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2.3.6-ruby-4 • Public • Published

Stackchat Web Messenger

The Stackchat Web Messenger adds your Stackchat chat app to your website.

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. Browser Support
  3. API
  4. Proactive Messaging
  5. Content Security Policy
  6. Acknowledgements



Add the following code towards the end of the head section on your page.

<script async="true">
  !function(s,e,a){var c,o,i,p=[],u=[];s[a]={init:function(){c=arguments;var t={then:function(e){return u.push({type:"t",next:e}),t},catch:function(e){return u.push({type:"c",next:e}),t}};return t},on:function(){p.push(arguments)},render:function(){o=arguments},destroy:function(){i=arguments}},s.__onWebMessengerHostReady__=function(e){if(delete s.__onWebMessengerHostReady__,s[a]=e,c)for(var t=e.init.apply(e,c),n=0;n<u.length;n++)var r=u[n],t="t"===r.type?t.then(r.next):t.catch(r.next);o&&e.render.apply(e,o),i&&e.destroy.apply(e,i);for(n=0;n<p.length;n++)e.on.apply(e,p[n])};var t="2.3.6-ruby-4",n=e.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],e=e.createElement("script");e.async=!0,e.src="https://assets.au.stackchat.com/sdk/web-messenger/"+t+"/stackchat."+t+".min.js",n.parentNode.insertBefore(e,n)}(window,document,"stackchat");

And then, initialise the Web Messenger by placing the following code towards the end of the body section of your page:

      appId: "<app-id>"
    .then(function () {

Note for users in China If you are using the Stackchat Web Messenger on a Chinese website, then you will need to replace the loader URL in the above script. Please replace https://assets.au.stackchat.com with our China CDN: https://assets.common.stackchat.com.cn. You will also need to add a region: "cn" key/value to your config (along with your app id) that you pass in the init method.


  1. Install via npm or a package manager of choice:
npm install --save @stackchat/web-messenger
  1. Import the module & initialise messenger
import Stackchat from "@stackchat/web-messenger";

Stackchat.init({ appId: "<app-id>" }).then(function () {

Browser Support

Stackchat Web Messenger supports all the popular browsers


  • Chrome : Latest and one major version behind
  • Edge : Latest and one major version behind
  • Firefox : Latest and one major version behind
  • Internet Explorer : 11+
  • Safari : Latest and one major version behind


  • Stock browser on Android 4.1+
  • Safari on iOS 8+

Other Browsers

Stackchat Web Messenger is likely compatible with other and older browsers but we only test against the versions above.

Voice Support

Stackchat Web Messenger supports speech recognition where available. This is essentially limited to browsers that have implemented the W3C Media Stream API and where access to a recording instrumentation on a device is available. For this reason, if you are using speech recognition, please be aware that there may be compatibility issues with older browsers.


Individual Functions


Initializes the Stackchat Web Messenger widget in the web page using the specified options. It returns a promise that will resolve when the Web Messenger is ready. Note that except on and off, all other methods need to be called after a successful init.


Option Optional? Default value Description
appId No - Your app id
voice Yes - See voice section below
locale Yes en-US Locale used for date formatting using the <language>-<COUNTRY> format. Language codes can be found here and country codes here.
**Note 1 : ** The country part is optional, and if a country is either not recognized or supported, it will fallback to using the generic language. If the language isn't supported, it will fallback to en-US.
Note 2: this is only used for date formatting and doesn't provide built-in translations for Web Messenger.
soundNotificationEnabled Yes true Enables the sound notification for new messages
imageUploadEnabled Yes true Enables the image upload feature. (deprecated: use menuItems.imageUpload; if this option is false, it will disable menuItems.imageUpload and menuItems.fileUpload)
fixedIntroPane Yes false When enabled, the introduction pane will be pinned at the top of the conversation instead of scrolling with it.
embedded Yes False Tells the widget it will be embedded. (see Embedded section below)
displayStyle Yes button Choose how the messenger will appear on your website. Must be either button or tab.
buttonIconUrl Yes - When the displayStyle is button, you have the option of selecting your own button icon. The image must be at least 200 x 200 pixels and must be in either JPG, PNG, or GIF format.
buttonWidth Yes 58px When the displayStyle is button, you have the option of specifying the button width.
buttonHeight Yes 58px When the displayStyle is button, you have the option of specifying the button height.
businessName Yes - A custom business name.
businessIconUrl Yes - A custom business icon url. The image must be at least 200 x 200 pixels and must be in either JPG, PNG, or GIF format.
backgroundImageUrl Yes - A background image url for the conversation. Image will be tiled to fit the window.
integrationOrder Yes - Array of integration IDs. When set, only integrations from this list will be displayed. If an empty array is used, no integrations will be displayed. Note: Listing an integration in the array doesn't guarantee that it will be displayed in the Web Messenger.
customColors Yes See below Colors used in the Web Messenger UI.
customText Yes See below Strings used in the Web Messenger UI. You can use these to either customize the text or translate it. Note: Some strings include variables (surrounded by {}) which must remain in your customized text.
menuItems Yes See below. Choose menu items.
notificationChannelPromptEnabled Yes true Enables displaying a prompt to new users after their first message to suggest linking their chat instance with their other 3rd-party apps.
proactiveMessaging Yes See below Let's you choose how proactive messaging content appears within the messenger


