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1.1.1 • Public • Published


This is a set of random probability generators such as : flip a coin, roll a die, pick a number, and random number generation.

This project was writen in TypeScript using Node. This project was to test using a npm I create to make an api to call for random events. I have plans later to add different distributions of random values.


Locally to play with the code

  • Clone from github using https://github.com/ShaneButtCodeNL/RandomTS.git
  • Install dependencies using npm install
  • npm run build will build the program in a lib folder in the current folder.
  • npm run test will run the code against the test to ensure the code works
  • you can then add RandomTS to your code using either const random = require("{PATH}/RandomTS") or import * as random from "{PATH}/RandomTS". Where {PATH} is the path of the lib polder after building.

From NPM (Prefered)

  • Run npm install @shane-butt/randomts
  • In your program import it using either const random = require("@shane-butt/randomts or import * as random from "@shane-butt/randomts"

Congratulations welcome to Random events of mild interest.

Using this Random event generator

Import to your project

  • install with npm i @shane-butt/randomts import using const random = require("@shane-butt/RandomTS") or import * as random from "@shane-butt/RandomTS"

Call Random functions


  • generate a random value in range of [0,1). This can generate 0 but not 1.
  • Can be given a value precision that will limit the number of decimal places that will generate
  • Can be given up to two seeds. If two seeds are given it will return same value each call.
import * as random from "@shane-butt/randomts";

// Generates a value in range [0,1)
const a = random.random();

// Generates a value in range [0,1) with at most 3 decimal places
const b = random.random(3);

// Generates a value in range [0,1) with at most 3 decimal places
const c = random.random(3,123_123,321_321)

// Generates a value in range [0,1) with at most 3 decimal places
const d = random.random(3,123_123,321_321)

//Because both seeds are the same


  • Generate a vaue of "H" for heads or "T" for tails
  • Can be given a seed. The result will be the same for the same seed.
import * as random from "@shane-butt/randomts";

// Will either be "H" or "T"
const flip1 = random.flipACoin();

// Will either be "H" or "T"
const flip2 = random.flipACoin(123_123);

// Will either be "H" or "T"
const flip3 = random.flipACoin(123_123);

// Will either be "H" or "T" may be different than flip2 and flip3
const flip4 = random.flipACoin(123_456);

//Same Seed


  • Generate a number in range [ 0 , 6 ]. Can generate 1 and 6.
  • Can be given a seed. Calls with the same seed will have the same result.
import * as random from "@shane-butt/randomts";

// Will generate a value in range of [ 1 , 6 ]
const roll1 = random.rollASixSidefDie();

// Will generate a value in range of [ 1 , 6 ]
const roll2 = random.rollASixSidefDie(123);

// Will generate a value in range of [ 1 , 6 ]
const roll3 = random.rollASixSidefDie(123);



  • Needs a value of n which is how many sides the die has
  • Generate a value in range of [ 1 , n ]
  • Can be given a seed. Calls with the same seed will have the same result.
import * as random from "@shane-butt/randomts";

// Will generate a value between [ 1 , 20 ]
const roll1 = random.rollNSidedDie(20);

// Will generate a value between [ 1 , 20 ]
const roll2 = random.rollNSidedDie(20,1234);

// Will generate a value between [ 1 , 20 ]
const roll3 = random.rollNSidedDie(20,1234);



  • Pass an array to the function and it will return a copy that is shuffled
  • Can be given two seeds. Calls with both seeds the same will have the same result.
import * as random from "@shane-butt/randomts";

const a= [1,2,3]

// Shuffle a. shuffled can be any permutation of [1,2,3]
const shuffled1 = random.shuffleArray(a)

// Shuffle a. shuffled can be any permutation of [1,2,3]
const shuffled2 = random.shuffleArray(a)

// Shuffle a. shuffled can be any permutation of [1,2,3]
const shuffled3 = random.shuffleArray(a)

for(let i=0;i<3;i++){


  • Pass an array to the function and it will shuffle it and alter the values in the original array.
  • Please use shuffleArray instead of this. It is better to return a copy than mutate the original.
  • Can be given two seeds. Calls with both seeds the same will have the same result.
import * as random from "@shane-butt/randomts";

let a = [1,2,3]

