npm install @selfage/cli
Written in TypeScript and compiled to ES6 with inline source map & source. See @selfage/tsconfig for full compiler options. Provides an opinionated and basic CLI for developing apps in TypeScript. See sections below for each sub-command and see commander if you are not sure about CLI syntax.
If you specified incremental: true
in your tsconfig.json, tsBuildInfoFile
will not be respected and will be overriden as <file>.tsbuildinfo
Respect merging base tsconfig via extends
$ selfage compile -h
Usage: selfage compile|cpl [options] <file>
Compile a single TypeScript source file while respecting compilerOptions in tsconfig.json. Its file ext can be neglected and is always fixed as .ts.
-c, --tsconfig-file <file> The file path to tsconfig.json. If not provided, it will try to look for it at the current working directory.
-s, --extra-files <files...> Extra files to be compiled together with and before the source file.
-h, --help display help for command
$ selfage clean -h
Usage: selfage clean [options]
Clean all ignored files by .gitignore, except node_modules/.
-h, --help display help for command
$ selfage run -h
Usage: selfage run [options] <file> [pass-through-args...]
Compile and run the specified file under Node environment. Its file ext can be neglected and is always fixed as .ts. "--" is needed in between <file> and pass through arguments.
-c, --tsconfig-file <file> The file path to tsconfig.json. If not provided, it will try to look for it at the current
working directory.
-h, --help display help for command
$ selfage runForever -h
Usage: selfage runForever|frun [options] <file> [pass-through-args...]
Run the already compiled file under Node environment while auto restart when it crashes/ends. Its file ext can be neglected and is always fixed as .js. "--" is needed in between <file> and pass through arguments.
-h, --help display help for command
It's a minimalist version that does nothing more than auto-restarting crashed/ended Node program.
On top of prettier
, add support to sort imports in a deterministic way but will not keep comments between import statements in place. Please leave comments on top of all import statements.
$ selfage format -h
Usage: selfage format|fmt [options] <file>
Format the specified file. The file type is always fixed as '.ts'.
--dry-run Print the formatted content instead of overwriting the file.
-h, --help display help for command
TBD: Detailed explanation of L10n pattern.
$ selfage lln -h
Usage: main lintL10n|lln [options] <baseDir>
Checks localization pattern compliance, such as file structure, and missing, duplicated or redundant keys.
-h, --help display help for command
Please check out the corresponding .d.ts file for function signatures for each sub-command.
-> import { compile } from "@selfage/cli/build/compiler";
-> import { clean } from "@selfage/cli/build/cleaner";
-> import { run } from "@selfage/cli/run/runner";
-> import { run } from "@selfage/cli/run/forever_runner";
-> import { format } from "@selfage/cli/formatter";
-> import { lintL10n } from "./l10n_linter";
E.g., you could import { compile } from '@selfage/cli/build/compiler';
and call await compile('some_source', 'tsconfig.json')
to compile a single file.