Option Optional? Default value Description
ttl Yes 2000 The amount of time each message should live on the screen in milliseconds. By default, its 2s i.e. 2000ms
author No - The name displayed at the top of each message. This is what will be used as author name for each proactive message
maxMessages No - The maximum number of messages that are displayed on the screen at any given time. By default, it is 3
singularCloseButton No - Determines whether to show one close button for all messages or one for each message


Option Optional? Default value Description
brandColor Yes 65758e This color will be used in the messenger header and the button or tab in idle state. Must be a 3 or 6-character hexadecimal color.
conversationColor Yes 0099ff This color will be used for customer messages, quick replies and actions in the footer. Must be a 3 or 6-character hexadecimal color.
actionColor Yes 0099ff This color will be used for call-to-actions inside your messages. Must be a 3 or 6-character hexadecimal color.


The list of localizable strings. These strings can be modified. If an option is not given a custom string, the default value will be used.

Option Default value
clickToRetry Message not delivered. Click to retry.
connectNotificationText Be notified inside your other apps when you get a reply.
connectNotificationSingleText Be notified when you get a reply.
connectNotificationSingleButtonText Turn on <name> notifications
connectNotificationOthersText others
conversationTimestampHeaderFormat MMMM D YYYY, h:mm A
fetchHistory Load more
fetchingHistory Retrieving history...
headerText How can we help?
imageClickToReload Click to reload image.
imageClickToView Click to view {size} image.
imagePreviewNotAvailable Preview not available.
inputPlaceholder Type a message...
introAppText Message us below or from your favorite app.
introductionText We're here to talk, so ask us anything!
messageError An error occured while sending your message. Please try again.
messageIndicatorTitlePlural ({count}) New messages
messageIndicatorTitleSingular ({count}) New message
messageRelativeTimeDay {value}d ago
messageRelativeTimeHour {value}h ago
messageRelativeTimeJustNow Just now
messageRelativeTimeMinute {value}m ago
messageTimestampFormat h:mm A
messageSending Sending...
messageDelivered Delivered
sendButtonText Send
settingsHeaderText Settings
tapToRetry Message not delivered. Tap to retry.
unsupportedMessageType Unsupported message type.
unsupportedActionType Unsupported action type.
voiceConnecting Please wait...
voiceListening I'm listening...
voiceNoSpeechDetected No speech detected.
voiceNoMicrophoneAccess Microphone access disabled.

See below for an example:

var initPromise = stackchat
    appId: "<app-id>",
    // Leave unspecified for US region (default)
    region: "au",
    // For authenticated mode
    jwt: "your_jwt",
    userId: "user_id",
    locale: "en-US",
    customColors: {
      brandColor: "65758e",
      conversationColor: "65758e",
      actionColor: "65758e"