//Shuffle a. a now can be any permutation of [1,2,3]


  • Pass an array to the function and get a random value from the array.
  • Can be given a seed. Calls with the same seed will have the same result.
  • Can be given two seeds. Calls with both seeds the same will have the same result.
import * as random from "@shane-butt/randomts";

const a= [1,2,3]

// A value from a. Either 1 , 2 or 3
const value1 = random.pickRandomFromArray(a)

// A value from a. Either 1 , 2 or 3
const value2 = random.pickRandomFromArray(a, 123, 321)

// A value from a. Either 1 , 2 or 3
const value3 = random.pickRandomFromArray(a, 123, 321)

value2 === value3;


  • Pass an array and a value and get a number of values from the array.
  • You may also pass a third boolean value to dictate whether you would like duplicates. If you pass true it will pick duplicates. By default it will not pick duplicates.
  • If you choose not to allow duplicates the value passed must be less than or equal to the length of the array.
  • Can be given a seed. Calls with the same seed will have the same result.
import * as random from "@shane-butt/randomts";

const a= [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

// Will get 5 unique values from a.
const values1 = random.pickRandomNFromArray(a,5)

// Will get 5 values from a with a possibility of duplicates.
const values2 = random.pickRandomNFromArray(a,5,true)

// Will get 5 unique values from a.
const values3 = random.pickRandomNFromArray(a,5,false)

// Will throw error as value is larger than array length.
const values1 = random.pickRandomNFromArray(a,100)

// Will get 100 values from a. Will have duplicates.
const values1 = random.pickRandomNFromArray(a,100,true)


  • Pass a lower limit and upper limit to get a value in range [lower,higher).
  • Can be given a seed. Calls with the same seed will have the same result.
import * as random from "@shane-butt/randomts";

// A value either 1 , 2 or 3
const value = random.randomNumberInRange(1,4)


  • Pass a lower limit, upper limit, number of values "n" and an optional boolean value to allow duplicates.
  • Will get n values in range [lower,upper).
  • if duplicates are not allowed the value of n must be less than | upper - lower |.Thats the absolute value.
  • duplicates are not allowed by default.
  • Can be given a seed. Calls with the same seed will have the same result.
  • Returns an array of numbers
import * as random from "@shane-butt/randomts";

// Will get 10 unique values in range [-10,10).
const values1 = random.nRandomNumbersInRange(-10,10,10)

// Will get 10 values in range [-10,10). May have duplicates.
const values2 = random.nRandomNumbersInRange(-10,10,10,true)

// Will get 10 unique values in range [-10,10).
const values3 = random.nRandomNumbersInRange(-10,10,10,false)

// Will throw an error as 100 > | 10 - -10|=20
const err = random.nRandomNumbersInRange(-10,10,100)

// Will get 100 values in range [-10,10). will have duplicates.
const values4 = random.nRandomNumbersInRange(-10,10,100,true)

Use The Random Number Generators


Import To project

import {RandomWholeNumber} from "@shane-butt/randomts"


RandomWholeNumber( seed?:number, max=100, min=0 )

  • seed [ number ] A number that is used to base the random values are generated from. If undefined it will generate its own seed.
  • max [ number ] A number that makes an upper bound for number generation. All Values generated will be strictly less then max. Defaults to 100.
  • min [ number ] A number that makes a floor for number generation. All Values will be greater than or equal to min. Defaults to 0.
  • max must be greater than min. If min is grater than or equal to max an error will be thrown.
import {RandomWholeNumber} from "@shane-butt/randomts"

const rng1 = new RandomWholeNumber()

const rng2 = new RandomWholeNumber(123_456_789)

const rng3 = new RandomWholeNumber(123_456_789,30,99)

Generate values

next( offset=0 ) Will generate a value in the range of the generator's min and max values.

