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0.1.0 • Public • Published



@swell/js is a JavaScript SDK that connects to Swell's Front-end API, providing helper methods for common data transforms and for the actions needed to create storefronts and purchase flows.

Getting Started

The first step in setting up @swell/js for usage is to initialize your client.

const options: SwellClientInitOptions = {
	store: "test-store",
	key: "test-key",
const client = init(options);

Client Options

  • store (required): string

    Your store's ID. Can be found inside your store's admin dashboard, under Developer > API keys.

  • key (required): string

    A public key from your store. Can likewise be found in your store's admin dashboard, under Developer > API keys.

  • url (optional): string

    Your storefront's URL.

  • vaultUrl (optional): string

    The URL for your credit card token's vault.

  • useCamelCase (optional): boolean

    Whether or not to convert the response syntax to camel case.

  • previewContent (optional): boolean

    Should be set to true when retrieving preview editor data.

  • locale (optional): string

    The locale to use when fetching data.

  • currency (optional): string

    The currency to use when fetching pricing data.

  • sessionToken (optional): string

    The @swell/js client already managed user sessions through cookies, but this property can be set to override the session used to fetch data.



Fetches a product using the passed-in identifier, which can be either the product's ID or the product's slug.


const product = getProduct(client, "my-product", {
	locale: "en",
	currency: "USD",


const product = getProduct(client, id, requestOptions);
  • client (SwellClient): The client returned from the init function.
  • id (string): Identifier for the product. Can be either the product's slug or the product's id.
  • options: (object, optional): Options for expanding and setting custom request options for the request.
    • expand (object, optional): An array of the fields to expand. See Expandable fields for a list of the possible expand options.
    • requestOptions (object, optional): Overwrites the client options for the current request. Parameters:
      • locale (string, optional): The requested product's locale.
      • currency (string, optional): The requested product's currency.
      • sessionToken (string, optional): The token from the session to be used.


Returns a paginated list of the store's products, which can optionally be filtered by the passed-in attributes.


const products = getProductList(client, {
  filters: {
    category: 'books'
    search: 'ring',
    author: 'J.R.R. Tolkien'

In this example, the getProductList function will attempt to retrieve a list of products that satisfies the following conditions (if any):

  • The products must be inside of a category 'books'.
  • Either the product title, the product slug or the product SKU must contain the term 'ring'.
  • The product must have an 'author' attribute with the value of 'J.R.R. Tolkien'. Author is a custom product attribute specific to this store.


const products = getProductList(client, options);
  • client: See SwellClient.
  • options (object, optional): Options for filtering and paginating the response.
    • filters (object, optional): Properties by which to narrow down the product list. Attributes to filter by:
      • price (number tuple, optional): Lower and upper bounds of the desired price range of the products to be retrieved. Example: [10, 100]
      • category (string, optional): The ID or slug of the category to filter by.
      • attributes (object, optional): A key-value object of attributes to filter by. The key is the attribute's name, and the value is the attribute's value (string | number) or an array representing the different allowed values ((string | number)[]).
    • requestOptions: See requestOptions
    • page (number, optional): For pagination purposes. The products retrieved will start at the pointer specified by this field.
    • limit (number, optional): Max number of products to return per page. Defaults to 15, with a maximum of 100.
    • sort (string, optional): Field to sort responses by.


Normalizes and returns the price data for a product based on the customer's selected options, alongside the rest of the matching variant's data, if found.


const activeVariant = getActiveVariant(
	// Product
		// ...
		id: "product-1",
		purchaseOptions: {
			standard: {
				price: 30,
			subscription: {
				plans: [
						id: "plan-1",
						name: "Monthly",
						price: 25,
						id: "plan-2",
						name: "Weekly",
						price: 20,
		options: [
				id: "option-1",
				name: "Size",
				values: [
						id: "option-value-1",
						name: "S",
						id: "option-value-2",
						name: "M",
		variants: {
			results: [
					id: "variant-1",
					optionValueIds: ["option-value-1"],
					price: 30,
					id: "variant-2",
					optionValueIds: ["option-value-2"],
					price: 35,
	// Selected product options
			optionId: "option-1",
			valueId: "option-value-2",
	// Selected purchase option (subscription plan id)

In this case, activeVariant will look something like

  productId: "product-1",
  id: "variant-2",
  priceData: {
    standard: {
      price: 35,
      // ...
    subscription: {
      id: "plan-2",
      name: "Weekly",
      price: 20,
      // ...
  // ...


const activeVariant = getActiveVariant(
  • product: See Product. Should be expanded to include the product's variants.
  • selectedOptions: (SelectedOption[] | null | undefined): The selected options for the product. Can be left empty if no options are selected.
    • optionId (string): The ID of the option.
    • valueId (string): The ID of the option's value.
  • selectedPlan (string | null | undefined): The ID of the selected plan. Can be left empty if no plan is selected.

Returned object

  • activeVariant: The resolved price data for the product and selected options (under a priceData field) merged with the matching variant, if found.


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