    fixedIntroPane: false,

    customText: {
      clickToRetry: "Message not delivered. Click to retry.",
        "Be notified inside your other apps when you get a reply.",
      connectNotificationSingleText: "Be notified when you get a reply.",
      connectNotificationSingleButtonText: "Turn on <name> notifications",
      connectNotificationOthersText: "others",
      conversationTimestampHeaderFormat: "MMMM D YYYY, h:mm A",
      fetchHistory: "Load more",
      fetchingHistory: "Retrieving history...",
      headerText: "How can we help?",
      imageClickToReload: "Click to reload image.",
      imageClickToView: "Click to view {size} image.",
      imagePreviewNotAvailable: "Preview not available.",
      inputPlaceholder: "Type a message...",
      introAppText: "Message us below or from your favorite app.",
      introductionText: "We're here to talk, so ask us anything!",
        "An error occured while sending your message. Please try again.",
      messageIndicatorTitlePlural: "({count}) New messages",
      messageIndicatorTitleSingular: "({count}) New message",
      messageRelativeTimeDay: "{value}d ago",
      messageRelativeTimeHour: "{value}h ago",
      messageRelativeTimeJustNow: "Just now",
      messageRelativeTimeMinute: "{value}m ago",
      messageTimestampFormat: "h:mm A",
      messageSending: "Sending...",
      messageDelivered: "Delivered",
      sendButtonText: "Send",
      settingsHeaderText: "Settings",
      tapToRetry: "Message not delivered. Tap to retry.",
      unsupportedMessageType: "Unsupported message type.",
      unsupportedActionType: "Unsupported action type."
  .then(function () {
    // Your code after init is complete

initPromise.then(function () {
  // do something

// pass it around...

initPromise.then(function () {
  //do something else


The web-messenger will support Speech Recognition if the service has been made available to the user, to enable it there is a voice configuration object that can be passed in by the user to the init method.

Option Optional? Default value Description
voiceOnly Yes false Disables the text input and replaces it with a push to talk button
voiceOnlyFallback* Yes text If voice only is set to true and the client device does not support voice then this option will handle what to do for those unsupported devices, options are text, destroy or a function that returns either of those values
locale Yes en_us Set the voice support language, must conform to BCP-47
  • voiceOnlyFallback - The two options for fallback are text or destroy, the text fallback will revert the application to a basic keyboard based input, while destroy will fail the initialization of the app and prevent the widget from being instantiated, this option is for users that only want to support voice and display nothing in all other instances.


Opens the conversation widget (no-op when embedded)



Closes the conversation widget (no-op when embedded)



Tells if the widget is currently opened or closed.



Destroys the Web Messenger and makes it disappear. The Web Messenger has to be reinitialized with init to be working again because it also clears up the app id from the Web Messenger. It will also unbind all listeners you might have with stackchat.on.



Sends a message on the user's behalf

  type: "text",
  text: "hello"

// OR



Returns the conversation if it exists

var conversation = stackchat.getConversation();


Returns a user if the conversation has begun and a user has been created, otherwise returns undefined

var user = stackchat.getUser();

if (user) {
  // Do something with user data.


Creates a user and conversation on the server, allowing the business to reach out proactively to the user via the public API.

It is strongly recommended to only call this method in the case where a message is likely to be sent.

This method is called automatically when starting a conversation via the sendMessage method, or when a user sends a message via the conversation view.

If a conversation already exists for the current user, this call is a no-op.



Prefills the user's chat input with a predefined message.


simulateMessage(message, ?avatar)

Simulates a message to the client without ever sending one to the server, these messages will not be persisted between sessions.

Takes in an optional second parameter for displaying an avatar associated with the message, this will default to gravatar's empty gray user icon if left blank.


simulateMessage(messageObject, ?avatar)

Simulates a message which has specified predefined reply options.

  message: "Would you like an ice cream?",
  actions: ["Yes", "No"]

triggerCloudFunction(handler, payload, ?metadata)

Manually invoke a Stackchat cloud function on the users behalf.

  .triggerCloudFunction("populateSlots", getUserPayload(), {})
  .then(() => {
    console.log("cloud function invoked");


Simulates the behaviour of the bot typing. Shows up as flickering three dots in a message bubble.


Removes the typing indicator from the conversation so that the conversation may proceed.


