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Useful extensions for basic JS prototypes

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Basic usage
  3. Available extensions
    1. Console
    2. Number
      1. padStart
      2. limit
      3. formatThousands
      4. pluralize
      5. as
  4. Helpers
    1. interface SOLSizeNames
    2. class SOLTime
    3. class SOLSize


Simply install it using NPM:

npm install @sounds.of.limbo/extensions

Basic usage

To apply specific prototype extension, you have to import corresponding file at some point of you application:

// Assuming some React application
import React from "react"
import "@sounds.of.limbo/extensions/dist/Console"

export default class App extends React.Component {
    componentDidMount() {
        console.ok("Application *has been mounted*!")

    render() {
        console.say("Application is being rendered")
        return <main>
                Hello, world!

Note that since corresponding file will be imported, extended prototype will be available GLOBALLY, including runtime (e.g. web browser's console). This is the basic side-effect of the prototype extension.

Available extensions


Extended with five colorful log methods:

  • say - cyan-colored , analogue of console.log
  • nfo - blue-colored , analogue of console.info
  • ok - lime-colored . Does not have analogues among basic console method. Typically being used for logging some success messages.
  • hey - yellow-colored , analogue of console.warn
  • no - red-colored , analogue of console.error

Despite some methods are marked as analogues, they are all still logging to the same level as console.log does. This is due to only console.log supports color customizations.

Each method takes infinite number of parameters. First parameter should be a string - this is the log message that will be colorfully customized. Other params will be logged as is.

You can make parts of the message to be written using bold font. To do this, just conclude desired part of message in asterisks (*) (see screenshots below).

Here is how custom logs look like in the browser console:
console demo web

and here is an example from the terminal (Node.js):
console demo web



Analogue of String.prototype.padStart. Uses it under the hood.

padStart(maxLength: number, padWith?: string) => string
Argument Type Required? Default value Description
maxLength number YES Maximum length of the resulting string
padWith string - "0" String to pad the initial string with


Limit current number to min and max values.

limit(min: number, max: number) => number


(-1).limit(0, 10) // => 0
(5).limit(0, 10) // => 5
(10).limit(0, 10) // => 10
(11).limit(0, 10) // => 10
Argument Type Required? Default value Description
min number YES Minimum to limit value to
max number YES Maximum to limit value to


Places spaces each 3 numbers

formatThousands() => string


(1000).formatThousands() // => "1 000"
(12345.6789).formatThousands() // => "12 345.6789"


Use value to create pluralized string

pluralize(singularForm: string, pluralForm: string, toFixed?: number) => string


(2).pluralize("test", "tests") // => "2 tests"
(1 / 3 * 2).pluralize("pound", "pounds", 2) // "0.67 pounds"
Argument Type Required? Default value Description
singularForm string YES Singular form of the word to be pluralized
pluralForm string YES Plural form of the word to be pluralized
toFixed number - -1 If the provided value is a number greater than or equal to 0, Number.prototype.toFixed will be applied to the number


Treat value as a time/size value in specified units and work with it in this context

as<T extends SOLTimeUnit | SOLSizeUnit>(unit: T) => T extends SOLTimeUnit ? SOLTime : SOLSize


// Time units
(90).as("seconds").to("minutes") // => 1.5
(65.5).as("minutes").toTimeString() // => "1:05:30"

// Size units
(256).as("bytes").to("kilobytes") // => 0.25
(1536).as("kilobytes").toVerboseString() // => "1.5 MB"
Argument Type Required? Default value Description
unit SOLTimeUnit | SOLSizeUnit YES If unit is SOLTimeUnit, returns SOLTime
If unit is SOLSizeUnit, returns SOLSize


interface SOLSizeNames

Helper type that allows to specify custom singular and plural forms for specific size name.

interface SizeNames {
	 * default is **byte, bytes**
	bytes?: [string, string]
	 * default is **kB, kB**
	kilobytes?: [string, string]
	 * default is **MB, MB**
	megabytes?: [string, string]
	 * default is **GB, GB**
	gigabytes?: [string, string]
	 * default is **TB, TB**
	terabytes?: [string, string]

class SOLTime

Helper class, appears when you use Number.prototype.as() with TimeUnit as a parameter.

class SOLTime {
		value: number,
		unit: SOLTimeUnit,

	 * Convert time value from current to target time unit
	to: (
		unit: SOLTimeUnit,
	) => number

	 * Make time string. For example:  
	 * **00:42**  
	 * **04:20**  
	 * **1:15:01**  
	toTimeString: (
		 * If there is more than 24 hours, whether there should be extra 'days' label at the start or not.  
		 * Default: `false`
		separateDays?: boolean
	) => string

class SOLSize

Helper class, appears when you use Number.prototype.as() with SizeUnit as a parameter.

class SOLSize {
		value: number,
		unit: SOLSizeUnit,

	 * Convert size from current to target size unit
	to: (
		unit: SOLSizeUnit,
	) => number

	 * Make verbose size string up to terabytes (TB). For example:  
	 * **921 bytes**  
	 * **128 kB**  
	 * **1.2 MB**  
	 * **12.28 GB**  
	 * **1.2 TB**  
	toVerboseString: (
		customSizeNames?: SOLSizeNames
	) => string

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