cells.
Sorting Props
Name Type Default Required Description
accessor string true The key of the column.
order "ASC" | "DESC" | "NONE" true The sorting order.
Hook Props
Name Type Default Required Description
columns Array<ColumnProps> true table columns
data Array<{ [name]: unknown }> true table data/rows
disableSortBy bool false If true, the whole table can't be sortable.
initialState { sortBy?: SortingProps} false Set the initial states
onSort func false The function for sorting rows.
function(props: SortingProps) => unknown
Hook Returns
Name Type Description
columns Array<TableBodyCellProps> The cells for the body.
footers Array<TableFooterCellProps> The cells for the footer.
headers Array<TableHeaderCellProps> The cells for the header.
rows Array<RowProps> The rows for the table.
onResetSorting func An one-key function for resetting sorting to the initial state.
Component Props
Name Type Default Required Description
columns Array<TableBodyCellProps> true The cells for the body. (from the hook)
dense bool false If true the table size/density would be tight.
footers Array<TableFooterCellProps> [] false The cells for the footer. (from the hook)
headers Array<TableHeaderCellProps> true The cells for the header. (from the hook)
noDataText string 'No Data!' false The text when no data rendered.
onContextMenu func false The function for row right-clicking.
function(event: MouseEvent, row: RowProps) => unknown
onCustomizeRowBgColor func false The function for customizing the row background color.
function(props: {row: RowProps, columns: Array\<ColumnProps\>}) => {normal?: HexColor;<br/> hover?: HexColor;<br/>}
onRowClick func false The function for row clicking.
function(row: RowProps) => unknown
rows Array<RowProps> true The rows for the table. (from the hook)
stickyHeader bool false Set the header sticky.
⚠️ It doesn't work with IE11.



Input component for full date (MM/DD/YYYY)

import { FullDateInput } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import { FullDateInput } from '@symply.io/basic-components/DateInput'; 
// or 
import FullDateInput from '@symply.io/basic-components/DateInput/FullDateInput'; 
Name Type Default Required Description
error boolean false If true, the label is displayed in an error state.
helperText string false The helper text content.
margin 'dense' | 'none' | 'normal' 'none' false If dense or normal, will adjust vertical spacing of this and contained components.
name string false Name attribute of the input element.
onBlur func false Callback fired when the input is blurred. Notice that the first argument (event) might be undefined.
onChange func true Callback fired when the Input value is changed.
function(value: string) => void
value: The value of the Input element.
onFocus func false Callback fired when the input is focused.
onValidate func false Customized validation function.
value string true The value of the Input element.


Input component for month day (MM/DD)

import { MonthDayInput } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import { MonthDayInput } from '@symply.io/basic-components/DateInput'; 
// or 
import MonthDayInput from '@symply.io/basic-components/DateInput/MonthDayInput'; 
Name Type Default Required Description
error boolean false If true, the label is displayed in an error state.
helperText string false The helper text content.
margin 'dense' | 'none' | 'normal' 'none' false If dense or normal, will adjust vertical spacing of this and contained components.
name string false Name attribute of the input element.
onBlur func false Callback fired when the input is blurred. Notice that the first argument (event) might be undefined.
onChange func true Callback fired when the Input value is changed.
function(value: string) => void
value: The value of the Input element.
onFocus func false Callback fired when the input is focused.
onValidate func false Customized validation function.
value string true The value of the Input element.


Input component for month year (MM/YYYY)

import { MonthYearInput } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import { MonthYearInput } from '@symply.io/basic-components/DateInput'; 
// or 
import MonthYearInput from '@symply.io/basic-components/DateInput/MonthYearInput'; 
Name Type Default Required Description
error boolean false If true, the label is displayed in an error state.
helperText string false The helper text content.
margin 'dense' | 'none' | 'normal' 'none' false If dense or normal, will adjust vertical spacing of this and contained components.
name string false Name attribute of the input element.
onBlur func false Callback fired when the input is blurred. Notice that the first argument (event) might be undefined.
onChange func true Callback fired when the Input value is changed.
function(value: string) => void
value: The value of the Input element.
onFocus func false Callback fired when the input is focused.
onValidate func false Customized validation function.
value string true The value of the Input element.


Input component for digits.

It is extended from @mui/material/TextField, so it includes all properties of @mui/material/TextField.

import { DigitInput } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import DigitInput from '@symply.io/basic-components/DigitInput'; 
Name Type Default Required Description
endAdornment node false An end adornment element for the Input element.
maxLength number 999 false The max length of the Input element you can type in.
minLength number 0 false The min length of the Input element you should type in.
onChange func true Callback fired when the Input value is changed.
function(value: string) => void
value: The value of the Input element.
value string true The value of the Input element.
tooltip string false A tooltip for the Input element.


Input component for FEIN.

It is extended from @mui/material/TextField, so it includes all properties of @mui/material/TextField.

import { FeinInput } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import FeinInput from '@symply.io/basic-components/FeinInput'; 
Name Type Default Required Description
onChange func true Callback fired when the Input value is changed.
function(value: string) => void
value: The value of the Input element.
onValidate func false Customized validation function.
value string true The value of the Input element.


