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2024.19.0 • Public • Published


Command-Line Interface (CLI) for SAP Datasphere.

Node Version Node Version Node Version Node Version npm version Documentation Command help pages NPM


  1. Installation
  2. Available Commands
  3. Update the CLI
  4. Versioning
  5. Authentication
    1. OAuth Interactive Usage
    2. Passcodes
  6. Usage
    1. From the command line
    2. As a Node.js module dependency
    3. Options Handling
    4. Environment Variables
  7. Help & Documentation
  8. Community & Feedback
  9. License


npm install -g @sap/datasphere-cli


yarn global add @sap/datasphere-cli

Available Commands

Find the full overview of available commands on help.sap.com. See Usage below for instructions how to use the commands in the CLI.

Update the CLI

See Installation.

In case of structural changes applied to the service document (see Initialize the CLI) with a new version of SAP Datasphere you need to update the CLI. In this case, after you executed a command, the CLI issues a warning:

$ datasphere <command>
Your local CLI installation is outdated. Run 'npm install @sap/datasphere-cli [-g]' to update


The semantic versioning of the CLI is handled according to SAP Datasphere versions and follows the same structure for major and minor versions.

$ datasphere -v

For an in-depth explanation see the blog post on blogs.sap.com.


OAuth Interactive Usage

You can create an OAuth Client for Interactive Usage and authenticate using the provided Client ID and Client Secret. After you created an OAuth Client for Interactive Usage, you can log in once and run multiple commands without the need to authenticate again for the next 720 hours.

To log in, run the login command and provide the Client ID, Client Secret, Authentication URL, and Token URL, available from your SAP Datasphere tenant (SAP Help).

$ datasphere login
✔ Please enter your client ID: … <Client ID>
✔ Please enter your client secret: … ****
✔ Please enter your authorization URL: … <Authorization URL>
✔ Please enter your token URL: … <Token URL>

To remove any data stored by running the login command, log out again:

datasphere logout

To display the locally stored secrets, run the secrets show command:

$ datasphere secrets show
  "client_id": "...",
  "client_secret": "...",
  "authorization_url": "...",
  "token_url": "...",
  "access_token": "...",
  "token_type": "...",
  "id_token": "...",
  "refresh_token": "...",
  "expires_in": ...,
  "scope": "...",
  "jti": "...",
  "expires_after": ...

If you do not want to log in and have the CLI store the secrets in the CLI cache locally, you can also provide the access_token directly on the command line:

datasphere config cache init --host <my host> --access-token <access token>

Alternatively, you can provide the access_token through a secrets.json file:

datasphere config cache init --host <my host> -secrets-file /path/to/secrets.json

The secrets.json file must at least contain a property called access_token:

// secrets.json

  "access_token": "<access token>"


Passcodes are used for authenticating commands sent from the CLI to your SAP Datasphere tenant. Passcodes can be provided explicitly using the -p, --passcode option in case the URL to retrieve a passcode is known, or implicitly using an interactive session by omitting the -p, --passcode option.

When omitting the -p, --passcode option the CLI prompts you to provide a passcode by navigating to the passcode authentication URL for your tenant. The URL is calculated based on the provided -H, --host value.

$ datasphere config cache init -H https://mytenant.eu10.hcs.cloud.sap/
✔ Do you want to retrieve a passcode from https://mytenant.authentication.eu10.hana.ondemand.com/passcode? … yes
✔ Enter your temporary authentication code: … **********

The displayed URL can be used for retrieving more passcodes by refreshing the page when sending multiple commands which can then be fed to the -p, --passcode option.

You can retrieve the URL directly by running the passcode-url command:

$ datasphere passcode-url -H https://mytenant.eu10.hcs.cloud.sap/


You can either use the CLI from the terminal or command line, or use the module as a regular dependency in your code of your Node.js project.

From the command line

Initialize the CLI

Before you can list and run commands against your SAP Datasphere tenant you need to initialize the CLI first. When initializing the CLI a service document is downloaded from your SAP Datasphere tenant which describes the commands your tenant is able to understand. To initialize the CLI run

datasphere config cache init -H https://mytenant.eu10.hcs.cloud.sap/ -p somepasscode

You can refresh the local copy of the service document by running the config cache init command again.

After you executed a command the CLI issues a warning in case the local version of the service document is outdated. In that case, run the config cache init command again.

$ datasphere <command>
Your local CLI cache is outdated. Run 'datasphere config cache init' to update

List available commands

To list available commands and required or optional options attach the -h, --help to the top-level datasphere command or any subcommand of datasphere:

$ datasphere -h
Usage: datasphere [options] [command]

Command-Line Interface for SAP Datasphere.

