
1.0.0 • Public • Published

AngryJupiter Importer

Importer is a module of AngryJupiter - a console tool kit based on Node.js which allows for managing gamification instances in IsaaCloud.

Importer creates a *.zip file containing 4 *.cvs files (MEMBERS.csv, TRANSACTIONS.csv, AIR_TRANSACTIONS.csv and TRANSACTION_REWARDS.csv). The files are created on the basis of templates containing a transation scenario that is repeated on any number of users.

The application supports two template file formats (.csv and .js). .js files are loaded as modules, thanks to which it is possible to add any script returning a scenario template in JSON format. The application by default uses files from the catalog in which it is launched. Ready and processed files are returned in a .zip file and saved in scenario_zip/transacion_name_id.zip in the root directory of the application.

By default the application first uses .cvs files. If no .cvs file is found, the application searches for the same file in .js format. The hierarchy is determined by formats in config.json file:

    "name": "transaction_name", 
    "formats": [


To install Importer, you need to have AngryJupiter Core installed.


Run the following command in your console:

angry install importer


To use Importer, run the following command in your console:

angry importer <userNumber> [options]


  • <userNumber> is a required parameter
  • [options] are optional


You can run the module with the following options:

Option Description
-h, --help outputs information on how to use the application
-V, --version outputs the version of the application
-d, --details runs the application in the details mode
-t, --tmplPath[tmplPath] runs the application from a specified path
-z, --zipPath[zipPath] saves the zip file at a specified path


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