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2.1.0 • Public • Published

supersave-auth client

This package provides easy-to-use access methods to interface with a supersave auth deployment. The examples below are in typescript, but it can be used in javascript also.

It can be used in both a browser or a server environment.


npm i @supersave/auth-client


In the initialization of the client you need to tell it where to find the auth server. This is the endpoint to the website + the path to the supersave/auth library that you configured server-side. It's also possible to leave out the domain and just use the absolute path to the api (e.g. /api/auth).

import { initialize } from '@supersave/auth-client';

const client = initialize({ baseUrl: 'http://example.server.com/api/auth' });

See below for more details.

The available endpoints depend on how the @supersave/auth instance is configured.


option type required description
baseUrl string Yes The path at which the @supersave/auth library is deployed.
requester Requester No A custom implementation for http request, as explained in the section on Requester


A client object is exposed that has methods to interface with the auth server over HTTP.


Use a refreshToken obtained earlier to fetch a new accessToken. This endpoint is always available, regardless of the configured authMethods.

const response = await client.refresh({ token: 'yyy' });

export type RefreshRequest = {
  token: string;

// the response, when successful. The refresh token that was used is invalidated and a new refreshToken is issued that should
// be used in the next refresh request.
  accessToken: 'xxx';
  refreshToken: 'yyy';

// A RefreshError is thrown if the request fails.


Scope: local-password auth method.

Creates an account with an email address, password and optionally a name.

// without name
const response = await client.register({ email: 'test@example.com', password: '123456' });

// with name
const response = await client.register({ email: 'test@example.com', password: '123456', name: 'John Doe' });

export type RegistrationRequest = {
  email: string;
  password: string;
  name?: string;

// When it fails, a `RegistrationError` is thrown, the message of the Error is the error returned by the backend.

The accessToken can be used to request data for this user. This is not in the scope of this client. You can use any HTTP library to request data, just include the Authorization header as explained earlier. The refreshToken can be used to obtain a new accessToken when the current one expires. This is done using the Refresh call.


Scope: local-password auth method.

Obtain an accessToken and a refreshToken for an existing user by using a username and password.

const response = await client.login({ email: 'test@example.com', password: '123456' });

// Request
export type LoginRequest = {
  email: string;
  password: string;

// the response, when successful
  accessToken: 'xxx';
  refreshToken: 'yyy';

// When it fails, a LoginError is thrown.

Change Password

Scope: local-password auth method.

Used change the password for a user. It requires a valid accessToken.

When the password is successfully changed all existing refreshTokens will be invalidated.

// Request
export type ChangePasswordRequest = {
  accessToken: string;
  email: string;
  password: string;
  newPassword: string;

// Response
export type TokenResponse = {
  accessToken: string;
  refreshToken: string;

// If it fails, a ChangePasswordError is thrown, with a reason explaining why.
export class ChangePasswordError extends ReasonError {
    public override readonly reason: 'INVALID_PASSWORD' | 'INVALID_TOKEN' | 'UNKNOWN',
    message?: string
  ) {
    super(reason, message);

Request a password reset token

Scope: local-password auth method.

Request a password reset token. Use it in combination with the requestResetPassword hook in the server library to be able to obtain the generated reset token.

If the function is invoked twice, the code from the first request is invalidated, only the last generated reset token is valid.

Its result is a void result, which means that the token was succesfully generated. An error is thrown if the request fails.

const response = await client.requestResetPassword({ email: 'test@example.com' });

// Request
export type RequestResetPasswordRequest = {
  email: string;

Use an obtained reset token to reset a password

Scope: local-password auth method.

When a user receives a reset password token, use this endpoint to use the token to change the password. On success, it will return a new refresh and access token.

INVALID_TOKEN is currently the only reason for the request failing.

All existing refresh tokens are invalidated.

const response = await client.doResetPassword({ password: '123456', token: 'xxx' });

// Request
export type DoResetPasswordRequest = {
  password: string;
  token: string;

// Response
export type TokenResponse = {
  accessToken: string;
  refreshToken: string;

// If it fails, a DoResetPasswordError is thrown:
export class DoResetPasswordError extends ReasonError {
    public override readonly reason: 'INVALID_TOKEN' | 'UNKNOWN',
    message?: string
  ) {
    super(reason, message);

Request a magic login

Scope: magic-login auth method.

Used to request a magic login token for an emailaddress. How and when the message with the login URL is send out depends on how the callback in @supersave/auth is implemented.

await client.requestMagicLogin({ email: 'test@example.com' });

// Request
export type RequestMagicLoginRequest = {
  email: string;

// If it fails a RequestMagicLoginError will be thrown. On success the Promise will be resolved, without any response.

Login using a magic login identifier

Scope: magic-login auth method.

Used to exchange a magic login identifier for an accessToken and refreshToken. This magic login identifier can be obtained by example from a parameter in a URL, which was placed there by the magic login callback in the backend.

await client.magicLogin({ email: 'test@example.com' });

// Request
export type MagicLoginRequest = {
  identifier: string;

// If it fails a MagicLoginError will be thrown.


The client uses fetch to send data, if available. Which is in the browser, and Node versions 18 or higher. If you are using the SDK in a non-browser environment and fetch is not available, you should provide your own implementation.

The requester is expected to implement the following interface:

export interface Requester {
  post: <T, D = any>(url: string, data?: D | undefined, headers?: Record<string, string>) => Promise<HttpResponse<T>>;

Axios example

This is a sample implementation of a requester in axios/typescript.

export const requester: Requester = {
  post: async function <T, D = any>(url: string, data: D, headers?: Record<string, string>): Promise<HttpResponse<T>> {
    try {
      const response = await axios.post<T>(url, data, typeof headers !== 'undefined' ? { headers } : undefined);
      return {
        statusCode: response.status,
        data: response.data,
    } catch (error) {
      if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) {
        return {
          statusCode: error.response?.status ?? 0,
          data: error.response?.data ?? {},

      return {
        statusCode: 0,
        data: {},


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