Opens up the user speech recognition prompt and begins listening for a user command, this can't be called before the messenger client has finished it's initialisation.

stackchat.init({...}).then(() => {
    document.getElementById("open-modal").addEventListener("click", () => {


Closes the modal and aborts the current recognition event



See the section on Delegates below


By default, a user's unique Stackchat ID will be used when your chatbot sends server-side requests to your configured analytics integrations. However, you may want to override this behaviour so that Stackchat uses a different ID, such as the visitor ID that your website has assigned to the user. This is helpful to get a single view of user behaviour across both website and chatbot.

Adobe Analytics

If you've configured Adobe Analytics report suite for your Stackchat bot, then you can call updateAnalyticsId method with the below parameter in order to override the visitor ID that your chatbot uses when making server-side requests to Adobe Analytics. If you have server-side forwarding to Adobe Audience Manager configured, then you need to include the regionId, otherwise it is not required

  adobeAnalytics: {
    experienceCloudVisitorId: "ENTER_YOUR_VISITOR_ID_HERE",
  • Populate experienceCloudVisitorId property with a value fetched from getMarketingCloudVisitorId
  • Populate regionId property with a value fetched from getLocationHint
  • Note: One API call is made to Adobe Analytics for every message received from the user.


Returns a boolean that when true indicates the a user has previously started a conversation and false when they have not, this is useful for those times when you might want to execute some behaviours depending on whether a user has or has not interacted with the widget yet.

const hasStarted = stackchat.hasConversationStarted();

if (hasStarted) {
  // Conversation started, do something...
} else {
  // Converstaion not yet started, do something...


Stackchat Web Messenger allows you to set a delegate to receive callbacks when important changes happen in the conversation. To set a delegate, use the following setDelagate method:


Delegates should be set after stackchat.init has been called, like so:

stackchat.init({ appId: '<app-id>' })
    () => {

You can use the one or more of the following delegates:


The beforeDisplay delegate allows a message to be hidden or modified before it is displayed in the conversation. This delegate should return a falsy value such as null to hide the message. It can also return a modified message object in order to change what the user will see rendered in their conversation history. Note that this change affects the client side rendering only; the server side copy of this message can not be modified by this delegate.

  beforeDisplay(message) {
    if (message.metadata && message.metadata.isHidden) {
      return null;

    return message;


The beforeSend delegate method allows you to modify properties of a message before sending it to stackchat. The modified message must be returned for it to take effect.

  beforeSend(message) {

    return modifiedMessage;


The beforePostbackSend delegate method allows you to modify properties of a postback before sending it to stackchat. The modified postback must be returned for it to take effect.

  beforePostbackSend(postback) {
    postback.metadata = {
      any: "info"
    return postback;


  beforeWebviewDisplay(url, message, event) {
    return false; // to cancel action
    // return;    // to allow original behavior, e.g. a no-op
    // return 'http://go.here.instead.com?utm=webviewIntercept' // to replace the URL

The metadata parameter has the following structure:

metadata = {
  event // The click event from the browser


To bind an event, use stackchat.on(<event name>, <handler>);. To unbind events, you can either call stackchat.off(<event name>, handler) to remove one specific handler, call stackchat.off(<event name>) to remove all handlers for an event, or call stackchat.off() to unbind all handlers.

Note: If you want to make sure your events are triggered, try to bind them before calling stackchat.init, like so:

stackchat.on('<event-1>', function() { ... });
stackchat.on('<event-2>', function() { ... });
stackchat.on('<event-3>', function() { ... });

stackchat.init(...).then(function() {
    // Your code after init is complete


This event triggers when init completes successfully

stackchat.on("ready", function () {
  console.log("the init has completed!");


This event triggers when the widget is destroyed.

stackchat.on("destroy", function () {
  console.log("The widget is destroyed!");

This is triggered in response to stackchat.destroy()


This event triggers when the user receives a message

stackchat.on("message:received", function (message) {
  console.log("The user received a message", message);


This event triggers when the user sends a message

stackchat.on("message:sent", function (message) {
  console.log("The user sent a message", message);


This event triggers when a message was added to the conversation

stackchat.on("message", function (message) {
  console.log("A message was added to the conversation", message);


This event triggers when the number of unread messages changes

stackchat.on("unreadCount", function (unreadCount) {
  console.log("The number of unread messages was updated", unreadCount);


This event triggers when the widget is opened

stackchat.on("widget:opened", function () {
  console.log("Widget is opened!");