Radio Group allow the user to select one option from a set.

import { FormRadioGroup } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import FormRadioGroup from '@symply.io/basic-components/FormRadioGroup'; 
Radio Option Props
Name Type Default Required Description
disabled bool false false If true, the opiton would be disabled.
label string true The label of the option.
value string | number | bool true The value of the option.

It is extended from @mui/material/FormControl, so it includes all properties of @mui/material/FormControl.

Name Type Default Required Description
formLabel string false The label of the Radio element.
onChange func true Callback fired when the Radio value is changed.
`function(value: string
options Array<IRadioOption> true The radio options. See the Radio Option Props above.
radioLabelPlacement 'top' | 'bottom' | 'start' | 'end' 'end' false The placement of the radio labe .
tooltip string false A tooltip for the Radio element.
value string | number | bool true The value of the Radio element.


Selector components are used for collecting user provided information from a list of options.

// Simple Selector
import { SimpleSelector } from '@symply.io/basic-components/FormSelector';
// Multiple Selector 
import { MultipleSelector } from '@symply.io/basic-components/FormRadioGroup'; 
Selector Option Props
Name Type Default Required Description
disabled bool false false If true, the opiton would be disabled.
label string true The label of the option.
value string | number | bool true The value of the option.
Base Props

It is extended from @mui/material/FormControl, so it includes all properties of @mui/material/FormControl.

Name Type Default Required Description
helperText string false The helper text of the Select element.
label string false The label of Select element.
multiple bool false false If true, you can select more than 1 option.
options Array<IRadioOption> true The radio options. See the Selector Option Props above.
showHelperText bool false False If true, show the helper text.
tooltip string false A tooltip for the Select element.
Simple Selector Props
Extended from the Base Props
Name Type Default Required Description
onChange func true Callback fired when the Select value is changed.
`function(value: string
value number | string True The value of the Select element.
Multiple Selector Props
Extended from the Base Props
Name Type Default Required Description
onChange func true Callback fired when the Select value is changed.
`function(value: Array
value Array<number> | Array<string> The value of the Select element.


You can use it to add a hint/help paragraph.

import { HelpCaption } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import HelpCaption from '@symply.io/basic-components/HelpCaption';
Name Type Default Required Description
linkText string false The text of the help link.
linkType 'WEBPAGE' | 'VIDEO' 'WEBPAGE' false The type of the help link.
linkUrl string false The url of the help link. If undefined then the help link would not be shown.
mainCaption string true The primary text of the caption.
subCaption string false The secondary text of the caption.


A modal for loading.

import { LoadingModal } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import LoadingModal from '@symply.io/basic-components/LoadingModal';
Name Type Default Required Description
direction 'column' | 'column-reverse' | 'column' | 'column-reverse' 'column' false Defines the flex-direction style property. It is applied for all screen sizes.
open bool false true If true, the component is shown.
percent number 0 false The percent value of the progress.
text string 'Loading...' false The prompt text of the component.
showProgess boolean false false If true, the percent of the progress is shown.


A button with menu options.

import { MenuButtonGroup } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import MenuButtonGroup from '@symply.io/basic-components/MenuButtonGroup';
Menu Button Props
Name Type Default Required Description
buttonIcon node false A start adornment of the button
buttonText string true The text of the menu button
disabled bool
onClick func true Callback fired when the menu button click.
function(event: MouseEvent) => void
Name Type Default Required Description
color 'primary' |'secondary' |'success' |'error' |'info' |'warning' 'primary' false The main color of the component.
buttonText string true The text of the main button.
size 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' false The size of the main button.
disabled bool false If true, the button is disabled.
variant 'text' |'contained' |'outlined' 'outlined' false The variant of the main button.
buttons Array<ButtonItemProps> true Menu buttons. See the Menu Button Props above.


Input component for Number.

It is extended from @mui/material/TextField, so it includes all properties of @mui/material/TextField.

import { NumberInput } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import NumberInput from '@symply.io/basic-components/NumberInput'; 
Name Type Default Required Description
decimals number 0 false The max length of decimals, if 0 then no limit.
integerOnly bool false If true, not allow to type a decimal value.
maxValue number 2^53 − 1 false The max value of the Input element you can type in.
minValue number −(2^53 − 1) false The min value of the Input element you should type in.
onChange func true Callback fired when the Input value is changed.
function(value: string) => void
value: The value of the Input element.
tooltip string false A tooltip for the Input element.
value string true The value of the Input element.


Input component for Password and Confirm Password.

It is extended from @mui/material/TextField, so it includes all properties of @mui/material/TextField.

