
0.13.0 • Public • Published


A set of UI components for Svelte.


We can pass a Svelte component to the Icon component in order to render the desired icon, like this:

	import {default as Icon} from '@svizzle/ui/src/icons/Icon.svelte';
	import {default as Download} from '@svizzle/ui/src/icons/feather/Download.svelte';


Icon props:

  • glyph
    • description: the svelte component of the icon to be rendered (of course you can provide your own)
    • type: svelte component
    • default: null
  • size:
    • description: icon size
    • type: number
    • default: 24
  • style:
    • fill:
      • description: the color to be used to fill closed shapes
      • type: string
      • default: 'none'
    • stroke:
      • description: lines color
      • type: string
      • default: 'currentColor'
    • strokeWidth:
      • description: lines thickness
      • type: number
      • default: 2

As a commodity, icons from https://github.com/feathericons/feather/tree/master/icons are automatically turned into Svelte components and provided in ./src/icons/feather for ease of use.

Note that the makeFeatherIcons npm script assumes the feather directory in the root of the Svizzle repository because Lerna is set up to hoist packages in the root node_modules dir.


A component with a header (H), a main (M) and a footer (F).

It has no props, but you can pass up to 3 slots with the correspondent names:

	<h2 slot='header'>{headerText}</h2>
	<p slot='footer'>{footerText}</p>



  • download: string, defaults to null; serves as a file name as opposed to the file name provided in href; use for files that the browser would otherwise display, in order to get a download dialog instead. For example: - if the href is a zip or csv file, it's not needed; - if the href is data/foo.png (which could be displayed), by providing download='bar' we download a file named bar.png. Order of precedence of the filename extension offered in save-file dialog: 1. extension in the download attribute 2. mime type of the response (for example when we try to download a picture but we get a 404) 3. extension in the href attribute.
  • href: string, defaults to null
  • hreflang: string, defaults to null
  • iconSize: number, defaults to 14
  • isBold: boolean, defaults to false
  • isUnderlined: boolean, defaults to false
  • rel: string, defaults to 'noopener'
  • showIcon: boolean, defaults to true
  • target: string, defaults to null
  • text: string, defaults to '' (if href isn't provided it turns into <HyperLink.svelte>: PLEASE PROVIDE A href PROP')
  • theme: object, it gets merged to the default object, that is:
     	iconStroke: 'rgb(16, 174, 249)',
     	iconStrokeWidth: 2,
     	textColor: 'black',
  • type: string, defaults to null (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Link_types)



  • download: string, defaults to null; see HyperLink above.
  • glyph: a Svelte component for an optional icon
  • href: string, defaults to null
  • hreflang: string, defaults to null
  • iconSize: number, defaults to 14
  • rel: string, defaults to 'noopener'
  • target: string, defaults to null
  • text: string, defaults to 'Please provide text'
  • theme: object, it gets merged to the default object, that is:
     	backgroundColor: 'black',
     	boxShadowColor: 'lightgrey',
     	boxShadowVec: '2px 8px 9px -4px',
     	iconFill: defaultFill,
     	iconStroke: defaultStroke,
     	iconStrokeWidth: defaultStrokeWidth,
     	textColor: 'white',
  • type: string, defaults to null (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Link_types)


An empty view with a rotating icon at its center, with the same props of Icon so that you can control the displayed icon.


  • fill: string, defaults to null
  • glyph: Svelte component, defaults to Loader (Feather's loader)
  • size: number, defaults to 50
  • stroke: string, defaults to null
  • strokeWidth: number, defaults to 0.75


An empty view with a text at its center.


  • backgroundColor (string, default: 'white')
  • color (string, default: 'black')
  • fontSize (string, default: '14px')
  • text (string, default: 'Please provide a message')


A component to display multiple banners in a sequence, to be used typically during page loading.

See it in action.


  • _screen: ScreenSensor store, defaults to null
  • components: Array of Svelte components, dewfaults to empty array
  • currentIndex: number, defaults to 0


Displays a message when Javascript is disabled.

To test this, disable Javascript in your browser and check Svizzle's documentation website.


A button with 2 slots:

  • always: always renders
  • optional: renders if there's enough room for it or if disabled via isOptionalHidden

The component measures the container size and if the optional slot is not disabled it automatically hides it when there's not enough room for it.


  • doesOverflow (bool): if so, doesn't render the optional slot
  • isActive (bool): if so, renders using theme.colorBackgroundActive and theme.colorTextActive
  • isOptionalHidden (bool): if so, doesn't render the optional slot
  • title (string): the HTML title attribute for the button
  • theme:
    • borderBottom, borderLeft, borderRight, borderTop: borders, useful when we have a row/column of these buttons and want to apply borders in such a way to avoid borders duplication
    • colorBackground, colorBackgroundActive: default and active background-color
    • colorText, colorTextActive: default and active color
    • colorText, colorTextActive: default and active color
    • outlineColor, outlineStyle, outlineWidth: values for the correspondent outline-* CSS properties


Handles content layout so that its children are aligned:

  • horizontally on medium and larger displays (according to ScreenSensor)
  • vertically centered on small and smaller displays


A simple toggle between 2 values.

Sensor components

These are components that we instantiate to measure some feature of the device/browser.


Measures screen features reactively, see here.

ScrollbarStyler (Blink & WebKit browsers)

This Svelte component provides a solution to style scrollbars on Blink and WebKit based browsers to allow for easy customization of the scrollbars to better match the design of the webpage.

It uses the ::-webkit-scrollbar pseudo-element to target the scrollbar and a :global selector to ensure that the styling is applied globally.

It can be enabled using the isEnabled prop.

Using the theme prop you can set:

  • the color of the track and the thumb
  • the track border color
  • the track width
  • the thumb radius


Include this component with the desired theme in a specific page or, in the main layout to style scrollbars of the entire web app.


import {breakpoints} from '@svizzle/ui/src/defaults';

A set of breakpoints for responsiveness, expressed in amount of chars fitting the screen width for responsive layouts ([45, 90, 135, 180]), see here.

The bands among breakpoints can be thought as T-shirt sizes:

       45      90      135     180
xSmall | small | medium | large | xLarge

breakpoints and bands


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