This event triggers when the widget is closed

stackchat.on("widget:closed", function () {
  console.log("Widget is closed!");


This event triggers when the widget starts recording voice input

stackchat.on("speech:start", function () {
  console.log("Widget is recording now!");


This event triggers when the widget stops recording voice input

stackchat.on("speech:end", function () {
  console.log("Widget has stopped recording now!");


This event triggers when the widget encounters an error while recording voice input

stackchat.on("speech:error", function (error) {
  console.log(error.type, error.message);

Embedded Mode

As describe above, to activate the embedded mode, you need to pass embedded: true when calling stackchat.init. By doing so, you are disabling the auto-rendering mechanism and you will need to call stackchat.render manually. This method accepts a DOM element which will be used as the container where the widget will be rendered.

The embedded widget will take full width and height of the container. You must give it a height, otherwise, the widget will collapse.

Proactive Messaging


This feature allows you to handle the creation, display and manipulation of messages that are proactively displayed to the user. A user can also interact with these messages eliminating the need of guesswork from the user.

Proactive messages can be triggered automatically during an ongoing conversation in the Stackchat Web Messenger or can be manually triggered as the need arises.

Each proactive message looks like this(when default styles are used)

Proactive Message

or like this with actions:

Proactive Message With Actions

Note: Proactive messages are only displayed if and only if the messenger widget is not open. If it is open, then all the proactive messages are silently ignored.


// Initialise Web Messenger
  // ...config
  proactiveMessaging: {
		ttl: 4000 // default
		author: "Test Bot"


Initialisation Options

See the configuration object at the top for more details.

Configuring a Proactive Message

As long as the messenger widget is not open, ProactiveMessaging any message containing the proactive property in its metadata that has been set to true will displayed proactively.

// Therefore the message object should look like this
message = {
  metadata: {
    proactive: true,


  • addProactiveMessage({text, persona, quickReplies})

Allows the developer to simulate or display a proactive message to the user without it becoming a part of the ongoing conversation.

For e.g.

// Without actions
stackchat.addProactiveMessage({ text: "Hello, world!" });

// With actions
  text: "Hello, world!",
  quickReplies: [
      text: "Hello there!",
      openMessengerOnReply: false
      text: "Hi! What are you up to?",
      openMessengerOnReply: true

Event Binding

ProactiveMessaging offers two special methods to allow developers to react to events as they occur.

Note: You can add and remove event binding at any time.

  • on(event, handler)

    Allows you to specify a callback for a event which is called when that aforesaid event occurs.

  • off(event?, handler?)

    Allows you to remove a callback tied to an event. If no handler is specfied, it removes all the callbacks associated with the event. If no event has been specified, all callbacks for all events are cleared.


This is the list of events that you can use with on and off methods as described above.

  • ready

    This event is fired when your ProactiveMessaging instance is ready. From this point on, it can start displaying proactive messages.

    stackchat.on("ready", () => {
      console.log("Proactive Messaging is ready!");
  • proactive-message:clicked

    This event is fired when a user clicks on a proactive message. This event is not fired when a user dismisses a message or clicks on a quick reply.

    stackchat.on("proactive-message:clicked", (event) => {
      console.log("Proactive Message clicked > message", event.message);
  • proactive-message:dismissed

    This event is fired when a user dismisses a proactive message. It is not fired if the message auto dismisses after the ttl.

    stackchat.on("proactive-message:dismissed", (event) => {
      console.log("Proactive Message dismissed > message", event.message);
  • quick-reply:clicked

    This event is fired when a user clicks on one of the quick replies in a proactive message.

    stackchat.on("quick-reply:clicked", (event) => {
      console.log("Quick reply clicked");
      console.log("Message", event.message);
      console.log("Quick reply", event.quickReply);
  • messenger:opened

    This event is fired whenever the Stackchat Web Messenger is opened by your ProactiveMessaging instance. Stackchat Web Messenger is opened when a user clicks on a message or clicks on one of the quick replies. Refer to the first part of the API section above.

    stackchat.on("messenger:opened", () => {
      console.log("Stackchat Web Messenger opened");
  • clear

    This event is fired when all the proactive messages have been cleared - by user interaction or otherwise. Consider this as a blank slate similar to right after the ready event has occured.

    stackchat.on("clear", () => {
      console.log("All proactive messages cleared!");


Default Styles

This library includes some base styles that display proactive messages in the nice UI as shown above here and here.

