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1.0.3 • Public • Published

NPM @simonbuchan/deploy-stack

Deploys AWS CloudFormation stacks.


There are many NPM packages for nicely deploying AWS CloudFormation, and they already work well. Why add another?

Well, I wanted:

  • A programmatic API
  • Use of Change Sets, to allow the user to review the changes they are about to make.
  • Live progress output, so any errors can be quickly resolved.
  • Nicer behavior around some of the more unusual stack states, e.g. REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS, ROLLBACK_COMPLETE, all *_IN_PROGRESS states.

There's still plenty of things that could be added to this, but this works for me for now!

Not implemented (yet?)

  • Prevent rollback on failure (doesn't seem to be an option for change sets?)
  • Template upload / URL support, needed for very large templates
  • Reuse previous template / parameter values.
  • Customizing refresh rate (5 seconds should work for anybody?)
  • Less ugly output tables 😅

API Usage

Built in typescript, so you should get a good experience in editors that support .d.ts typings (even in Javascript).

import AWS from "aws-sdk/global";
import CloudFormation from "aws-sdk/clients/cloudformation";
import deployStack, { createPrompt, createTableWaiter } from "@simonbuchan/deploy-stack";

  // Required:
  client: new CloudFormation({
    region: "us-east-1",
    credentials: new AWS.SharedIniFileCredentials({ profile: "test" }),
  stackName: "my-app",
  templateBody: fs.readFileSync("my-app.yaml"),

  // Optional:
  logger: console,
  prompt: createPrompt(process.stdin, process.stdout),
  // prompt: (message) => {
  //   // Prompt the user for if they want to execute the change set,
  //   // Return a promise for a boolean.
  // },

  waiter: createTableWaiter(),
  // waiter: {
  //   progress({ client, reason, stackName, stack, changes }) {
  //     // - client is the outer client.
  //     // - reason is one of:
  //     //   - 'DELETING_EXISTING':
  //     //     Removing a dead existing stack: e.g.
  //     //   - 'IN_PROGRESS_EXISTING':
  //     //     Waiting for a currently *_IN_PROGRESS
  //     //     stack to complete before attempting to
  //     //     create a change set.
  //     //   - 'EXECUTING':
  //     //     Actually applying current stack.
  //     // - stackName is the outer parameter, and is always set.
  //     // - stack is the output of DescribeStack() and will only be set
  //     //   when reason is EXECUTING.
  //     // - changes is an array of DescribeChangeSet() changes and
  //     //   will only be set when reason is EXECUTING
  //     //
  //     // Can return a promise (e.g. be async)
  //     // and it will block the stack polling loop
  //     // so you don't overlap.
  //   },
  //   async complete({ client, reason, stackName, stack, changes }) {
  //     // same as above ...
  //   },
  // },
  parameters: [
      ParameterKey: "DomainName",
      ParameterValue: "my-app",
  tags: [
      Key: "app",
      Value: "my-app",
  // ...

CLI Usage

From deploy-stack --help:

Usage: deploy-stack \
    [credential options] \
    --region REGION \
    --stack-name NAME \
    --template-path PATH \
    [additional options] \
    [template parameters]

Credential options:
   [--profile NAME]                    # Profile name in ~/.aws/credentials
   [--access-key-id KEY_ID             # Explicit access key id
    --secret-access-key SECRET]        # Secret access key

    By default, the standard AWS SDK fallback logic is used, that is:
    $AWS_* environment variables, then ~/.aws/credentials, then EC2 Instance

Required options:
    --region REGION                    # AWS region to create stack in
    --stack-name NAME                  # CloudFormation stack name to create
    --template-path PATH               # Path to CloudFormation stack template
                                       # file. (YAML or JSON)

Additional options:
   [--capabilities NAME,NAME,...]      # CloudFormation capabilities to add.
                                       # Use "," to join multiple.
                                       # Valid values are currently:
                                       #   CAPABILITY_IAM
                                       #   CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
   [--tag:NAME VALUE]...               # Tags to add to all created resources
                                       # e.g.:
                                       # --tag:env dev --tag:team sales

Template parameters:
    NAME=VALUE                         # Adds a value for a CloudFormation
                                       # template parameter


    deploy-stack \
        --profile test \
        --region us-east-1 \
        --stack-name my-app-dev \
        --template-path my-app.yaml \
        --tag:app my-app \

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  • simonbuchan