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2.0.11 • Public • Published


An authentication utility library for Solid.


pnpm install @solid-mediakit/auth@latest @auth/core@latest

Setting It Up

Generate auth secret, then set it as an environment variable:


On Production

Don't forget to trust the host.


Creating the api handler

in this example we are using github so make sure to set the following environment variables:

// routes/api/auth/[...solidauth].ts
import { SolidAuth, type SolidAuthConfig } from '@solid-mediakit/auth'
import GitHub from '@auth/core/providers/github'

export const authOpts: SolidAuthConfig = {
  providers: [
      clientId: process.env.GITHUB_ID,
      clientSecret: process.env.GITHUB_SECRET,
  debug: false,

export const { GET, POST } = SolidAuth(authOpts)

Sign In

The signIn is a function that can be used from the client side, it can take two paramaters, the first is provider, this is an optional paramater and not passing it will redirect the user to the login page defined in the config, the second is options and this can be used to tell SolidAuth where should we redirect (if needed ofc).

import { signIn } from '@solid-mediakit/auth'
signIn() // login page
signIn('github') // login with github and redirect to the exact same page we are at right now
signIn('github', { redirectTo: '/ok' }) // login with github and redirect to /ok

Sign Out

The signOut is a function that can be used from the client side, it takes one parameter options, you can choose where should SolidAuth redirect after, or if it should redirect.

import { signOut } from '@solid-mediakit/auth'
signOut() // redirect to this same page
signOut({ redirectTo: '/ok' }) // redirect to /ok
signOut({ redirect: false }) // don't redirect at all

Getting the current session

Client Side

Wrap your App with SessionProvider

In order to update the session context accordingly, the entire app needs to be wrapped with a SessionProvider, this is a SolidJS context that will hold the current session.

// app.tsx
// @refresh reload
import { MetaProvider, Title } from '@solidjs/meta'
import { Router } from '@solidjs/router'
import { FileRoutes } from '@solidjs/start/router'
import { Suspense } from 'solid-js'
import { SessionProvider } from '@solid-mediakit/auth/client'
import './app.css'

export default function App() {
  return (
      root={(props) => (
          <Title>SolidStart - Basic</Title>
            <SessionProvider>{props.children} </SessionProvider>
      <FileRoutes />

And then you could use the createSession hook:

import { createSession } from '@solid-mediakit/auth/client'
const session = createSession()

const user = () => session()?.user

This will return a resource, in Solid a resource can be used to trigger suspense so this could be used like:

import { Show, type VoidComponent } from 'solid-js'
import { createSession, signIn, signOut } from '@solid-mediakit/auth/client'
import { Head, Title } from 'solid-start'

const AuthShowcase: VoidComponent = () => {
  const session = createSession()
  return (
    <div class='flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-4'>
            onClick={() => signIn('discord', { redirectTo: '/' })}
            class='rounded-full bg-black/50 px-10 py-3 font-semibold text-white no-underline transition hover:bg-black/70'
            Sign in
        <span class='text-xl text-black'>
          Hello there {session()?.user?.name}
          onClick={() => signOut({ redirectTo: '/' })}
          class='rounded-full bg-black/50 px-10 py-3 font-semibold text-white no-underline transition hover:bg-black/70'
          Sign out

const Home: VoidComponent = () => {
  return (
      <main class='flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-4'>
        <span class='text-xl text-black'>Welcome to Solid Auth</span>
        <AuthShowcase />

export default Home

Server Side

import { getSession } from '@solid-mediakit/auth'
import { cache, createAsync, redirect } from '@solidjs/router'
import { getWebRequest } from 'vinxi/server'
import { authOptions } from './server/auth'

const getUser = cache(async () => {
  'use server'
  const request = getWebRequest()
  const session = await getSession(request, authOptions)
  if (!session) {
    throw redirect('/')
  return session
}, 'user')

const user = createAsync(() => getUser())

Providing a custom Session Type

You might want to provide your own User type. In this case you can overwrite the default interface.

// session-type.d.ts
import { DefaultSession } from '@auth/core/types'

declare module '@auth/core/types' {
  export interface Session extends DefaultSession {
    user?: User

Using Credentials strategy

// routes/api/auth/[...solidauth].ts
import { SolidAuth, type SolidAuthConfig } from '@solid-mediakit/auth'
import Credentials from '@auth/core/providers/credentials'
import { z } from 'zod'
import { DefaultSession } from '@auth/core/types'
import { getUser, compareHash } from 'somewhere'

// Your User type (note: password should not be sent back)
type User = {
  id: string
  name: string

// Session to override default value
type CustomSession = DefaultSession & {
  user: User

export const authOpts: SolidAuthConfig = {
  providers: [
      async authorize(credentials): Promise<User | null> {
        const { name, password } = credentials

        // Add validation if needed - here using Zod
        const schema = z.object({
          name: z.string().min(1),
          password: z.string().min(1),
        if (!schema.safeParse({ name, password }).success) return null

        // Fetch User from Database and check for password match - here using a hash-compare
        const user = await getUser({ name: credentials.name as string })

        if (
          !user ||
          !compareHash(user.password, credentials.password as string)
        ) {
          return null

        return {
          id: user.id,
          name: user.name,
  // Providing this option will prevent rerouting to @auth's built-in Form page
  pages: {
    signIn: '/login',
  callbacks: {
    jwt({ token, user }) {
      return { ...token, ...user }
    session({ token, session }) {
      return { ...session, user: { ...token } } as CustomSession

export const { GET, POST } = SolidAuth(authOpts)
// routes/login.tsx
import { createSignal, JSX } from 'solid-js'
import { signIn } from '@solid-mediakit/auth/client'

export default function LoginScreen() {
  const [name, setName] = createSignal('')
  const [password, setPassword] = createSignal('')

  const login: JSX.IntrinsicElements['form']['onSubmit'] = async (e) => {

    const result = await signIn('credentials', {
      name: name(),
      password: password(),
      redirectTo: '/',
    if (result?.error) console.error('Username or Password incorrect')

  return (
    <form onSubmit={login}>
      <input name='name' onInput={(e) => setName(e.currentTarget.value)} />
        onInput={(e) => setPassword(e.currentTarget.value)}
      <button type='submit'>Sign in</button>

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