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A Tree component with material-ui to use with @rqsts/react-app.



npm install --save @rqsts/react-tree-ui-materialui @rqsts/react-tree-language-english
# or
yarn add @rqsts/react-tree-ui-materialui @rqsts/react-tree-language-english


With a categories ressource having this structure where a category may have a parent category referenced by the parent_id field:

    { "id": 1, "name": "Clothing" },
    { "id": 2, "name": "Men", "parent_id": 1 },
    { "id": 3, "name": "Suits", "parent_id": 2 },
    { "id": 4, "name": "Slacks", "parent_id": 3 },
    { "id": 5, "name": "Jackets", "parent_id": 3 },
    { "id": 6, "name": "Women", "parent_id": 1 },
    { "id": 7, "name": "Dresses", "parent_id": 6 },
    { "id": 8, "name": "Evening Gowns", "parent_id": 7 },
    { "id": 9, "name": "Sun Dresses", "parent_id": 7 },
    { "id": 10, "name": "Skirts", "parent_id": 6 },
    { "id": 11, "name": "Blouses", "parent_id": 6 }

First, you need to register the tree reducer and the translations:

// in App.js
import React from 'react';
import { Admin, Resource, mergeTranslations } from '@rqsts/react-app';
import { reducer as tree } from '@rqsts/react-tree-ui-materialui';
import englishMessages from '@rqsts/react-language-english';
import treeEnglishMessages from '@rqsts/react-tree-language-english';

import dataProvider from './dataProvider';
import posts from './posts';
import tags from './tags';

const messages = {
    'en': mergeTranslations(englishMessages, treeEnglishMessages),

const App = () => (
        customReducers={{ tree }}
        <Resource name="posts" {...posts} />
        <Resource name="tags" {...tags} />

You can then use the tree components:

// in src/category/list.js
import React from 'react';
import {
} from '@rqsts/react-app';
import { Tree, NodeView, NodeActions } from '@rqsts/react-tree-ui-materialui';

const CategoriesActions = props => (
    <NodeActions {...props}>
        <EditButton />
        <DeleteButton />

export const CategoriesList = (props) => (
    <List {...props} perPage={10000}>
            <NodeView actions={<CategoriesActions />}>
                <TextField source="name" />

@rqsts/react-app will fetch the data and the Tree component will build a tree from it. Note that every category which do not have a parent will be considered a root node. Note that we specified a very high perPage prop on the List component. Indeed, the Tree component needs the entire tree to work so you'll have to make sure your API returns all the required items.


Requires react-dnd to be installed. See Dependencies.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from '@rqsts/react-app';
import { IgnoreFormProps, Tree, NodeForm, NodeActions } from '@rqsts/react-tree-ui-materialui';

const CategoriesActions = props => (
    <NodeActions {...props}>
        <SaveButton />
        <IgnoreFormProps> {/* This is important to not get warnings about unknown props with those buttons */}
            <EditButton />
            <DeleteButton />

const CategoriesList = () => (
    <List {...this.props}>
            <NodeForm actions={<CategoriesActions />}>
                <TextInput source="name" /> {/* Quick name edition */}

Enabling Drag & Drop

You can enable drag & drop by adding the following props:

  • enableDragAndDrop: Enable drag & drop. This will show drag handles on every nodes
  • allowDropOnRoot: Setting this prop to true will add a root drop zone at the top of the list. Dropping node on it will set their parent to null
  • dragPreviewComponent: Customize the preview of the currently dragged node by passing your own component. You can leverage the existing DragPreview component and adjusts its content. See DragPreview
  • undoableDragDrop: Enable optimistic updates from drag & drop operations. Defaults to true
// in src/category/list.js
import React from 'react';
import {
} from '@rqsts/react-app';
import { Tree } from '@rqsts/react-tree-ui-materialui';

export const CategoriesList = (props) => (
    <List {...props}>
        <Tree allowDropOnRoot enableDragAndDrop>
                <TextField source="name" />


The Tree component accepts the following props:

  • enableDragAndDrop: Enable drag & drop. This will show drag handles on every node
  • allowDropOnRoot: Setting this prop to true will add a root drop zone at the top of the list. Dropping nodes on it will set their parent to null
  • dragPreviewComponent: Customize the preview of the currently dragged node by passing your own component. You can leverage the existing DragPreview component and adjusts its content. See DragPreview
  • getTreeFromArray: The function used to build the tree from the fetched data. By default, uses a function based on performant-array-to-tree
  • getTreeState: A function which must return the tree state root from the redux state in case you mounted it on a different key than tree. It will be called with a single state argument which is the redux state.
  • children: A function which will be called with a single object argument having the following props
    • tree: an array of the root nodes. Each node have the following properties:
      • children: an array of its child nodes
      • depth: a number indicating its depth in the hierarchy
      • record: the node's original data
    • any additional props received by the TreeController component
  • parentSource: The field used as the parent identifier for each node. Defaults to parent_id

The NodeView component accepts the following props:

  • actions: A component displaying actions for each node

The NodeForm component accepts the following props:

  • actions: A component displaying actions for each node
  • submitOnEnter: Enable or disable the automated form submission on enter
  • undoable: Enable or disable optimistic updates when editing a node. Defaults to true

By default, the DragPreview component will display the node identifier and, if it has children, the number of its children.

Instead of making a full custom preview component, you can use the DragPreview and pass it a child, either a react element or a function. The function will be called with the current node and the translate function.

import React from 'react';
import { List, TextField } from '@rqsts/react-app';
import { DragPreview, Tree } from '@rqsts/react-tree-ui-materialui';

const TagDragPreview = props => (
    <DragPreview {...props}>
        {({ node }) => node.record.name}

const TagList = props => (
    <List {...props} perPage={1000}>
                <TextField source="name" />

export default TagList;


  • Support async fetch of nodes
  • TreeSelectInput to select a value inside the hierarchical data (with autocomplete showing the matched nodes)
  • TreeInput to edit a field containing hierarchical data as json
  • TreeNodeField to show a node and its hierarchie. It should recursively fetch the parents by default, allow a custom function to be supplied to fetch them in one call (fetchHierarchy) and fallback to a simple depth display (--|--|--[NODE_LABEL]) if a depthSource is supplied.
  • Support nested set hierarchical data


This library is licensed under the MIT License, and sponsored by marmelab.


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    • felipewom