  -v, --version           output the current version
  -H, --host <host>       specifies the url host where the tenant is hosted where the tenant is hosted
  -h, --help              display help for command

  cache clean             clean the local CLI cache
  config cache init [options]    initialize the local CLI cache
  passcode-url [options]  print the passcode url
  help [command]          display help for command

To list commands for a tenant for which the CLI was initialized, add the -H, --host option (notice the additional command spaces):

$ datasphere -H https://mytenant.eu10.hcs.cloud.sap/ -h
Usage: datasphere [options] [command]

Command-Line Interface for SAP Datasphere.

  -v, --version           output the current version
  -H, --host <host>       specifies the url where the tenant is hosted
  -h, --help              display help for command

  cache clean             clean the local CLI cache
  config cache init [options]    initialize the local CLI cache
  spaces                  manage and orchestrate spaces
  passcode-url [options]  print the passcode url
  help [command]          display help for command

To show available subcommands for a top-level command, run eg:

$ datasphere spaces -H https://mytenant.eu10.hcs.cloud.sap/ -h
Usage: datasphere spaces [options] [command]

manage and orchestrate spaces

  -H, --host <host> specifies the url where the tenant is hosted
  -h, --help        display help for command

  create [options]  creates or updates space details based on an import file
  read [options]    fetches space details for a specified space
  delete [options]  delete an existing space
  help [command]    display help for command
$ datasphere spaces create -H https://mytenant.eu10.hcs.cloud.sap/ -h
Usage: datasphere spaces create [options]

creates or updates space details based on an import file

  -f, --filePath <filePath>  specifies the file to use as input for the command
  -V, --verbose              print detailed log information to console (optional)
  -H, --host <host>          specifies the url where the tenant is hosted
  -p, --passcode <passcode>  passcode for interactive session authentication (optional)
  -h, --help                 display help for command

The list of available commands differs based on the content of the service document you downloaded when running config cache init.

As a Node.js module dependency

Require the module as usual. You can also use it in your TypeScript project using the import syntax.

const datasphere = require("@sap/datasphere-cli");

Work with commands

The module exports a getCommands function which returns a map of available commands. Make sure to always specify the host to receive host-specific commands. Otherwise, when omitting the host information, you will only get the list of general commands like cache clean, config cache init, ...

const MY_HOST = "https://mytenant.eu10.hcs.cloud.sap/";

const commands = await datasphere.getCommands(MY_HOST);

// {
//   datasphere: [AsyncFunction],
//   'cache clean': [AsyncFunction],
//   'config cache init': [AsyncFunction],
//   'passcode-url': [AsyncFunction],
//   'cache show': [AsyncFunction]
//   'spaces create': [AsyncFunction]
//   'spaces read': [AsyncFunction]
//   'spaces delete': [AsyncFunction]
// }

You can call any available command and provide required options as follows:

const MY_HOST = "https://mytenant.eu10.hcs.cloud.sap/";

const options = {
  "--host": MY_HOST,
  "--passcode": "somepasscode",

await commands["config cache init"](options);

options is a map of available options for the respective command. You have to supply either the short flag or long name of the option, including - or -- for the short flag or long name.

When running a command which creates an entity where the CLI would print the command to retrieve the result when running the command to create the entity in the terminal, for example:

datasphere spaces create -H https://mytenant.eu10.hcs.cloud.sap/ -f ./MY_SPACE.json
Use datasphere spaces read --space-id MY_SPACE to retrieve the entity you just created

the CLI now returns the command to execute as an object:

const retrieveCommand = await commands["spaces create"]({
  "--file-path": "MY_SPACE.json",
  "--host": "https://mytenant.eu10.hcs.cloud.sap/",

// {
//   command: "spaces read",
//   options: {
//     "--space-id": "MY_SPACE"
//   },
// }

You can use the returned response to immediately issue the command to read the entity:

const retrieveCommand = await commands["spaces create"]({
  "--file-path": "MY_SPACE.json",
  "--host": "https://mytenant.eu10.hcs.cloud.sap/",

const response = await commands[retrieveCommand.command]({
  "--host": "https://mytenant.eu10.hcs.cloud.sap/",

// {
//   MY_SPACE: {
//     version: "1.0.4",
//     ...
//   }
// }

Handle errors during command execution

If the command fails, an error is thrown you can catch and process as usual:

try {
  await commands["cache show"]();
} catch (err) {
  // ops, the command failed!

