
0.1.7 • Public • Published

Sempervirens Plugin: Persistence Endpoints

A set of endpoints to facilitate create, read, update, and delete operations via Express on MongoDB

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In the Code Example below are some examples of basic usage. After plugging persistenceEndpoints into the server's endpoints array and configuring it with one or more object(s) containing a modelName, the endpoints to create, delete, find, and update the model's records become available.


Create records with the request body.

POST http://localhost[:{port}]/{domain}/{api|apiBaseUrl}/{kebab-case-model-name|modelBaseUrl}/create

POST http://{domain}/{api|apiBaseUrl}/{kebab-case-model-name|modelBaseUrl}/create

Delete records with the given ID(s).

DELETE http://localhost[:{port}]/{domain}/{api|apiBaseUrl}/{kebab-case-model-name|modelBaseUrl}/delete/{id1,id2}

DELETE http://{domain}/{api|apiBaseUrl}/{kebab-case-model-name|modelBaseUrl}/delete/{id1,id2}

Find the records matching the given criteria.

GET http://localhost[:{port}]/{domain}/{api|apiBaseUrl}/{kebab-case-model-name|modelBaseUrl}/find[/{ids}[?filters=[&sort=[&page=[&perPage=[&select=[&populate]]]]]]]]

GET http://{domain}/{api|apiBaseUrl}/{kebab-case-model-name|modelBaseUrl}/find[/{ids}[?filters=[&sort=[&page=[&perPage=[&select=[&populate]]]]]]]]

Update the records matching given critiera using the request body.

PATCH http://localhost[:{port}]/{domain}/{api|apiBaseUrl}/{kebab-case-model-name|modelBaseUrl}/update[/{ids}[?filters=[&sort=[&populate]]]]]]]

PATCH http://{domain}/{api|apiBaseUrl}/{kebab-case-model-name|modelBaseUrl}/update[/{ids}[?filters=[&sort=[&populate]]]]]]]

Code Example

import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
import authorizer from '@sempervirens/authorizer';
import dao from '@sempervirens/dao';
import Server from '@sempervirens/server';
import persistenceEndpoints from '@sempervirens/plugin-persistence-endpoints';

  jwtPublicKey: readFileSync('/path/to/public.key', 'utf8'),
  jwtPrivateKey: readFileSync('/path/to/private.key', 'utf8')

  host: 'localhost',
  port: 27017,
  connectionOptions: {
    useNewUrlParser: true,
    useUnifiedTopology: true
  name: 'testdb',
  models: [
      name: 'Test1',
      schema: new mongoose.Schema({
        prop1a: { type: String },
        prop1b: { type: String }
      name: 'Test2',
      schema: new mongoose.Schema({
        prop2a: { type: String },
        prop2b: { type: String },
        test1: { type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test1' }

new Server({
  sites: [
      domain: 'site-1',
      data: { dbName: 'testdb' },
      endpoints: [
            modelName: 'Test1' // Available at /api/test-1/create, delete, find, update
            modelName: 'Test1',
            modelBasePath: 'test-1a', // Available at /api-1/test-1a/create, delete, find, update
            apiBasePath: 'api-1',
            find: { max: 100 } // Only allow 100 records per request
            modelName: 'Test2',
            modelBasePath: 'test-2',
            create: {
              // On /create, take the "_id" from the token data and add it to
              // the "test1" property of the created record
              bindWithToken: {
                tokenKey: '_id',
                recordKey: 'test1'
            find: {
              bindWithToken: {
                // On /find, return only those records where the "_id" from the
                // token data matches the "test1" property of the records
                tokenKey: '_id',
                recordKey: 'test1'



The name of the model that the endpoints operate on.


By default the modelBasePath is kebab-case modelName. The modelBasePath property enables a custom definition.


The base API path is usually /api. If the apiBasePath is specified at the site level (same level as domain, data, endpoints, etc.), then it should be specified in the persistenceEndpoints configuration as well in order for the endpoints to be available at the specified path and for API validation to work.


Specified per endpoint. max records allowed per request.

  modelName: 'Test1',
  create: { max: 100 },
  delete: { max: 5 },
  find: { max: 200 },
  update: { max: 10 }


Specified per endpoint. If present, isSecure ensures the endpoint will not process requests when a valid "Authorization": "Bearer {token}" header is not present. See @sempervirens/authorizer or @sempervirens/plugin-session-endpoints for an explanation of how to generate JWT tokens and pass them to the frontend so the frontend can add them to the request header.

  modelName: 'Test1',
  create: { isSecure: true },
  delete: { isSecure: true },
  find: { isSecure: true },
  update: { isSecure: true }


Specified per endpoint. The purpose of bindWithToken is to bind requests so that when calling the delete, find, and update endpoints, the value of the given property on the model record must match a property and value in the authroization token. This is useful for example to bind a user's ID to models so that the user can only operate on their own records.

If passed into the create configuration, rather than checking the value for validity as in the other endpoitns, it sets the value. In the following example, when /test-2/create is called, it takes the token from the header, decrypts it, gets the _id property from it, and sets the test1 property of the new Test2 record to the value from the token.

  modelName: 'Test2',
  create: {
    bindWithToken: {
      tokenKey: '_id',
      recordKey: 'test1'
  delete: {
    bindWithToken: {
      tokenKey: '_id',
      recordKey: 'test1'
  find: {
    bindWithToken: {
      tokenKey: '_id',
      recordKey: 'test1'
  update: {
    bindWithToken: {
      tokenKey: '_id',
      recordKey: 'test1'


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