
1.1.0 • Public • Published


RNS Suite

Get the RNS smart contract suite running on your local environment.


Install the RNS suite in your project

npm i --save-dev @rsksmart/rns-suite

Deploy the suite running

const RNSSuite = require('@rsksmart/rns-suite');
RNSSuite('http://localhost:8545', ['alice', 'bob', 'charlie'], ['david', 'eve', 'frank'], ['grace', 'heidi', 'ivan'])
  1. The first array of names are for .rsk domains to be registered with the current method.
  2. The second array of names are for .rsk domains to be registered with the legacy auction method.
  3. The third array of names are for .rsk domains to be registered with the current method and also setting an address to it.

Run from Truffle migrations

const Migrations = artifacts.require("Migrations");
const RNSSuite = require('@rsksmart/rns-suite');

module.exports = function(deployer) {
  return deployer.deploy(Migrations).then(() =>
    RNSSuite(web3.currentProvider, [['alice', 'bob', 'charlie'], ['david', 'eve', 'frank'], ['grace', 'heidi', 'ivan'])

Run locally

You can run the suite as a Truffle project

git clone https://github.com/rnsdomains/rns-suite
cd rns-suite
npm install

npx truffle develop # starts truffle development blockchain
truffle(develop)> migrate # migrates in development

npx truffle migrate # migrates to :8545 by default

Create your custom truffle-config.js file to connect to other networks.

  • ganache-cli default port accessible via --network ganache

This is enables you to operate with the service via command line. For example, you can get/set an address via:

truffle(develop)> PublicResolver.at('LOGGED PUBLIC RESOLVER ADDRESS').then(p => p.addr(require('eth-ens-namehash').hash('grace.rsk')))
truffle(develop)> PublicResolver.at('LOGGED PUBLIC RESOLVER ADDRESS').then(p => p.setAddr(require('eth-ens-namehash').hash('grace.rsk'), '0x3e7764DF9B1E5E8bdE4fF2d5E59A46eECAE2A04c'))
  tx: '0xe7316c16cc1b44f0f16ce6055d8a61f3110945ca86990cffcd1b29688e2478f8',


If you have problems registering domains with the auction ensure you can execute evm_increaseTime and evm_mine RPC methods in your node.


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    • icalisalvo-iovlabs
    • jessgusclark