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0.5.0 • Public • Published


version: 0.5.0 | tag: v0.5.0 | commit: b0cd8928f


async contains several simple utilities for concurrent or async programming in JavaScript and TypeScript. Several of the utilities use the context pattern implemented in @sabl/context to implement automatic async cancellation. The features in this package are useful both in test and production scenarios. Additional utilities in @sabl/async-test are useful in testing concurrent programs.



function promise<T>(): CallbackPromise<T>;

interface CallbackPromise<T> extends Promise<T> {
  resolve(value: T | PromiseLike<T>): void;
  reject(reason: unknown): void;

promise returns an actual Promise which also exposes its own resolve and reject callbacks. This is very helpful for bridging or wrapping event- and callback-based programs to expose APIs as simple Promises that can be awaited. In particular, it allows queued requests to be resolved as promises.

Example: an async queue.

class AsyncQueue<T> {
  readonly #itemQueue: T[] = [];
  readonly #reqQueue: CallbackPromise<T>[] = [];

  // Await the next value available in the queue
  get(): Promise<T> {
    if(this.#itemQueue.length > 0) {
      return Promise.resolve(this.#itemQueue.shift());

    const p = promise<T>();
    return p;

  // Put an item in the queue
  put(item: T): void {
    if(this.#reqQueue.length > 0) {

Cancelable promise

function promise<T>(ctx: IContext): CallbackPromise<T>; 

promise also supports an overload which accepts a context. If the context is cancelable, and the context is canceled before the promise is resolved, then the promise is automatically rejected with a cancellation error.

The helper function CanceledError.is from @sabl/context checks a rejection reason or error value to detect if the error represents an automatic cancellation.

Example revisited: Async queue with cancelable get:

class AsyncQueue<T> {
  readonly #itemQueue: T[] = [];
  readonly #reqQueue: CallbackPromise<T>[] = [];

  // Await the next value available in the queue
  get(ctx?: IContext): Promise<T> {
    if(this.#itemQueue.length > 0) {
      return Promise.resolve(this.#itemQueue.shift());

    const p = promise<T>(ctx);

    const wrapped = p.catch((reason) => {
      if(CanceledError.is(reason)) {
        // Request was canceled. Remove from queue
      throw reason;

    return wrapped;

  // Put an item in the queue
  put(item: T): void {
    if(this.#reqQueue.length > 0) {


limit<T>(promise: Promise<T>, ms: number): Promise<T>
limit<T>(promise: Promise<T>, deadline: Date): Promise<T>
limit<T>(promise: Promise<T>, ctx: IContext): Promise<T>

limit awaits an input promise, but rejects it automatically if it has not completed by a timeout determined by any of the following:

  • A relative timeout in milliseconds
  • An absolute Date deadline
  • A cancelable context

If ms is exactly 0, limit will resolve only if promise itself is already resolved. If ms is negative or deadline is passed, limit will reject even if promise is already resolved.


collect<T>(stream: AsyncIterable<T>): Promise<T[]>

collect accepts an async iterator and returns a Promise that resolves the complete collection when iteration is complete.

// Given an async iterator
async function* asyncSequence(n, delay): AsyncIterable<number> {
  for(let i = 1; i <= n; n++) {
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
    yield i;

// We can await the full result set:
const result = await collect(asyncSequence(6, 500));
console.log(result) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]


stream<T>(...items: T[]): AsyncIterable<T>
stream<T>(items: Iterable<T>): AsyncIterable<T> 

The stream method takes a param array of items and returns it as an async iterable, async yielding each item in sequence.

// From a param array
for await (let n of stream(1, 2, 3, 4)) {

// From a single array
for await (let n of stream([1, 2, 3, 4])) {

// From a custom iterable
const iter =  {
  *[Symbol.iterator]() {
    for (let i = 1; i <= 4; i++) yield i;
for await (let n of stream(iter)) {


function createPool<T>(
  factory: AsyncFactory<T>,
  options?: PoolOptions
): AsyncPool<T>

interface AsyncPool<T> {
  get(ctx?: IContext): Promise<T>;
  release(item: T): void;
  close(fn?: (item: T) => void): Promise<void>;

  setOptions(options: PoolOptions): void;
  stats(): PoolStats;

  on (type: 'error', fn: (action: FactoryEvent, err: unknown) => void): void;
  off(type: 'error', fn: (action: FactoryEvent, err: unknown) => void): void;

interface AsyncFactory<T> { 
  create (): Promise<T>; 
  destroy(item: T): Promise<void>; 
  reset? (item: T): boolean;

type FactoryEvent = 'create' | 'destroy' | 'reset';

AsyncPool is a concurrent-safe, asynchronous pool of items. The details of the queueing algorithms are inspired by the implementation of the DB type in the golang database/sql package.

createPool is used to create a new pool by providing any implementation of an AsyncFactory for a given type.

Client code should also register an event handler for the returned pool's error event (see handling errors).


get requests an item from the pool. It returns a promise that will be resolved when an item becomes available. If a context is provided to get, than get will reject if the context is canceled before an item becomes available. get will also reject if the pool is closed before an item becomes available.


release returns item to the pool. Clients must release each item back to the pool when they are done using the item.


close rejects any outstanding requests, destroys any pooled items, and causes the pool to immediately reject and future requests. Items that have already been obtained from the pool are not affected, but the caller may provide a callback to close which will be invoked on any active items.

The promise returned by close will not resolve until all items have been released back to the pool, and all items have been destroyed.

