
1.0.1 • Public • Published

Solar Design System Iconfont



This project was builded to serve the icons used on Solar Design System. The font will be build by the design team using icomoon app and delivered as a zip file with all the font settings.



Intructions to update icon fonts for Solar Design system Solar Design system. The update will be needed also on the Solar web components library.



Clone the project from the bitbucket repo


Install dependencies :

~ npm i

Folder structure

  • fonts: contains icon-font folder, where are all the font files.
  • src: contains settings folder and other settings files.

Update Font

First (to keep all clean) replace the zip file with the new one.

  • Extract the new zip file. (this new folder must be deleted after the update is done)

  • Create a new bitbucket branch under relase folder (release/new_branch)

  • copy the new set of fonts from the extracted zip file(fonts folder content) and placed in the project icon-font folder(replace all the fonts).

  • open style.css file located on expanded Zip file, copy the last text of the url fonts/icomoon.eot? and replaced on the file \src\settings\variables\_iconfont.scss.

@font-face {
  font-family: 'icomoon';
  src:  url('fonts/icomoon.eot?xxxxxx');
  src:  url('fonts/icomoon.eot?xxxxxx#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
    url('fonts/icomoon.ttf?xxxxxx') format('truetype'),
    url('fonts/icomoon.woff?xxxxxx') format('woff'),
    url('fonts/icomoon.svg?xxxxxx#icomoon') format('svg');
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;
  font-display: block;
  • In the same file styles.css copy the new icons css rules and paste it on the file \src\settings\variables\_icons.scss

  • Delete the folder extracted from the new ZIP file.

  • run the command below to fix possible css rules.

~ npm run lint:fix
  • Commit all the changes and publish the new branch.

  • Create a new Pull Request on bitbucket.

  • After the Pull Request is acepetd and merged a new version of the font will be release/deployed through a NPM package.


Update icons on web-components

To complete the update will be needed to make some changes on the Solar web-components library.

Clone the project from the bitbucket repo and install dependencies

~ npm i

create a new bitbucket branch under 'feature' folder (feature/new_branch)

locate the file index.html under the folder src/ and update the font url with the last version

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@sunrise-upc/solar-iconfont@x.x.x/dist/iconFonts.css"/>


Icon component

  • Under the folder src/components/icon open the file icon.ts
  • Search for initIconFont() method and update the link.href with the last version
link.href = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@sunrise-upc/solar-iconfont@x.x.x/dist/iconFonts.css';
  • Under the same folder src/components/icon open the file styles.scss
  • Add the new icons css rules.
.icon-new-icon::before {
  content: '\....';


  • Under the folder src/components/icon open the file types.ts
  • Search for IconCodesEnum const
  • Add the new icon Types
export const IconCodesEnum = {
  NONE: '',
  NEW_ICON_NAME: 'new-icon-name',

commit all changes and publish the new branch, open a new Pull Request.

After Pull request acceptance it will be merge on the master and deployed.


    Package Sidebar


    npm i @sunrise-upc/solar-iconfont

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    Unpacked Size

    2.68 MB

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    Last publish


    • filipecruz
    • marcorusso
    • caroline.santos
    • ramalingamh
    • subhashish.samant
    • mysoreshivakumar
    • sunrise-b2c
    • sunrise-ecomm
    • alexcibotari
    • hirts
    • lamv
    • rui_fonseca