TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.3 • Public • Published

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Tool designed to make tokenizing strings with regexes fast and easy


Just npm i @rustworkshop/lexer and you are good to go!


Import package

You can import this package either through require or ES6 imports:

import * as lexer from '@rustworkshop/lexer'
// or
const lexer = require('@rustworkshop/lexer')

Basic tokenization

Main function of this package is tokenize<T>, which accepts 1..3 arguments and returns either Promise<Token<T>> or void (depends on if the callback is present)

This function is also exported as default, so import tokenize from '@rustworkshop/lexer' will allow to use it as well

import tokenize from '@rustworkshop/lexer'

tokenize("Hello world!").then(tokens => console.log(tokens))
// output
  Token { type: 'WORD', value: 'Hello', start: 0, end: 4 },
  Token { type: 'WHITESPACE', value: ' ', start: 5, end: 5 },
  Token { type: 'WORD', value: 'world', start: 6, end: 10 },
  Token { type: 'GENERIC', value: '!', start: 11, end: 11 }

Creating own tokenization rules

Tokenization rule is an object that follows the exported interface ITokenRule:

interface ITokenRule<TName> {
    name: TName;
    rule: string | RegExp;

String is compared to every rule in passed settings, producing tokens on every execution

Note that even if the string is passed as rule field in these objects, the regex is created afterwards => (?<name>rule), so the rule field as a string must not contain slashes (/) at the start/end.

Passing own tokenization settings

Tokenization settings must be an object (represented by ITokenizeSettings exported interface) which contains two fields: ruleset - an array of ITokenRule objects, and flags - string of regex engine flags

interface ITokenizeSettings<T> {
    ruleset: Array<ITokenRule<T>>;
    flags: string;

By creating your own settings you can use custom type as name of token to have autocompletion while checking it (if your editor supports TypeScript autocompletion ofc)

Compile for different ECMAScript version

By default this package is compiled for ECMA2017 target version, and source code is not provided with NPM package. However - if you want to raise or downgrade version (must be >= ES5 because of getters usage, which are not supported by ES3 compilation target in TS), you would want to:

  1. Clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/2chevskii/lexer.git
  2. Change the target version in tsconfig.json (or use -t <version> compilation flag while running tsc command)
  3. Compile: npm run build (if you have skipped step 2 - run tsc -p tsconfig.json -t <version>)
  4. Test: npm test
  5. Use the package (either from the folder directly or by running npm pack and using generated tarball)



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  • 2chevskii