Consuming default styles depends on the way you integrate this library:

  • Script

    You can use our CDN hosted stylesheet via a script tag

  • Package Manager

When using a package manager like npm or yarn, the default styling is already included within the messenger project. In instances where you want to povide additional styles or override certain styles belonging to proactive messaging classes take a look at the custom styles section below to learn more about applying your specific styles to the proactive messages.

Custom Styles

The following css sheet is the complete list of proactive messaging styles available, you can extends or override any of these by simply adding your own styles using the same class names, just ensure that your stylesheet is loaded after this sheet has been injected into the head of your document.

.stackchat__proactive-container {
  overflow-y: hidden;
  display: flex;
  align-items: flex-end;
  justify-content: flex-end;
  flex-direction: column;
  z-index: 9998;
  font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
.stackchat__proactive-container * {
  outline: none;
.stackchat__proactive-container .stackchat__external-close-button {
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
  border-radius: 50%;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  border: none;
  background-color: #d8d8d8;
  cursor: pointer;
.stackchat__proactive-container .stackchat__proactive-message {
  margin-bottom: 8px;
  padding: 4px;
  .stackchat__message {
  background-color: white;
  border-radius: 8px;
  overflow: hidden;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: flex-start;
  justify-content: flex-start;
  box-shadow: 0 0 4px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
  width: 232px;
  .stackchat__header {
  position: relative;
  width: 100%;
  height: 40px;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: flex-start;
  .stackchat__name {
  margin: 0;
  margin-left: 16px;
  margin-right: 8px;
  font-weight: 600;
  font-size: 14px;
  color: #4c0099;
  .stackchat__close-button {
  position: absolute;
  right: 0;
  top: 0;
  width: 40px;
  height: 100%;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  background-color: transparent;
  border: none;
  cursor: pointer;
  .stackchat__content {
  padding: 8px 16px 16px 16px;
  .stackchat__text {
  margin: 0;
  font-size: 14px;
  .stackchat__actions {
  margin-top: 4px;
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: flex-end;
  .stackchat__action {
  background: rgba(76, 0, 153, 0.1);
  box-shadow: 0 0 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
  border: 1px solid #4c0099;
  border-radius: 4px;
  margin: 2px 0 2px 4px;
  font-size: 14px;
  padding: 11px;
  min-width: 64px;
  font-weight: 600;
  cursor: pointer;
  line-height: 16px;
  color: #4c0099;
.stackchat__hide-message {
  animation-name: stackchat__animGenie;
  animation-duration: 0.4s;
.stackchat__hide-message {
  animation-direction: reverse;
  animation-name: stackchat__animGenieReverse;
@keyframes stackchat__animGenie {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: translate3d(45%, calc(144%), 0) scale3d(0, 1, 1);
    animation-timing-function: ease-in;
  40% {
    opacity: 0.5;
    transform: translate3d(27%, 0, 0) scale3d(0.02, 1.1, 1);
    animation-timing-function: ease-out;
  70% {
    opacity: 0.6;
    transform: translate3d(9%, -40px, 0) scale3d(0.8, 1.1, 1);
  100% {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0) scale3d(1, 1, 1);
@keyframes stackchat__animGenieReverse {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: translate3d(45%, calc(144%), 0) scale3d(0, 1, 1);
    animation-timing-function: ease-in;
  40% {
    opacity: 0.5;
    transform: translate3d(27%, 0, 0) scale3d(0.02, 1.1, 1);
    animation-timing-function: ease-out;
  70% {
    opacity: 0.6;
    transform: translate3d(9%, -40px, 0) scale3d(0.8, 1.1, 1);
  100% {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0) scale3d(1, 1, 1);

Content Security Policy

If your deployment requires CSP compatibility, add the following meta tag to your configuration.


Note that an equivalent configuration can be done server side.

According to the channels you use, other domains may need to be added (these are used to display QR codes to link to the Stackchat Web Messenger conversation):

Note that your CSP configuration should also include any domains used to host images or files sent in messages. If you require blob: to be excluded for img-src, you must disable the image upload feature via the init settings.




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