FIFO Queue, LIFO Pool

The queue of requests created by calling get are first-in-first-out (FIFO): requests will be resolved in the order they were created.

The pool of idled items is intentionally last-in-first-out (LIFO). This allows excess pool items to age out and be destroyed.


interface AsyncFactory<T> { 
  create (): Promise<T>; 
  destroy(item: T): Promise<void>; 
  reset? (item: T): boolean;

As noted above, client code must provide in implementation of AsyncFactory.

Method Description
create Asynchronously creates a new item
destroy Asynchronously destroys an item
reset Optional. Synchronously checks and/or resets the state of an item for reuse, and returns true if the item can be reused.

If reset is implemented, then, for an item to be reused reset must return true. If reset returns false or encounters an error, the item will be discarded and destroyed.

Factory Errors

Any errors encountered while invoking factory methods will be caught and then emitted by the pool itself with the error event.


interface PoolOptions { 
  maxLifetime?: number;       // default -1 (unlimited)
  maxIdleTime?: number;       // default -1 (unlimited)
  maxOpenCount?: number;      // default -1 (unlimited)
  maxIdleCount?: number;      // default -1 (unlimited)
  parallelCreate?: boolean;   // default true
  maxCreateFailures?: number; // default 10

The behavior of the pool can be controlled or even updated live using a PoolOptions-shaped object literal. For the four numeric options, any negative value means unlimited. A value of 0 is prohibited for maxLifetime, maxIdleTime, and maxOpenCount, but is allowed for maxIdleCount.

// When creating
const pool = createPool<number[]>({
  async create()   { return [ Math.random() ]; },
  async destroy(n) { console.log(`Destroyed numbers ${n}`)  }
}, { maxLifetime: 600_000 /* 10 minutes */ });

// Updating
pool.setOptions({ parallelCreate: false });

The options and their effect are described here:

Option Description On Update
maxLifetime The maximum lifetime in milliseconds for any item. Expired items are destroyed when they are released back to the pool. Any pooled items are swept to detect if they are expired relative to the updated maxLifetime
maxIdleTime The maximum time in milliseconds that an item may remain in the pool before it is destroyed. Any pooled items are swept to detect if they are expired relative to the updated maxIdleTime
maxOpenCount The maximum number of items that will be alive at the same time, thus the maximum number of items that can be borrowed from the pool at the same time. Pooled items are destroyed if they represent extra items relative to the updated maxOpenCount.
maxIdleCount The maximum number of items that will be retained in the pool. Pooled items in excess of the updated maxIdleCount are destroyed.
parallelCreate Whether the pool will create multiple items concurrently. Default is true. If explicitly set to false, the pool will await each call to the factory's create method before invoking it again. No immediate action
maxCreateFailures The maximum number of consecutive failures when invoking the factory create method before the pool is automatically closed. A negative value allows unlimited consecutive failures. Pool will close if the current count of successive failures is greater than or equal to the new non-negative value of maxCreateFailures.


Current statistics about the pool can be obtained by calling stats(). This will capture the counts at the time of the call.

interface PoolStats {
  // Settings

  /** The maximum count of items, both in use and idle */
  readonly maxOpenCount: number;

  /** The maximum lifetime in milliseconds for an item */
  readonly maxLifetime: number;

  /** The maximum time in milliseconds for an item to remain  */
  readonly maxIdleTime: number;

  /** The maximum count of items kept idle */
  readonly maxIdleCount: number;

  /** The maximum count of allowed consecutive failures to create a new item */
  readonly maxCreateFailures: number;

  // Item counts

  /** Current number of items, both in use and idle */
  readonly count: number;

  /** Current number of items currently in use */
  readonly inUseCount: number;

  /** Current number of items currently idle */
  readonly idleCount: number;

  // Session stats

  /** Current number of requests currently waiting for an item */
  readonly waitCount: number;

  /** Current number of consecutive failures to create a new item */
  readonly createFailureCount: number;

   * Total time in milliseconds that all requests have waited
   * for items, for the entire lifetime of the pool. Does not
   * include items that are still waiting
  readonly waitDuration: number;

  /** The total number of items destroyed due to maxIdleCount */
  readonly maxIdleClosed: number;

  /** The total number of items destroyed due to maxIdleTime */
  readonly maxIdleTimeClosed: number;

  /** The total number of items destroyed due to maxLifetime */
  readonly maxLifetimeClosed: number;

Handling errors

Errors can occur when the pool invokes the provided factory's create, destroy, or reset methods. Any errors encountered will be emitted by raising an error event. Clients should subscribe to this event to ensure errors are not left unhandled.

const badPool = createPool<string>({
  create()   { throw new Error('Error creating') },
  destroy(s) { throw new Error('Error destroying!') }

badPool.on('error', (action, err) => {
  console.log(`Pool error for ${action} action: ${err}`);

Behavior on error

In all cases, errors thrown by calls to the factory's create, destroy, or reset methods will be caught and emitted with in error event. In addition, the pool implements the following behaviors:

  • create

    If an attempt to create an item throws an error, the pool will retry. However, if 10 consecutive calls to the factory's create method throw an error, the pool will terminated all outstanding requests and close.

  • reset

    If an attempt to reset an item throws an error, the pool will discard (destroy) the item even if it would have been pooled otherwise.

  • destroy

    The item is discarded anyway. Implementations of destroy that could throw an error without releasing underlying resources can therefor cause memory leaks. It is the implementer's responsibility to ensure resources are released even if destroy throws an error.


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