  • offset [ number ] A value to offset the next generated value without affecting future random generations.
import {RandomWholeNumber} from "@shane-butt/randomts"

const rng = new RandomWholeNumber()

//Random value in range [0 , 99]
const randomValue= rng.next();

nextInRange( min:number, max:number, offset=0 ) Will generate a value in the range [ min,max ]

  • min The floor for generation. Value generated will be greater than or equal to min.
  • max The upper bound for number generation. Value generated will be strictly less then max.
  • This function ignores the bound the of the generator allowing generation of different values without affecting future generations.
  • max must be greater than min. If min is grater than or equal to max an error will be thrown.
import {RandomWholeNumber} from "@shane-butt/randomts"

const rng = new RandomWholeNumber()

//Random value in range [123 , 321]
const randomValue= rng.nextInRange(123,321);

reset() Will reset the the Generator to initial state.

import {RandomWholeNumber} from "@shane-butt/randomts"

const rng = new RandomWholeNumber()

const a = rng.next()


const b = rng.next()



Import To project

import {RandomProbability} from "@shane-butt/randomts"


RandomProbability(seedA?: number, seedB?: number, precision = 2)

  • seedA [ number ] a Seed used to generate numbers.
  • seedB [ number ] a Seed used to generate numbers.
  • precision [ number ] The precision of the number. This states the number of decimal places to use. Must be greater than zero. Defaults value to 2.
import {RandomProbability} from "@shane-butt/randomts"

const rng = new RandomProbability()

const rng2 = new RandomProbability(123)

const rng3 = new RandomProbability(123, 456)

const rng4 = new RandomProbability(123, 456, 5)

Generate Values

next(offset=0) Generates a value in range [ 0 , 1 )

  • offset A number that can be given to offset this generated value. Defaults to zero if undefined
  • Returns a string representation of a number in the range [ 0 , 1 ).
  • Value will have precision number of decimal points. EX precision=2 then value=0.AB where A and B are numbers.
import {RandomProbability} from "@shane-butt/randomts"

const rng = new RandomProbability()

const a= rng.next()

typeof a === "string"

const numA = parseFloat(a)

numA >= 0
numA < 1


  • offset A number that can be given to offset this generated value. Defaults to zero if undefined.
  • Returns a number in the range of [ 0 , 1 ).
  • This is the same as calling next but calls parse float on the value automatically.
  • Value will have precision number of decimal points. EX precision=2 then value=0.AB where A and B are numbers.
  • Since this is a number the number of decimal places may be less than precision as trailing zeros are ignored.
import {RandomProbability} from "@shane-butt/randomts"

const rng = new RandomProbability()

const a = rng.nextValue(100)

typeof a === "number"

a >= 0
a < 1
a !== 1

nextPrecision(precision:number,offset=0) : string

  • precision The precision (number of decimals places) of the next generated value.
  • offset A number that can be given to offset this generated value. Defaults to zero if undefined
  • Returns a String representation of a number in range of [ 0 ,1 ). Will have a length of 2 + precision. EX 0.ABC
import {RandomProbability} from "@shane-butt/randomts"

const rng = new RandomProbability()

// a is like "0.ABCDE"
const a = rng.nextPrecision(5)

typeof a === "string"

a.length === 2+5

nextValuePrecision(precision:number,offset=0) : number

  • precision The precision (number of decimals places) of the next generated value.
  • offset A number that can be given to offset this generated value. Defaults to zero if undefined
  • Returns a number in range of [ 0 ,1 ). Will have a length less than or equal to 2 + precision. It can be less as trailing zeros will be ignored. EX 0.ABC .
import {RandomProbability} from "@shane-butt/randomts"

const rng = new RandomProbability()

// a is like 0.ABCDE
const a = rng.nextValuePrecision(5)

typeof a === "number"

//True. Can be less if trailing zeros Ex 0.12300 === 0.123.
`${a}`.length <= 2+5

Reset the generator


  • Resets the generator to initial state
import {RandomProbability} from "@shane-butt/randomts"

const rng = new RandomProbability()

const a = rng.next()


const b = rng.next()

a === b


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