Work with command results

The result of executing a command is returned from the function call.

const result = await commands["spaces read"]({
  "--space": "MYSPACE",
  "--host": "https://mytenant.eu10.hcs.cloud.sap/",
  "--passcode": "mypasscode",

// [
//   [
//     '{\n' +
//       '  "MYSPACE": {\n' +
//       '    "spaceDefinition": {\n' +
//       '      "version": "1.0.4",\n' +
// ...
//       '    }\n' +
//       '  }\n' +
//       '}'
//   ]
// ]

Provide custom logger function

Any output of a command you execute is forwarded to the logger.output function. To handle the result yourself, you can provide a custom logger.output function implementation:

let result = [];
const output = (...args) => result.push(args);
datasphere.configure({ customLogger: { output } });

await commands["spaces read"]({
  "--space": "MYSPACE",
  "--host": "https://mytenant.eu10.hcs.cloud.sap/",
  "--passcode": "mypasscode",

// [
//   [
//     '{\n' +
//       '  "MYSPACE": {\n' +
//       '    "spaceDefinition": {\n' +
//       '      "version": "1.0.4",\n' +
// ...
//       '    }\n' +
//       '  }\n' +
//       '}'
//   ]
// ]

Provide custom passcode retrieval function

You can also provide a custom passcode retrieval function which is called every time before a command is executed. The function is expected to return a promise resolving into a string, the passcode. This way you can, for example, make use of programmatic passcode retrieval as described in this blog using a headless browser and can omit the --passcode option when executing commands. The function needs to be configured only once before executing the first command.

const logger = {
  customLogger: { output: console.log },

const passcodeFunction = () => {
  // instantiate headless browser, retrieve passcode, return it

datasphere.configure(logger, passcodeFunction);

// no --passcode option required
await commands["spaces read"]({
  "--space": "MYSPACE",
  "--host": "https://mytenant.eu10.hcs.cloud.sap/",

Options Handling

No matter how you use the CLI (from the command-line or as a Node.js module dependency), you can supply values for options in different ways. To get an overview of the existing options per command, run datasphere <command> --help:

$ datasphere config cache init --help

Usage: datasphere config cache init [options]

initialize the local CLI cache

  -V, --verbose                  print detailed log information to console (optional)
  -O, --options-file <file>      path to options file (optional)
  -H, --host <host>              specifies the url where the tenant is hosted (optional)
  -p, --passcode <passcode>      passcode for interactive session authentication (optional)
  -s, --secrets-file <file>      path to secrets file (optional)
  -c, --client-id <id>           client id for interactive oauth session authentication (optional)
  -C, --client-secret <secret>   client secret for interactive oauth session authentication (optional)
  -a, --authorization-url <url>  authorization url for interactive oauth session authentication (optional)
  -t, --token-url <url>          token url for interactive oauth session authentication (optional)
  -A, --access-token <token>     access token for interactive oauth session authentication (optional)
  -r, --refresh-token <token>    refresh token for interactive oauth session authentication (optional)
  -e, --expires-in <expires>     expires in information for interactive oauth session authentication (optional)
  -h, --help                     display help for command

On the command-line

You can use the short flag or long name to supply an option value on the command-line:

datasphere config cache init --host <host>

Using environment variables

To provide an option value, the option's long name is translated to CONSTANT_CASE. For example, the option client-id can also be provided as follows:

CLIENT_ID='<my client id>' HOST='my-host' datasphere config cache init

Provide options file

You can provide a JSON file with a map of options, using the option's long names, and point the CLI to it using the On the command-line or Using environment variables way. Define the file as follows:

// options-file.json

  "host": "my-host",
  "client-id": "my client id"

Then, supply it to the CLI:

datasphere config cache init --options-file /path/to/options-file.json

Environment Variables

The CLI supports the following environment variables. You can set the environment variables when calling the CLI according to your local environment.


See support.apple.com.

<env>=<value> datasphere <command>


LOG_LEVEL=6 datasphere login

Windows (Powershell)

See learn.microsoft.com.

datasphere <command>


datasphere login

On Windows (CMD)

See learn.microsoft.com.

set <env>=<value>
datasphere <command>


datasphere login

In addition, the CLI supports the dotenv module, allowing you to place a .env file in the CLI working directory.


Defines the port the CLI starts the HTTP server at when logging in when using OAuth clients for authentication.

Type Required Default
number no 8080


Sets the log level when running commands.

Type Required Default Allowed Values
number no 1 1 (Inactive), 2 (Error), 3 (Warning), 4 (Info), 5 (Debug), 6 (Trace)

Help Documentation

Find the full documentation on help.sap.com, check out the blog post on blogs.sap.com or use option -h, --help:

datasphere <command> -h

Issues experienced with the CLI can be reported in the SAP Support Launchpad using component DS-API-CLI. When creating an incident, please attach a full trace log by enabling the LOG_LEVEL environment variable before running the command (log level is 6 (trace)).

Community & Feedback

SAP Community provides a forum where you can ask and answer questions, and comment and vote on the questions of others and their answers.

See SAP Datasphere community for more details and use the tag datasphere-cli for questions concerning the CLI.


This package is provided under the terms of the SAP Freeware License Agreement.

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