// Password
import Password from '@symply.io/basic-components/PasswordInput';
// Confirm Password 
import ConfirmPassword from '@symply.io/basic-components/ConfirmPasswordInput'; 
Password Props
Name Type Default Required Description
onChange func true Callback fired when the Input value is changed.
function(value: string) => void
value: The value of the Input element.
onValidate func false Customized verify function when the Input value is changed.
function(value: string) => void
value: The value of the Input element.
strategies { [key: string]: { label: string, regex: RegExp }} {
uppercaseLetter: { label: "1 Uppercase Letter", regex: /[A-Z]+/ },
lowercaseLetter: { label: "1 Lowercase Letter", regex: /[a-z]+/ },
specialCharacter: { label: "1 Special Character", regex: /[!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{}~]/ },
number: { label: "1 Number", regex: /\d+/ },
minimum8: { label: "Minimum 8 characters", regex: /.{8,}/ }
false The strategies of the password
successColor Color 'green' false The color of component when success.
value string true The password value.
Confirm Password Props
Name Type Default Required Description
onChange func true Callback fired when the Input value is changed.
function(value: string) => void
value: The value of the Input element.
password string true The password value
value string true The confirm password value.


Input component for US phone number.

It is extended from @mui/material/TextField, so it includes all properties of @mui/material/TextField.

import { PhoneNumberInput } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import PhoneNumberInput from '@symply.io/basic-components/PhoneNumberInput'; 
Name Type Default Required Description
endAdornment node false An end adornment element for the Input element.
onChange func true Callback fired when the Input value is changed.
function(value: string) => void
value: The value of the Input element.
onValidate func false Customized validation function.
value string true The value of the Input element.


Sidebars for navigation.

import { Sidebar } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import Sidebar from '@symply.io/basic-components/Sidebar'; 
Sidebar Item Props
Name Type Default Required Description
beta boolean false If true the beta tag will be rendered.
betaTagColor CSSProperties["color"] #00A2A9 false The value of the Input element.
children Array<SidebarItemProps> false If not undefined the sub sidebar items would be rendered.
icon Element true The icon adornment.
lock boolean false If true the lock icon will be rendered, and the sidebar item would be disabled.
name string true The sidebar item label.
path string true The link path of the sidebar item.
titleForLock string "Feature is unavailable on Free plan" false The tip when the lock is true
Name Type Default Required Description
items Array<SidebarItemProps> true Sidebar items.
showIconOnly boolean false false If true it will show the main icon only.


Input component for Social Security Number (SSN).

It is extended from @mui/material/TextField, so it includes all properties of @mui/material/TextField.

import { SocialInput } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import SocialInput from '@symply.io/basic-components/SocialInput'; 
Name Type Default Required Description
onChange func true Callback fired when the Input value is changed.
function(value: string) => void
value: The value of the Input element.
onValidate func false Customized validation function.
value string true The value of the Input element.


Tabs group.

It is extended from @mui/material/Tabs, so it includes all properties of @mui/material/Tabs.

import { TabGroup } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import TabGroup from '@symply.io/basic-components/TabGroup'; 
Name Type Default Required Description
currentTabIndex number 0 true the tab index from the higher component
onChange func If onChange is undefined and the url of tab is defined, we will navigate to that url when the tab changed false Callback fired when the Tab is changed.
function(args: {tabIndex: number; url?: string}) => void
tabIndex: The selected index of the Tab element.
url: The url for navigating.
tabs Array<{ key: string; text: string; url?: string; disabled?: boolean }> true All tab items.
variant 'standard' | 'scrollable' | 'fullWidth' 'scrollable' false Determines additional display behavior of the tabs


Reusable pagination component for the material table

import { TablePagination } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import TablePagination from '@symply.io/basic-components/TablePagination'; 
Name Type Default Required Description
colSpan number false The number of columns a cell should span.
count number true The total count of all data.
onPageChange func true Callback fired when the page value is changed.
function(event: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement> ) => void,value: number
value: The value of the page .
onRowsPerPageChange func true Callback fired when the Select value is changed.
function(event: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement
page number true The current page index.
rowsPerPage number true How many rows per page.
rowsPerPageOptions Array<number> true The options for setting how many rows per page.


Regular Input component.

It is extended from @mui/material/TextField, so it includes all properties of @mui/material/TextField.

import { TextInput } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or 
import TextInput from '@symply.io/basic-components/TextInput'; 
Name Type Default Required Description
maxLength number 999 false The max length of the Input element you can type in.
minLength number 0 false The min length of the Input element you should type in.
onChange func true Callback fired when the Input value is changed.
function(value: string) => void
value: The value of the Input element.
tooltip string false A tooltip for the Input element.
value string true The value of the Input element.


Global prompt component.

import { usePrompt } from '@symply.io/basic-components';
```typescript const { showPrompt } = usePrompt(); ```
Name Type Default Required Description
message string | 400 true The prompt message you want to show.
timeout number 3500 false The number of milliseconds to wait before automatically calling the onClose function.
type 'success' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'error' true The type of prompt.


A modal for playing videos.

import { VideoPlayerModal } from '@symply.io/basic-components/';
// or
import VideoPlayerModal from '@symply.io/basic-components/VideoPlayerModal';
Name Type Default Required Description
extraButtons Array<ButtonProps> false Extra buttons next to the Close button at the bottom.
onClose func true Callback fired when the cancel button requests to be clicked.
function() => void
open bool true If true, the component is shown.
pip bool false If true, the video can be played in picture
title string false Modal title, it would be shown at the top left.


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