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0.0.9 • Public • Published

sifrr-fetch · npm version Doscify

Fetch API and websockets API based small, easy to use, promise based requests library for browsers.


Type Size
Minified (dist/sifrr.fetch.min.js)
Minified + Gzipped (dist/sifrr.fetch.min.js)

How to use

Directly in Browser using standalone distribution

Add script tag in your website.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@sifrr/fetch@{version}/dist/sifrr.fetch.min.js"></script>

Browser API support needed for

APIs caniuse polyfills
Fetch API https://caniuse.com/#feat=fetch https://github.com/github/fetch
Promises API https://caniuse.com/#feat=promises https://github.com/stefanpenner/es6-promise

Using npm

Do npm i @sifrr/fetch or yarn add @sifrr/fetch or add the package to your package.json file.

example, put in your frontend js module (compatible with webpack/rollup/etc):


window.Sifrr = window.Sifrr || {};
window.Sifrr.Fetch = require('@sifrr/fetch');

ES modules

import Fetch from '@sifrr/fetch';
// or
import { Fetch, Socket } from '@sifrr/fetch';
// and use as Sifrr.Fetch or Sifrr.Fetch.Socket

With node

// set global.fetch
global.fetch = require('node-fetch);
const { Fetch } = require('@sifrr/fetch');
// use SFetch.get, post etc,
global.WebSocket = require('isomorphic-ws');
const { Socket } = require('@sifrr/fetch');

Note: You can not use websockets with node


HTTP Requests

options are Fetch API options with some extra keys:

  • params json object key, value pairs will be added to url as ?key=value
  • body json object | string body to send with post requests
  • onProgress function if response has content-length, this function will be called with
  loaded, // loaded bytes
  total, // total bytes (0 if response doesn't have content length)
  percent, // progress precentage
  speed, // speed in kbps
  ... // chunk value
  • timeout time in ms timeout for request
  • before function this function will be called with { url, options, method } and should return modified { url, options, method } which will be used to send requests
  • after function this function will be called with response and should return modified response
  • use function this function will be called with { url, options, method } and resolve/return with response which will be returned, if this function errors, response will be fetched normally (use case: use it as a middleware for cache)

GET request

you can add query parameters to get request options.

options.query = { key: 'value' };
Sifrr.Fetch.get(url, options)
  .then(response => {
    // This will send request to url?key=value
    // response is JSON if response has `content-type: application/json` header
    // else it is a Fetch API response object.
  .catch(e => {
    // handle error, same for other type of requests

PUT request

Sifrr.Fetch.put(url, options).then(response => {
  // response is JSON if response has `content-type: application/json` header
  // else it is a Fetch API response object.

POST request

you can add post request body parameters to post request options.

options.body = { key: 'value' };
options.headers = {
  'content-type': 'aaplication/json'
Sifrr.Fetch.post(url, options).then(response => {
  // response is JSON if response has `content-type: application/json` header
  // else it is a Fetch API response object.

DELETE request

Sifrr.Fetch.delete(url, options).then(response => {
  // response is JSON if response has `content-type: application/json` header
  // else it is a Fetch API response object.

GET file request

Sifrr.Fetch.file(url, options).then(response => {
  // response is a Fetch API response object.
  // You can get file text content using response.text() or other fetch response methods

GRAPHQL request

graphql request is a POST request.

Sifrr.Fetch.graphql(url, {
  query: 'graphql query string',
  variables: { a: 'b' },
}).then(response => {
  // response is JSON if response has `content-type: application/json` header
  // else it is a Fetch API response object.

Cache as Middleware

const storage = new Sifrr.Storage();
function cacheOrGet(url) {
  Sifrr.Fetch.get(url, {
    use: url =>
      storage.get(url).then(v => (typeof v[url] === 'undefined' ? throw 'Not found' : v[url])),
    after: response => {
      storage.set(url, response);
      return response;

Instance with default options

const fetch = new Sifrr.Fetch(defaultOptions);

// then use


Automatic connection retries, calls fallback on message sending failure/error

WebSocket fetch

Note: Only works with JSON messages/responses

// Open a socket
const socket = new Sifrr.Fetch.Socket(url, protocols, fallback /* (message) => 'fallback response' */);
// send a message
socket.send(message [, type]).then(resp => {
  // do something

// Server will receive data as:
// {
//   id: Int,
//   type: type, (default: 'sifrr-fetch')
//   payload: message
// },
// and should send back
// {
//   id: same id as received
//   payload: response
// }
// then resp will be equal to response sent above
// If socket connection fails
// It will call fallback function with message and resolves with its return value

Graphql query over websocket (compatible with sifrr-server)

  query: ...,
  variables: ...
}).then(data => {
  // do something with data

Graphql Subscriptions (compatible with graphql-subscription-ws and sifrr-server)

let subscriptionId;
// subscribe
socket.subscribe({ query: `subscription { ... }`, variables: { ... } }, callback).then(id => subscriptionId = id);
// callback will be called with every data received from server

// unsubscribe

Traditional WebSocket messaging

// Open a socket
const socket = new Sifrr.Fetch.Socket(
  fallback /* (message) => 'fallback response' */
// send a message


// same as websocket's hooks
socket.onmessage = event => {};
socker.onopen = () => {};
socker.onclose = () => {};
socker.onerror = e => {};



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132 kB

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  • aadityataparia