WEB ScreenShot
takes a screenshot of a website or web page and saves it as a PDF file.
📝 Table of Contents
🧐 About
This project takes a screenshot of a website or web page and saves it as a PDF file. The screenshot can be taken of the entire page or of a specific region. The PDF file can be saved in a variety of formats, including PDF/A, PDF/X, and PDF/UA.
🏁 Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes
yarn add @sl-code-lords/web_screenshot
npm i @sl-code-lords/web_screenshot
🎈 Usage
const {WebScreenShot,WebPdf,valid_devices} = require('@sl-code-lords/web_screenshot')
const fs = require('fs')
const device = 'desktop' // tablet or phone
const full_page = false // true
var data = await WebScreenShot('https://ravindumanoj.ml',device,full_page)
const portrait=true // false for landscape
const zoom = false // true
const print_size = false //true
var data = await WebPdf('https://ravindumanoj.ml',portrait,zoom,print_size)
✍️ Authors
- @ravindu01manoj Project Author
- @vihangayt0 source helper
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.